Chapter 285
After the arrow was thrown back by Wang Shuang, it hit the head of the undead player who was shooting the arrow. The player lost half of his life and blood immediately, and looked at Wang Shuang in astonishment: "Damn it..."

"This is the skill of the elves!" Some players raised their arms and shouted: "There are so many of us, if one of us shoots one arrow, Wang Shuang will definitely be killed on the spot!"

"It's about pressing all the melee fighters up, and starting to shoot from a long range. Even if Wang Shuang holds it again, can he still withstand the siege of so many of us at the same time?"

Just a second after the voice fell, Wang Shuang saw the rain of arrows being thrown into the sky and falling one after another. At the same time, a group of melee players around him also pressed up frantically, and it was almost impossible to move him.

Looking at his own injury data, even Wang Shuang himself couldn't help laughing.






One difference between Star Wish and those previous games is that the physical attack in Star Wish cannot cause damage if it is lower than the target's physical defense after deducting the defense conversion.In previous online games, in order to balance the attributes of powerful players, there was a function of "forced blood deduction". No matter how low the attack power is, as long as you hit the target, you can cause at least 1 point of damage!
At that time, even if the attributes of the various masters were far outstripped by the average players, they could not survive the attack of a group of low-level players.Star Wish does not have such a setting, making many crowd tactics are just empty charts.

That's right, what's the use of focusing on these heresies when there are charts?If you don't improve your own strength, don't do tasks to increase your level and attack and defense, do you want to beat the master in terms of numbers and settings?Go dreaming.

What, you say fair?All of you are a group of players besieging one person together. Physical attacks can't even break through other people's defenses. There is no setting to force blood deductions. Blame the system?

Although Wang Shuang is not an expert in operation, at least the entire character attribute is already the most powerful existence in Star Wish.Now being besieged by undead players, fortunately, the sub-professional explorer talent that Wang Shuang obtained before gave him a lot of full attributes. Even if Wang Shuang is not as good as the boss now, he is still very powerful.

Not only physical attacks, even magic attacks are rarely able to break through Wang Shuang's magic defense.After enduring a round of bombardment with skills and normal attacks, the others saw that Wang Shuang's health bar had only dropped by a quarter, and they were all so surprised that their eyeballs would pop out.

"What's going on here, let's hang it up!" a player said.

"Why does the skill I use on him cause only 0 damage, my skill is equivalent to 120??? The attack bonus is 800 points of base damage, so it can't break his defense?"

"It's stupid, how do you play it? With so many of us playing together, we can't beat him. Can this game really be played?"


Wang Shuang looked at the unbelievable eyes of the people around him, and listened to their complaints. Not to mention how enjoyable it was, the bad mood of being teased by NPCs and players disappeared all of a sudden.Wang Shuang laughed, grabbed two cans of blood-generating agent from his backpack, and drank them with his head raised.Now Wang Shuang's total blood is nearly 4, and the two cans of blood-generating medicine have made up for one-tenth of Wang Shuang's lost blood.

After Wang Shuang drank the potion, he waved to the others: "Okay, okay, I feel very sorry for being so enthusiastic! But now it's time for dinner, and I want to go offline to eat, so I won't talk to you guys." I've played it."

Some undead players shouted: "Damn it, leave the plan, bastard! You have two copies, leave us one, otherwise how can we communicate?"

Wang Shuang ignored him, waved his hand, and used the skill Black and White Storm again in full view.This time, Wang Shuang's area-of-area skill turned all the players who hadn't had time to recharge their blood into a white light in seconds, and then suddenly many players turned into white light and fell to their knees on the ground. With a large amount of equipment, he quickly ran out of the crowd with his high speed.

It's still early, go back and give all three proposals to Tilix before going to dinner, it's too late!
It took Wang Shuang more than 20 minutes to return to the Jianshou checkpoint.At this time, the fighting situation in the sword hunting level was very hot. Many soldiers of the human race blocked the army of the undead in front of the level and used their flesh and blood as a cover for the city wall.On the city wall, more than 2000 elf soldiers are struggling to set up their bows and shoot arrows. The movements are smooth and neat.

Wang Shuang returned to the Jianshou checkpoint, and soon a skeleton soldier discovered this strange number among the soldiers of the undead army, and swung the white bone sword in his hand to kill Wang Shuang.

Seeing that he was surrounded again in the blink of an eye, Wang Shuang was about to raise his hand to summon followers, but then he thought, who cares, anyway, even if I die, I don’t lose anything, at worst, I have to run for a while. Anyway, my resurrection point is at The camp behind the sword hunting level!

"Adventurer, come here." Just when Wang Shuang was thinking this way, someone suddenly shouted in front of him. At this time, Wang Shuang raised his head and saw that the person calling him in front of him was the commander of the human race in this battle. , Li Yongzhi!

Wang Shuan seemed to be swimming in a swamp, trying to get to Li Yongzhi's side, but he couldn't move his feet.The skeleton soldiers next to him are like clusters of sharp knives, constantly turning and cutting the blood of Wang Shuang's character.Wang Shuang poured down several bottles of blood-generating potions in a row, barely pulling up the blood, and at the same time drew out the dagger, quickly chopped down the skeleton soldiers one by one and moved forward slowly.

It's almost here, Wang Shuang gritted his teeth, and handed over all the skills on his body, and opened all the skills he could!Black and white storm, shadow raid!Wang Shuang was almost about to see the subtle and elusive wrinkles on Li Yongzhi's face.He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to pull Wang Shuang out of the army of the undead.Just as Wang Shuang handed over his hand, he found that the other party's face suddenly changed at this time, his lips turned pale and his face turned purple, and then he frowned, his eyes were a little stern.

Wang Shuang turned his head and saw a very tall NPC with strange appearance standing behind him.The name on the opponent's head was blood-red, and the border displayed next to the name was flowing like red-golden blood, and "Zeratul Prekis" was written in large characters inside.Wang Shuang looked at him for a while, and suddenly thought why the other party gave him a special feeling.

The fundamental reason why this guy is out of place with his surroundings is that he is not a skeleton soldier, or in other words, does not have the appearance of a skeleton.

Boss?When this idea came up, combined with Li Yongzhi's performance just now, Wang Shuang suddenly realized the meaning of the golden luster on the border of the ID on this guy's head - this is a BOSS above level 80, an ordinary monster or NPC. At the second level, the border displayed outside the name is silver-white, which is equivalent to the player after the second job change.And he's golden, which means...

"Are you one of the ten death lords who fought against the undead?" Wang Shuang thought in his heart, and said it naturally.

"Good eyesight." Although Zeratul has a normal face, he is so thin that even the skin on his face is covered with bones. There are no eyeballs in those dark eye sockets, but a pair of red ones, constantly The dancing flame: "But you are going to die soon, be honored that you can die by my hands."

As Zeratul said, a creeping long sword of purple light slowly condensed in his hand, and the purple light condensed like a flock of crows, turning into a pitch-black long sword that devoured the light.Zeratul stared at Wang Shuang, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, as if a hunter had controlled a wild beast and was about to kill it.He suddenly raised the long sword in his hand high into the air, and the bright sun in the sky was even covered by the dark long sword at this moment!

"For the rise and fall of Arilim!" Zeratul roared suddenly, and the long sword fell towards Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang subconsciously raised the dagger in his hand to block it. Unfortunately, at this time, Wang Shuang was not in the state of triggering when his talent came to work. The moment the pitch-black long sword struck, it seemed to directly penetrate the dagger in Wang Shuang's hand and fall directly. On his hands, then continue down, slowly along Wang Shuang's arm, cut his shoulders and chest.

Wang Shuang saw a lot of blood spurting out from his body, and at the same time, the blood on his head was soaring. Wang Shuang suddenly felt very weak.He was a little surprised, and when he looked up, his blood was already empty.Just such a sword?Wang Shuang fell down in disbelief. Before he died, what he saw was 80% left on Li Yongzhi's head? ? ?The blood, and the scene where Li Yongzhi was soaring with holy light, at least ten priests were pulling his blood.Afterwards, Wang Shuang turned into a white light and returned to the campfire at the rear to be reborn.

"Damn it, I'm dead!" Wang Shuang hammered the ground with some resentment, and it took only one stroke to... Ma Dan, it seems that in the later stage, it really is a job change to start a new life.Thinking about it, brother now instantly kills those players who have not changed their profession without blinking.

Fortunately, Wang Shuang wore a Nick Medal on his body, and this time without the help of talent, Wang Shuang actually triggered the humble 20? ? ? , revive at camp without loss.

Wang Shuang had just been revived, and before he set off to the Jianshou level to hand in the task, his friend list suddenly popped up.Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and opened the friend list. The person looking for him this time is... Ji Cai Liuge?
Damn it, it's Ji Ge!Wang Shuang clicked on the dialog box and saw Ji Ge's short message: "What happened, why don't you go offline to eat? The food is going to be cold."

"Immediately, I have a task just now, and I can eat it when I finish it, and it will be done in about an hour." Wang Shuang glanced at the time, it was almost one o'clock, and couldn't help sighing.Sure enough, the two hours stipulated in the task are tight. After my brother was resurrected and ran to the Jianshou level, it was almost an hour. Maybe it just happened to be stuck in time to complete the task.

Just when Wang Shuang was about to leave the camp and rush to the Jianshou checkpoint, a familiar glowing formation at the entrance of the camp, and several mages busy beside the formation caught Wang Shuang's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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