It's time to play online

Chapter 309 The Powerful Li Muxuan

Chapter 309 The Powerful Li Muxuan
After Wang Shuang entered the Waves City, he had the previous experience. Before entering the city, Wang Shuang sent all his followers into the Star Wishing Space, and then swaggered in.Soon Wang Shuang found the location of the Church of Angels based on his memories of the last time he came to the Waves City.

Same as last time, this time it was the luxuriously dressed old lady who came out to greet him with a warm face.When Wang Shuang walked into the church and arrived at the Holy Court, he explained to the other party in detail the purpose of his visit this time.

"Should I still recharge this time..." Sure enough, after Wang Shuang took out the amulet with dim runes from his chest, the eyelids of the head of the church twitched vigorously: "Adventurer, Tyrex or General Li didn't talk to you. As I said, we are here..."

"I know, they said it." After Wang Shuang finished speaking, just about to say something, the old woman bowed slightly to him: "In this case, you must know that there are some things you can't do, please go back."

With a flash of light, Wang Shuang appeared directly at the entrance of the Angel Church.

Damn, what's going on here, you're sending brother out forcibly if you don't agree with each other?Wang Shuang immediately felt a pain in the ass, didn't he play like this?At any rate, listen to my brother to explain a few words.

"Master President, this, let me finish talking, okay?" Wang Shuang was about to rush in when he was stopped by two soldiers at the door: "Adventurer, the president has been very busy recently. If there is nothing important, Please don't disturb the president at will."

I'll wipe it, so I'll just issue an order to evict my brother?Wang Shuang couldn't help being dumbfounded. If you don't bring such a thing, why did you have such a good attitude when I came last time?

Could it be that this time is different from last time?Wang Shuang recalled it carefully, and suddenly remembered that he did not accept the task this time!Is it because of this?That's right, if brother didn't accept the mission, the Black Feather Legion probably wouldn't be able to get in!Fuck, Tyrex, you are a bad guy.

Looking at the amethyst ring on his hand, Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel pain in his egg.Before setting off, Tilix also explained to Wang Shuang that the ring was very valuable, and if Wang Shuang returned without success like this, Tilix would definitely not give Wang Shuang a third chance to teleport!
so what should I do now?Are you going to sneak in?This can't be done, even if my brother lurked in the dark and sneaked in, if those low-level guards found out, he would still be swept out.Speaking of which, is there any condition that must be fulfilled in order for her to listen to what my brother has to say?
Suddenly, Wang Shuang thought of the magical setting of reputation.If I have a certain prestige in the Waves City, she should be able to let me have a try!
But I don’t have time to do any missions. It takes time to do the missions if I want to gain reputation. When I finish the missions and go back, the battle is probably over. The Sword Hunting level does not have the powerful attributes of my brother at the front, I’m afraid it will be It was directly captured by undead NPCs and players, causing the mission to fail. That brother is still playing with a fart amulet.

Just when Wang Shuang was very irritable, a team of NPCs walked towards him, and it seemed that they were going to pass by the door of the church.Wang Shuang glanced at the other party inadvertently, and was taken aback suddenly. He seemed to have seen this guy somewhere before.

"Adventurer, it's you again!" Just as Wang Shuang was confused, the team suddenly stopped, and the leader took a step forward, looking at Wang Shuang and said.

"Me?" Wang Shuang looked at the stranger's face, and couldn't help but asked in confusion, "Have I seen you?"

"We met last time in court," said the captain of the guard.

"Oh, I remembered." Wang Shuang nodded. Last time they seemed to be criticizing and educating a human thief NPC. At that time, Wang Shuang happened to be stuck with a bug and was locked up in court.This time I saw the soldier captain again, and found that they were still escorting an NPC this time...

Fuck, isn't this the guy from last time?The guy who once brought his brother to make a fuss about the elf bank and let him escape through the secret passage in the elf vault also gave the Gornik Medal.And seeing his embarrassed appearance now, Wang Shuang was speechless again: "Could it be that...he was arrested again?"

"Yes." The captain of the guard turned back and patted Zhao Wencheng on the shoulder, and snorted softly: "This guy will not change his mind, and rushed to the residence of the elves to make a big fuss. It's very big. But you don't expect to be criticized and educated again. At least you will have to reflect on yourself in prison for half a month."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Wencheng hurriedly said, "Half a month? I don't..."

"Shut up, this is the decision of the superiors, and I didn't ask your reasons and opinions!" The soldier captain shouted, and at the same time, the two soldiers next to him continued to handcuff his hands. Zhao Wencheng struggled hard and found that his strength was no match. The two soldiers suddenly looked up at Wang Shuang, their faces flushed red.

"Take it away." The soldier captain waved his hand, and several soldiers lined up neatly, holding Zhao Wencheng's neck and moving forward.

Wang Shuang quickly stepped aside, watched the excitement, and watched Zhao Wencheng being escorted away again.Suddenly Zhao Wencheng stretched his neck and turned his head to look at Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat. When he saw Zhao Wencheng's bloodshot eyes, he knew something was wrong.


System prompt: Zhao Wencheng issued you a cyan-level mission "Looking for Key Evidence", do you accept it?

Wang Shuang was so startled that he almost jumped up. After taking a closer look, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief: "I thought it was another mandatory task."

There was nothing to say, just as Wang Shuang was about to reject the task, he suddenly saw the column of the task requirements, the key evidence to be found was actually in the Church of Angels in front of him!
Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that this is an instruction from the master of the system?


Canglan Storm was already offline at this time, and while lighting a cigarette and puffing slowly, he dialed a series of phone numbers.Soon, a hearty laughter came from the phone: "Young Master Lan, it's already time, don't play with women, why did you suddenly find me?"

Canglan Storm snorted softly after hearing the words: "What's so interesting about women, I'm tired of playing it. I'm playing a recently popular online game. Do you want to..."

"That's because the girl you're looking for isn't high enough!" The other party suddenly laughed loudly: "I dated a college girl yesterday, and there are so many tricks, and the game just ended at 2 o'clock. I'm calling."

Grass mud horse!Canglan Storm couldn't help but said angrily: "Playing Nima, I hate being interrupted by others when I'm talking. I'm here to ask you if you want to play Star Wish together."

"Star Wish? Is it that popular online game for civilians recently?" Cheng Shao smiled sarcastically: "Anyway, it's a game that pays more money than anyone else. I spent all my money on the national football team. Now I'm very poor. Forget it."

Canglan Storm couldn't help yelling: "Poor Nimabi, labor and capital want to open a studio, do you want to play? What's the point of playing with women all day long, do something serious, otherwise those old guys at home will have endless troubles every day." nagging."

"Okay, okay, it's rare that Lan Shao is interested in doing something, I can't be too stingy, right?" Cheng Shao said lazily.

"Okay, that's it, continue to play with your woman, and I'll get a few more people." After Cang Lan Fengfeng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly without waiting for the other party to respond.


Wang Shuang finally chose to accept the mission. The ultimate goal of the mission instruction is something in the church, and it is evidence... Since it is evidence, does it mean that he was wished for?

Wang Shuang didn't know the ins and outs of this matter, but according to the instructions on the mission, as long as he found this thing, he could liberate Zhao Wencheng from the prison.

Hey, that's enough to know.Wang Shuang immediately activated the skill Dark Lurking, and the two guards at the gate were both level 65. According to Wang Shuang's current timing, he easily entered the church.

The first level of the Holy Court, this is the most difficult place!Wang Shuang remembered that the last time he came in, he saw many low-level believers and servants wandering aimlessly here.For Wang Shuang, those high-level NPCs are not very scary, only these low-level guys make Wang Shuang feel ashamed.

What are you going to do here this time?Wang Shuang gritted his teeth. Of course, he was going to meet the president of the Church of Angels again. Before she sent him out, he would explain to her why he came here, and then see her attitude.If you still insist on sending the brother out after finishing speaking, then this brother will give up the idea of ​​charging the amulet—no, there is no need to give up, Tilix said at that time, and there is another place, the capital of the Lionheart Kingdom , the Stigmata Church in the City of Order and Watch also has materials.

Although the probability is small, but how do you know if you don't try?Maybe my brother's talent can be triggered, or the discussion technique can be successful. If they are persuaded, I can get the prescription and materials.

Wang Shuang stopped in front of the holy court and looked at the servants and believers who were full of the courtyard. There was no gap at all, and he didn't know what to do for a while.At this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly remembered one of his advantages, so he gritted his teeth, raised his hand and shouted softly: "Mu Xuan!"

With a ding, Li Muxuan appeared out of thin air, and then Wang Shuang also appeared.But after that, he quickly activated the skill Dark Lurking, allowing himself to escape into a stealth state.

"Rush over there and buy me time." Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan said, "Well, you might die, but even if you die, you will be resurrected in my star wish space, right?"

Li Muxuan looked at Wang Shuang, was speechless for a long while and finally nodded: "I will follow your lord's order."

It's okay, okay, although I don't always listen to my brother's words, but at critical times, Li Muxuan is quite reliable!

Wang Shuang saw Li Muxuan rushing out of the shadows, stepped on a step in the middle, drew out the longbow, and released a sonic wave on the spot without saying a word.

The golden building collapsed and exploded, and Wang Shuang saw a row of friendly green names in front of him immediately turn into hostile red names.

(End of this chapter)

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