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Chapter 317 Resolving the Crisis of the Exploding Imp

Chapter 317 Resolving the Crisis of the Exploding Imp

After the demon fell from the sky, several golden giants around also rushed up one after another, and Wang Shuang also took this opportunity to act quickly.In less than 10 minutes, Perkevic was drained of his health bar, and fell to the ground with a scream, turning into a wriggling black water, like a black mud monster.

Wang Shuang had already jumped off Pilkeviz's back, and seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel his stomach tumbling.Wang Shuang didn't even have time to react when suddenly a figure rushed into Wang Shuang's sight with lightning speed, raised the wooden stick in his hand, and hit the mud monster on the head.So the mud monster trembled all over, and then slowly fell down as if he had lost all strength.

This woman... Wang Shuang quietly glanced at the name on the other's head, and found that this guy was Margarina, the deputy head of the Golden Legion!The deputy leader who wrote a letter with Li Qianxing before to come to the important person of Jianshou checkpoint?Wang Shuang couldn't help looking at the other party twice, at this time the NPC seemed to have noticed Wang Shuang's gaze, turned to look at him, and suddenly grinned.

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and responded with an embarrassed smile.

I have experienced many ups and downs along the way, but the second ring task is still completed as usual!
When Wang Shuang returned to the camp, he still received the message that the reward had been withheld.But Wang Shuang obviously felt that Li Ganxing's attitude was better than before.Not long after, Li Ganxing approached Wang Shuang with a solemn expression, "Adventurer, the third monster is about to appear, get ready to fight."

"Understood." Wang Shuang nodded. In fact, he had nothing to prepare. He looked at his attributes and a few pieces of equipment on his body and was in a daze.


System prompt: Li Ganxing, the head of the Golden Legion, has announced to you the third ring of the side mission of guarding the Floating Life Gate, "Suppressing the Explosive Imp Army". Do you accept it?

Exploding army of imps?Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows. It seems that the guy who came out this time has more than one name!

——Suppress the Explosive Imp Army: Kill at least 8 Explosive Imps.

The task requirements did not seem difficult, but thinking of those monsters with perverted attributes like bosses, Wang Shuang felt uncomfortable for a while.But so what, brother will still accept the task!There is nothing to say, Wang Shuang nodded in agreement, and after taking off the task, he rushed out of the tent as before!
When approaching the Gate of Floating Life, Wang Shuang saw hideous green-skinned humanoid monsters who were half a head shorter than him rushing out of the Gate of Floating Life.Because they were not wearing anything, they were very thin and small at first glance, and even a row of very obvious ribs could be seen clearly on the chest. With the green skin, it made people sick to look at.

To Wang Shuang's surprise, these exploding ghosts are actually level 60 creatures!Although it is level 60, there are a lot of them, and like the name, they will explode!
——Exploding Imp [Strong Body] (Blue-LV60): Vitality 780000, Physical Attack 3800, Physical Defense 3200, Physical Resistance 15? ? ?magic attack 2000, magic defense 5300, magic resistance 20? ? ?Functions: normal attack, disturbing slap, mental shock, near-death explosion.

——扰乱拍打:造成600 50?理攻击的伤害 65?法攻击的伤害,并有15???使目标陷入晕眩状态,15???使目标陷入混乱状态。

——Psychic Shock: Cause 30?Reasonable attack damage 80?spell attack damage, and has 30? ? ?Stuns the target.

——Death Explosion: 15 HP remaining? ? ?The exploding kid will enter a state of excitement. After 5 seconds, the exploding devil will detonate itself, immediately die and cause damage to nearby targets equivalent to 30? ? ?HP physical damage.


This is really a bit difficult to beat!As soon as Wang Shuang rushed up, he was slapped by several exploding ghosts.Although it failed to break Wang Shuang's defense, it triggered a dizzy effect, causing Wang Shuang to be stunned in place all of a sudden.

After waking up, Wang Shuang didn't talk nonsense. A black and white storm washed away the blood bars of the surrounding exploding devils, and consumed all the blood bars of the surrounding exploding devils to 25? ? ? , and then aiming at a target at random, the shadow strikes in front of him instantly, and stabs the explosive kid deeply in the back.

The exploding kid opened his mouth, but he fell down slowly without even triggering the special effects of the explosion.


System prompt: Suppress the army of explosive imps: kill at least 8 exploding imps.Current progress: 1/8.

This kills one, very easy!Wang Shuang looked at the exploding ghosts around him, all of them were 25? ? ?His blood is full, it seems that this task is not difficult to complete.

After Wang Shuang beheaded an explosive imp in the shadow raid, he turned his head, and the dagger cut into the throat of another exploding imp following his movement, so there was one more exploding imp sacrificed.


System prompt: Suppress the army of explosive imps: kill at least 8 exploding imps.Current progress: 2/8.

It's so easy!

Wang Shuang continued to look for the next target. At this time, the golden light giant condensed by the soldiers of the Golden Legion slowly appeared, and began to charge towards the exploding ghost. He kept waving the long sword in his hand, and soon caused a lot of damage.



System prompt: Suppress the army of explosive imps: kill at least 8 exploding imps.Current progress: 7/8.

Wang Shuang wiped his face and took a look at the progress of the mission. There was only one left, and the goal of the mission was considered to be achieved.

Just when Wang Shuang found the target and was about to walk up it, suddenly an exploding kid on the side suddenly laughed "giggling", which startled Wang Shuang: "Nani, what's going on?"

After the explosive kid suddenly let out a creepy laugh, after swaying around in a circle for a few times, he suddenly raised his hands high and let out a harsh and sharp cry. The skin and bones all over his body exploded, and flames shot from every part of his body. It sprayed out from a pore, and along with layers of black smoke and burning air waves blasted a ring, the explosion imp and Wang Shuang who were affected by this layer of burning air waves also suffered part of the damage.

However, this is not the end, after several explosion imps around were injured, they also let out the same creepy laughter as the previous one, and began to sway, sing, laugh, and dance on the spot.

The expression on Wang Shuang's face became very bad all of a sudden, he now understood the ins and outs of the matter: these explosive little ghosts were just attacked by the golden light giant composed of NPC soldiers, and their blood dropped to 15? ? ? , triggered the skill of near-death explosion, and after this skill was triggered, it also caused damage to a circle of exploding ghosts around them, suppressing their bloodline to 15? ? ? .

Five seconds later, more than a dozen exploding ghosts around will explode a second round of air waves together!And what is the difference between this second wave of air waves and the first wave?Of course there is!First of all, there is the issue of damage. More than a dozen exploding ghosts explode together, and the damage caused is absolutely huge.Although Wang Shuang's skill support is broken and then erected, but this skill is not 100? ? ? , but 95?

When Wang Shuang can not die, he still can't die at will, otherwise he will accidentally trigger the 5 later? ? ?Shuang really can only cry.

Moreover, more than a dozen exploding ghosts exploded at the same time, which was enough damage to detonate more exploding ghosts around them, reducing their vitality to enough blood volume for explosions!
What makes Wang Shuang even more desperate is that the number of kills he has now is still 7/8. That is to say, after these explosive ghosts blew up and died, their heads are not his!
This is very painful!If this trend continues, as long as there are two more explosions, these explosive imps will all be wiped out, and NPCs are definitely not flexible. No matter how much effort you put in when exploding the little ghost, the progress of the final task is stuck at 7/8, which is still unfinished!
Just when Wang Shuang was thinking this way, the second wave of explosions was coming soon.Wang Shuang didn't have time to rush to an exploding kid, but was knocked over by the fierce air wave and retreated a few steps.At this time, Wang Shuang raised his head and found that the blood bar on his head was only about [-]/[-] of the vitality left!
At this time, all the golden light on the scene dissipated, and all the exploding ghosts around Wang Shuang started talking to themselves, and danced wildly on the spot.This is the last chance. Whether Wang Shuang can complete this task depends on it!
Wang Shuang sprinted for two seconds with a dark lurk, and then a shadow attack, dodged behind an exploding kid, and sent a dagger into the opponent's neck—instantly killed, no surprises!
Wang Shuang finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the exploding ghost fall slowly.In this case, it doesn't matter if other exploding ghosts love to explode themselves.Wang Shuang saluted the remaining little ghosts who exploded: "Go well, the organization will remember you."

Boom, boom, boom... A series of high-temperature air waves spread repeatedly, blowing Wang Shuang's hair into the air.While Wang Shuang kept pouring the blood-boosting agent, he was under the impact of waves of air.In the end, Wang Shuang miraculously survived with more than 400 blood points left.Looking at the scorched earth after the explosion, Wang Shuang sighed in his heart.

Back in the tent, Wang Shuang saw Li Ganxing walking up quickly, with a happy expression on his face: "Adventurer, since you came here, I have been in a very good mood. "

Wang Shuang chuckled: "The head of the group has won the award, and I feel very honored to be affirmed by the head of the group."

I don’t know how many times I have died now, and my attributes are much higher than those of players at level 80. Of course, how I kill and win, I can’t explain all kinds of awesomeness!
Li Ganxing said with a smile: "Okay, adventurer, go and take a rest, there are still many tests waiting for you."

The system prompts with a ding, and Wang Shuang completes the third ring task.At this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly saw a burning woman sitting next to Li Ganxing. It was the former deputy head Margarina!When Wang Shuang looked at her, she also smiled and nodded to Wang Shuang.

(End of this chapter)

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