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Chapter 320 Wang Shuang's Hesitation

Chapter 320 Wang Shuang's Hesitation

This divine envoy was even more powerful than Wang Shuang imagined. He just stretched out his hand and pointed at the teleportation gate not far away, and Wang Shuang saw countless ancient and mysterious scratches on the gate of floating life suddenly light up, becoming Formed into strangely shaped runes, a blue ray of light flows like a liquid in the lines carved by the knife.

After the portal was activated, Wang Shuang naturally turned around and thanked the envoy who descended from the sky again. Seeing that the other party's expression was indifferent, and there was no intention of responding, Wang Shuang was rejected, so he could only turn his head away resentfully, with a smile on his face. Several of his followers walked out of the Floating Life Gate.

"Who is that guy? He's so cute." After walking out of the Gate of Floating Life, Wang Shuang couldn't help looking at Li Er who was on Li Muxuan's shoulder.When Wang Shuang heard it exclaim just now, he yelled out the word "God Messenger". This fat cat must know something.

However, upon hearing this, Li Er sighed helplessly: "That's the name from the upper realm, Li Er is just a cat from the lower realm, and doesn't understand these things."

wipe it up.Wang Shuang rubbed his temples depressedly, then shook his head, took Mirudo and Evelani back into his star wish space, and then led Li Muxuan into the camp of the Golden Legion.

When Wang Shuang walked into the tent, he saw Li Gan standing up from his seat excitedly, stepped forward excitedly, and shook hands with Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, you did a great job. Can't help being proud of you!"

Brother just killed all those dozen or so demons, you know again?Wang Shuang laughed, the master of the system is really awesome, I don’t need to explain anything, as long as I show a faint smile, the NPC can understand everything, this feeling is so cool!

Li Ganxing said excitedly: "Adventurer, I originally thought that you could kill 30??? objects in it, which would be a pretty good score, but I didn't expect that you would actually kill them all, solving the problem we have in the Gate of Floating Life. Not to mention the serious troubles, but also let the Iron Kingdom and the Eternal Night Kingdom no longer have a reason to attack!"

You are simply talking nonsense, Commander-in-Chief!After Brother is out, is there anything that Brother can't handle?

Wang Shuang waved his hand happily: "Master, if this is the case, will the undead tribe retreat soon?"

Li Ganxing was slightly taken aback: "No, no, we will retreat soon."

Fuck?Wang Shuang looked at Li Ganxing in surprise.

Seeing Wang Shuang's puzzled eyes, Li Ganxing smiled helplessly, and explained to Wang Shuang: "Since the Gate of Floating Life has lost its function, why do we stick to this barren land? Even if we give it to the other party, it's just to let them spend more money." It’s just manpower guarding, we have nothing to lose.”

Wang Shuang was astonished!Who has heard this before?Yes, it seems that Tyrex also said so!

Now, after Li Ganxing and Wang Shuang bragged and chatted for a few words, they quickly brought the topic back to the Gate of Floating Life: "Adventurer, do you still remember the missions I said before? You completed all the missions perfectly. Add up all the rewards, and it's time to give them all. Come on, accept your rewards."

When it finally came, Wang Shuang suddenly felt that Li Qianxing's voice was like the sound of nature, and every syllable was so beautiful!

System prompt: You have completed the side mission "Slaughtering the Demons of the Floating Life Gate" guarding the Floating Life Gate, and you will get the accumulated rewards from all previous tasks!You get 2.2E experience points, you get 300W gold coins, your follower Li Muxuan gets 2.2E experience points, your follower Mirudo gets 2.2E experience points, your follower Evelyn gets 2.2E experience points , you get the skill book "Advanced Spectrum", you get the consumable "God's Amplification", you get the skill book "Song of Triumph", you get the equipment "Storm Cut", you get the equipment "Blood War's Fire Barrier ".


System prompt: You have reached level 63.

System prompt: You have reached level 64.


System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has reached level 62.

System prompt: Your follower Mirudo has reached level 64.

System prompt: Your follower Evelyn has reached level 59.

Sure enough, the level of the whole team has been greatly improved again, and Evelyn, who was originally regarded as a laggard, has finally caught up. Well done, she won't be a vase in future battles!
Wang Shuang thought that he had rewarded a bunch of props and skill books just now, so he quickly dug out and checked them all.Well, I've been busy for a long time just for these rewards, you can't let me down, if you are really disappointed - can I return or exchange the goods?
——Advanced Spectrum LV1: Skill Book, only for elves to learn.After learning, a follower can be promoted from a white rank to a black rank follower, which requires the support of a blue rank or higher pharmacist and a blue rank or higher cooking skill.

——God's Amplification: A one-time use item. After use, you can temporarily increase a life skill by one level.Duration is 1 hour.

——Song of Triumph LV1: When killing a unit or defeating an army, get 100? ? ?Speed ​​and movement speed bonus for 2 seconds.

Seems pretty good!Wang Shuang remembered that he had rewarded two pieces of equipment just now, and quickly looked at the corner of his backpack. Sure enough, he saw a long sword and a piece of armor lying quietly in the corner!

——Storm Severing (Tier 2 Green Weapon): Strength 226, Dexterity 323, Intelligence 160, Constitution 80, Spirit 62, Physical Attack 1026, Physical Defense 323, Magic Attack 443, Magic Defense 106.Precondition: Second transfer.Required level: level 65.

——The furnace fire barrier of the bloody battle (Tier 2 blue weapon): strength 218, constitution 446, spirit 86, physical defense 806, magic defense 1043.Additional feature "Blood War": All physical damage caused increases by 9? ? ?Setting conditions: Second job transfer.Required level: level 65.

Two very powerful pieces of equipment!At least for the current Wang Shuang, whose basic attributes are only a few thousand points, one-time performance plus thousand points of physical attack, or equipment for physical defense, is simply a blessing.As long as Wang Shuang's level is up and equipped, it will not be a dream to break through [-] basic physical attacks!
Wait, long sword?Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that he was a twin assassin and could not equip a long sword!
Ahhh, Wang Shuang was so angry that a mouthful of sweet old blood spewed out of his throat, this was the most angry.The master of the system gave me super powerful equipment, but because of my wrong occupation, I can only look at other people's equipment, and I can't equip it myself-I don't accept it!
While regretting, Wang Shuang looked at Mi Luduo, who was already at level 64, and suddenly patted her on the shoulder: "Come on, first upgrade to level 65, and I will give you all these two pieces of equipment!"

"Ah?...Okay, thank you sir!" Mi Luduo was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly nodded with a confused expression.

Damn, brother hate, why is brother not a standard fighter!
Wang Shuang took one last look at the two pieces of equipment that he had just rewarded in his backpack, sighed helplessly, and then his eyes fell on Evelyn: "Okay, you are already level 59 now, and you should change it." Level 50—hey, why did you break through level [-] without changing your job?"

Evelyn was taken aback for a moment, and asked back, "Why do you have to change jobs to break through level 50?"

Wang Shuang's tone froze, and he was immediately speechless when asked.

Evelyn shook her head lightly: "I don't know. But I once heard from my former mentor that it seems that adventurers need to keep changing jobs because their jobs have limitations, and some rare jobs with great potential , there is no such limitation, you can upgrade all the time, and you don’t need to change jobs during the upgrade process.”

Wang Shuang snorted, "So it's the welfare of the royal family of the elves?"

"Yes, this is the job my father arranged for me. To be honest, I haven't really fought in real combat, I haven't used these things much, and I even hate this job because they take up a lot of my usual time for fun. "

Wang Shuang silently opened the information of this elf princess and found the main occupation information of the other party.

Alivia is an all-round warrior.Damn, this name looks really dreamy, and in the information description of the profession, Wang Shuang even saw that this profession is actually a red rank!
Of course, you don't need to ask, it's still a hidden job.A red-level hidden job... amazing, why are you so obsessed!
Wang Shuang couldn't help sighing. Sure enough, the treatment of princesses in the kingdom is different. The red-level hidden occupation that brother needs to work hard to obtain, others have at birth.Are you jealous?not jealous.What do you care about with an NPC, and it's an NPC who is already a follower!

Yes, Evelyn is now Wang Shuang's follower.what does this mean?It means that the strength of Evelyn is equivalent to the strength of Wang Shuang.So the stronger Iflanie is, the happier Wang Shuang is naturally.

But compared with Evelyn's ridiculously strong profession, the most annoying thing is Evelyn's follower level, which is only a mere white-level follower!
Wang Shuang silently glanced at several of his followers. Li Muxuan estimated that he would become a follower of the red rank in the future, although he didn't know how long it would take; Mi Luduo was a dark elf, a follower of the black rank; An elf princess, a follower of the white rank.

By the way, wasn't there a skill just now that can improve the follower's level?Wang Shuang quickly took out the skill book, glanced at it casually, and found that only elves can learn it!

Fuck, master of the system, you are racist!Wang Shuangdan was in great pain, but he suddenly thought, anyway, he was talking about an elf guy, and he didn't say whether he was an elf player or a follower, so why don't I just let Evelyn learn it?
That's right, just do it.Just as Wang Shuang was about to take out the skill book, after seeing Evelyn's big twinkling eyes, Wang Shuang rarely began to hesitate.

What if one day she leaves brother?After all, they still have their own consciousness and pursuit, if there is such a day...

(End of this chapter)

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