It's time to play online

Chapter 326 Who is the fool

Chapter 326 Who is the fool
"Stupid?" Hearing this, Tiandu Skeleton sneered again and again, and couldn't help snorting softly: "Wang Shuang, you may not know that a certain foreign player who stayed with your human race before is actually ours." Undercover agent! He has already told us all about your weaknesses!"

"Undercover?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, and then he couldn't help thinking about what he had exposed when he was in contact with those foreign players.
Could it be those funny foreigners?Thinking of this, Wang Shuang couldn't help but look at the skeleton Tiandu speechlessly: "You're not talking about those guys who were killed by me, are you?"

"I don't know, they are not my undercover agent, but another Japanese player's undercover agent." Skull Tiandu shook his head, then put his arms around his chest, and looked at Wang Shuang with a cold snort: "But your weakness is already It’s fully exposed: you are now very afraid of skills with a one-hit kill feature! As long as you are hit by a skill with this type of effect, you will definitely die, am I right?”

"It's not like I'm out of my mind with you, why should I answer you?" Wang Shuang rolled his eyes and said.

"Huh, you have a hard mouth." Skull Tiandu snorted softly, "If you don't say it, you're guilty, and you dare not admit it. But it doesn't matter if you admit it or not, let's try it now and we'll know."

As the bone governor waved his hand, several undead players rushed up quickly, condensed several spells in their hands, and then all pointed at Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang felt his hair stand on end for a while, and then he suddenly noticed something. He looked down and saw an ice thorn popped out of his palm at some point, and the whole body of the icicle was as black as ink. It grew out of the palm of Wang Shuang's palm, and the sharp end directly penetrated Wang Shuang's palm and emerged from the back of the palm.

After Wang Shuang's palm was pierced, he suddenly had a strange feeling. He suddenly thought of something, and when he looked up, his blood really became empty.

"Hahaha, that's true!" The Skeletal Superintendent laughed loudly: "Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang, I didn't expect that you could be killed in seconds so easily!"

Wang Shuang wanted to answer him, but his body fell forward uncontrollably.In the next second, Wang Shuang's chest gushed out a powerful force, supporting his body to stand up again.

"Hmph, is it really a rebirth skill?" The Skeleton Governor was not surprised when he saw it, but just sneered twice: "Continue, let's see how long he can be reborn."

The players on both sides nodded one after another, and continued to rub out black magic in their palms and aimed at Wang Shuang. Just as Wang Shuang stood up straight, he felt his body stiffen again, and another black ice spike shot from Wang Shuang's palm. The heart grows out and kills him in seconds again.

The second time, as before, Wang Shuang triggered the skill to break and then stood up, still reborn.

"Come again." Skeleton Tiandu said with a grim expression.


About 5 minutes later, Wang Shuang didn't even bother to struggle anymore. He stood up straight and waited for them to kill him instantly.In addition to mage players who know black magic, there are also some undead assassins who have also mastered skills with a one-hit kill effect. They take turns to make up for Wang Shuang, allowing him to be reborn after being killed again and again.

The face of the Skeletal Superintendent was even worse than before. Even though he was well-informed, he couldn't help looking at Wang Shuang depressed at this moment: Why does this guy seem to be reborn endlessly?How can people play with being reborn like this? Could it be that Wang Shuang is really immortal?
"Boss, stop!" At this time, a player beside him suddenly said with a terrified expression: "Wang Shuang is playing us!"

"What?" Tiandu Bone hurriedly turned his head to look at the person who spoke: "What's going on?"

"Boss, look at Wang Shuang's blood!" The player pointed at the reborn Wang Shuang in horror, and said with a trembling voice: "Zoom in and see! I remember when Wang Shuang first came online, his blood was about 10,000+ It will be around 10,000+ in February, but now, Wang Shuang's vitality will exceed 300 million!"

The Skeletal Superintendent was shocked when he heard the words, and stared at the data of Wang Shuang's blood bar. This time, Wang Shuang's total blood was about 368.4W. After being killed and resurrected, Wang Shuang's blood actually reached 406.2W!

"What's the matter with this horse riding?" The skeleton Tiandu was so startled that he almost fainted. With more than 400 million blood, this blood is enough to be compared with those bosses. What kind of secret is hidden in Wang Shuang?
After seeing this scene, the Skeleton Governor immediately asked several players around him to stop, and asked several undead mages around him to change to "black spell · sleepy" to tie Wang Shuang in place.Afterwards, the Skeletal Superintendent stepped forward with a knife and came to Wang Shuang. Seeing Wang Shuang's relaxed expression, he asked with a livid face, "Are you a bug? I don't believe it!"

"Believe it or not, if you don't believe me, you can complain to me if you think I'm mean and shameless." Wang Shuang said lazily.

"You, what the hell..." The Skeletal Governor was so angry that he almost spurted blood.

"Okay, okay." At this time, Wang Shuang was obviously trapped by the skill and couldn't move, but Tiandu Bone was surprised to see that the other party actually took a step forward, and waved his hand lazily.The thinking circuit of the Skeleton Governor immediately paused, and he looked at Wang Shuang blankly: "You, you were not..."

"Is it bound by your skills?" Wang Shuang glanced at the distance and was busy trying to continue to add "Black Curse·Sleep" to Wang Shuang, but shook his head helplessly: "Don't try it, I didn't see it." Is it useless to have so many layers of states on my body now?"

Not only the Skeletal Governor, but all the undead players present looked at Wang Shuang in astonishment, their faces full of disbelief.

The surrounding skeleton soldier NPCs still didn't notice anything, still holding the white bone sword, frantically swinging their skulls and wrists around, as if Wang Shuang was a delicious prey, but they couldn't pounce on the prey and eat it , can only look at it restlessly.

"Don't worry about the one-hit kill skills!" As if thinking of something, Bone Tiandu took two steps back tremblingly, pointing his finger at Wang Shuang: "Come on, don't use those skills that have one-hit kill effects. Let's go together, just hack Wang Shuang to death!"

Wang Shuang laughed when he heard the words: "Although you are quite smart, I still have to tell you with regret that you still missed the key point."

Seeing a large number of skeleton soldiers rushing to attack him at the same time, Wang Shuang laughed. He wanted to ignore the attacks of these skeleton soldiers, but suddenly saw a skill in the corner of the skill bar, a skill he had never used after learning it.Wang Shuang suddenly became interested and activated the skill called "Dagger Storm".

This skill was learned by Wang Shuang when he was looking for his elf mentor. The number of times he used it was less than that of blocking roads, because Wang Shuang didn't have many chances of being besieged by many people.

——匕首风暴Lv1:主动激活获得相当于最大气血x30???盾,护盾在每次受到攻击时,都会对身边的敌人造成300 80?理攻击的伤害,并加快自身20???速度和20???速度。

A shield appeared around Wang Shuang's body, and at the same time Wang Shuang felt that his movement speed had increased a lot.At this time, the surrounding skeleton soldiers rushed up, and just as they slashed down the white bone sword in their hands, it suddenly exploded and fell into a pool of scattered skeletons.

Wang Shuang glanced at the damage figure and couldn't help but be happy:




Wait, this effect doesn't seem to be boosted by the crit effect, why is it so against the sky?

Wang Shuang inadvertently saw his physical attack, and was shocked: "Fuck, when did brother's physical attack break 10W?"
Looking at the physical defense, there are actually about 8W!

Wang Shuang couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is all thanks to you, Mr. Tiandu!"

After hearing Wang Shuang's words, Skeletal Governor couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood.

In the end, Wang Shuang's shield could not be broken, because according to Wang Shuang's current blood of about 400W, the total blood of this shield is also more than 100W.Although the shield is not subject to physical defense and physical resistance bonuses, and the direct enemy's physical attack can cause as much damage as possible, but almost all undead players and NPCs have no follow-up after cutting the first knife.

Until later, those skeleton soldiers who could only obey orders were all dead, leaving only a group of players who dare not step forward!Because they until now, Wang Shuang is far from someone they can challenge!
Wang Shuang laughed loudly, and raised his middle finger at the skeleton Tiandu. Seeing that the other party roared angrily and was held back by the players on both sides as soon as he was about to charge up, Wang Shuang left happily.

In the end, Wang Shuang did not continue to stay at the Jianshou checkpoint, but chose to start a long journey according to the map.According to the time automatically calculated by the system, Wang Shuang concluded that it would take a whole day for him to return to Saiyan City.

do it!Wang Shuang couldn't help sighing, at this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly saw that his route was not a straight line, but a somewhat curved curve, as if there was something on the road that he needed to avoid.Wang Shuang zoomed in on the map, and was surprised to see that it was actually the border of the Elf Kingdom.

"Anyway, brother has already entered the territory of the elves once, and this time I go back and pass by again, what can they do to me?"

Wang Shuang thought for a while, and felt that this was not enough, and then thought that his current attributes were so heaven-defying, even if he wanted to help Evelyn defeat her scheming brother, it should be enough, right?

Yes, I'm not in a hurry to go back to Saiyan City this time, I'll go and finish Evelyn's mission first.Wang Shuang looked through his task list, and found that he still had a task to find the spare parts of the inheritance suit, and a task to find the descendants of Beiweiou.

Regarding the first task, Wang Shuang's current state is naturally not a problem. As for the second task, Wang Shuang doesn't even have a clue...

(End of this chapter)

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