It's time to play online

Chapter 333 Ancestral Notes

Chapter 333 Ancestral Notes
"Okay, it's much more comfortable." After wiping his body with almost a green lin fruit, Serifen stopped, and his upper body was already covered with the juice of the green lin fruit.Then Sirifen put on the protective inner shirt and hard leather armor again, took all the remaining green lin fruit, and then looked at Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, how did you get so many green lin fruit? Have you ransacked that green forest inside and out?"

"Almost." Wang Shuang nodded.

"What about the Green Lin Snake in the Green Forest, how many did you kill?" Serifen was still smiling, but Wang Shuang could clearly see a trace of nervousness in his eyes.

"Probably, let's kill them all. It's not difficult. It's only about four hundred." Wang Shuang laughed and pretended to be aggressive quietly.

The corner of Serifen's mouth twitched fiercely: "Then, Qinglin King of Qingmanlin, did you also kill him?"

Wang Shuang was taken aback: "King Qinglin? What is that?"

"It's the boss of Qinglin Snake."

Fuck, do you have that thing? I didn’t see it when I walked over to pick the fruit from tree to tree?

Wang Shuang suddenly thought that when he attacked the weak green snakes, some green snakes that had already eaten before fell from the tree. He kept staring at Wang Shuang.However, when Wang Shuang and his followers were sweeping the Qinglin fruit in Qingmanlin, they had never seen these Qinglin snakes before!
Is there a place that I haven't explored yet?When Wang Shuang thought about it, he felt a pain in the ass: "Fuck, it's a big loss. I didn't expect there to be a hidden map, and I even missed a boss!"

"It's a good thing instead." But Wang Shuang didn't expect that Serifen suddenly sighed at this time.

"Nani, why is it a good thing?" Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback.

Serifen smiled lightly, and then continued on the previous topic: "The green lin fruit in the green forest grows very fast, and although those green lin snakes can eat these green lin fruit, but at the same time, they are actually A kind of protection."

Wang Shuang felt that he could not understand more and more.

"Give me a very simple example, adventurer." Sirifen also saw that Wang Shuang's IQ was limited, so he could only tell a story that Wang Shuang had heard before: "It's like a rancher who lived on a prairie. A flock of sheep was released, but in the next two days, wolves appeared on the prairie, and the rancher lost several sheep every day due to the appearance of wolves."

"After a long time, the rancher felt that he had lost a lot, so he decided to invite the best hunters in the town to drive the wolves out of the prairie together. They spent a day going deep into the prairie, found the wolf den, and put All sleeping wolves and wolf cubs were killed."

"The rancher thought it was a good thing. He finally didn't have to worry about the possibility of losing his sheep every day. But the good times didn't last long. The quality of his mutton began to decline, and the sick and crippled sheep in the flock also disappeared. It began to appear gradually. It turned out that although the appearance of wolves limited the number of sheep on the one hand, it also exercised the sheep at the same time. Lose."

"In the end, it was obvious that this rancher's flock was infected with a very contagious livestock disease, and none of them remained after the winter. Now, the same reasoning exists between Qinglin Snake and Qinglin Fruit. " Sailifen said here, took a deep breath, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "Do you understand, adventurer. Fortunately, you were careless, and finally avoided the catastrophe of Qingmanlin."

Wang Shuang couldn't help being speechless: "Well, are you praising me or hurting me?"

Serifin laughed: "It mainly depends on how you understand it."

Wang Shuang was completely speechless this time.Sirifen didn't bother with Wang Shuang too much about this issue, snapped his fingers and said suddenly: "Okay adventurer, it's time for us to talk about mission rewards. You have far exceeded my mission requirements this time, according to According to the rules, I will also send you additional task rewards."


System prompt: You have completed the cyan-level task "Picking Green Lin Fruit", you will get 1200W experience reward, you will get 50W gold coin reward, your follower Li Muxuan will get 1200W experience reward, your follower Mi Luduo will get 1200W experience Rewards, your follower Evelyn gets 1200W experience rewards, you get the item "Notes of the Ancestors", and you get the equipment "Spicy Qinglin Ring".

——Ancestor's Notes: A specialty of the elves.After using any skill, you can add an additional random effect to your skill.A skill can use up to three ancestral notes.

——Spicy Qinglin Ring (Tier 2 Green Weapon): Agility 68, Intelligence 96, Physical Attack 221, Magic Attack 256.Additional feature "spicy": each time the target is attacked, there are 30? ? ?Permanently reduce the opponent's physical defense by 23 points.Precondition: Second transfer.Required level: level 65.


After reading the notes of the ancestors, Wang Shuang was stunned. Is this the black technology of the elves?It looks awesome, but I just don't know how to use it.

Let the skill have an extra random effect?Wang Shuang glanced at his skill list, what skills should he give?Judging from the description of this item, it should be an enhanced skill.Do you have any skills to improve?Combat skills?It shouldn't be necessary, brother now kills monsters in seconds, and there is no shortage of damage.

So, to strengthen life skills?Wang Shuang just planned to use the Ancestral Notes for pathfinding, but found that the Ancestral Notes had a statement: only active skills can be added with additional random effects.

Active skills?Those are the skills that can be used, right? Wang Shuang returned to his skill bar, feeling a little bit pained.How about adding an effect to the skill that I usually use the most? What skill does my brother use the most?Of course there is no doubt about it——


System prompt: You have strengthened your skill "Dark Lurking" with the Notes of the Ancestors, and added an additional effect.

——Dark Lurking Lv3: Enter the stealth state immediately after activation, 25 in the stealth state? ? ?speed, and gain 30 when out of stealth? ? ?speed.When being watched by a high-level creature, there are 30? ? ?The rate is seen through the stealth state.This ability cannot be detected by auditory tracking.

——Additional effect 1: If you receive damage while activating stealth in battle, the damage you receive will be increased by 15 each time? ? ?Speed ​​and movement speed, the effect lasts until 5 seconds after stealth ends.

Fuck it, Wang Shuang felt a pain in the ass when he saw the description.Where is this reinforcement?That's right, the last sentence.What does that mean?It is said that when Wang Shuang PKs with others in the future, if he takes damage while sneaking, he will get bonuses to attack speed and movement speed.

And every time he gets hurt, he will give Wang Shuang a speed boost.This seems to be very annoying, but when Wang Shuang enters the stealth state, doesn't he always want to avoid damage?When his skills were improved, Wang Shuang rushed forward to throw a set of skills and take others away.Very conventional assassin style of play.

Wang Shuang looked back and counted his long Xingyuan game career. Has he ever been seen through and caused damage in a stealth state?Can't say no, but it's too rare. Generally, after Wang Shuang enters the stealth state, others can't see through Wang Shuang's stealth, so this seemingly intriguing effect, for Wang Shuang, has too few chances to be triggered. And even if there is, what's the use of just accelerating?It's better to add some attacks!

After all, there is an upper limit to the attack speed. Even if the player superimposes the attack speed crazily, he can only slash four knives per second at most.But there is no upper limit for physical attack and magic attack. Are you sure this effect is not from the master of the system?

Hey, it doesn't matter, it's good to strengthen it anyway. Although this effect is almost impossible to trigger, it's still better than nothing.Wang Shuang shook his head and decided not to think about it.Now looking at the equipment rewarded by the mission, it is another piece of equipment with a ruthless characteristic. Is this the physical defense of other players who want to crazily cut it?

Just as Wang Shuang finished watching these two rewards, there was another crisp system bell in his ear.


System prompt: You have completed the cyan-level task "Picking Green Lin Fruit", you will get 1200W experience reward, you will get 50W gold coin reward, your follower Li Muxuan will get 1200W experience reward, your follower Mi Luduo will get 1200W experience As a reward, your follower Evelyn will get 1200W experience reward, and you will get the item "Notes of the Ancestors".

System prompt: You have reached level 66.

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has reached level 64.

Nani, how did you finish it again?Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then only heard another ding from the system, and Wang Shuang saw the same prompt again.

System prompt: You have completed the cyan-level task "Picking Green Lin Fruit", you will get 1200W experience reward, you will get 50W gold coin reward, your follower Li Muxuan will get 1200W experience reward, your follower Mi Luduo will get 1200W experience Rewards, your follower Evelyn gets 1200W experience rewards, you get the item "Notes of the Ancestors", and you get the equipment "Blood Clotting Elegant Long Sword".

——Blood-clotting elegant long sword (second-order purple weapon): physical attack 2, magic attack 508, agility 223, intelligence 46.Additional feature "Blood Coagulation": Equipped with an additional 32 points of blood.Additional skill "Excellent Enlistment": After opening, every time a normal attack causes physical damage, it will restore 1800 points of vitality for you.Precondition: Second transfer.Requires level: 300.


Wang Shuang turned the long sword around in his hand. To sum up, the attributes are good, but the attached features are a bit painful, and they actually increase vitality. Generally speaking, it is better for a weapon to have an auxiliary feature to strengthen combat. Because other armor rarely has such characteristics.Players without offensive characteristics have very limited combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

But this sword is not useless, Wang Shuang handed the Ruya long sword to Mi Luduo.Mi Luduo's position in the team is to take damage, and the output is usually the matter of Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan, so it is just right for her to hold this weapon.

As for why Wang Shuang received three mission rewards, Wang Shuang thought about it, and suddenly understood: this should be the "extra reward" Serifen said.My brother collected more than 300 green lin fruit, according to Serifen's task requirements, I received [-] green lin fruit for one task, so I sent three quest rewards to my brother!
(End of this chapter)

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