It's time to play online

Chapter 337 Chick's Wish

Chapter 337 Chick's Wish

In an online game called Star Wish, there is a room at the end of the special dungeon "Road to Awakening".Wang Shuang, Li Muxuan, Miludo, Evelani, and Serifin stood around the room one after another.

The structure of the room is simple, with a wooden table, a wooden chair, and a bed. There is no quilt on the bed, only cold and hard wood.There is nothing else other than that, and one can imagine what kind of life Chick lives every day.

Now, several other followers of Wang Shuang all retreated to the side, leaving space for the two members of the same clan, Chick and Serifen, to look at each other.

Sirifen was young and strong, but looked a little nervous, as if he didn't even know where to put his hands and feet. It was Chick who waved at him and patted the wooden chair in front of the bed before letting Chick Relieved, the son walked over and sat down.

"What's the matter with the runes on your body?" After Serifen approached, Chick saw the runes on Serifen's body, frowned subconsciously, and stretched out his hand to gently touch Serifen's body , didn't say anything, just let out a cold snort.

"Shouxiu, many things have happened in the past few hundred years." Serifen said with a slightly choked voice.

"First sleeve?" Wang Shuang suddenly became interested in this title, but both Serifin and Chick were focused on the conversation and no one paid attention to him.In desperation, Wang Shuang had to go to the forum to check, but there was no relevant result!On the encyclopedia again, I found it!

——Leading Sleeve: It is said that the elves encountered a catastrophe that almost destroyed the elves kingdom at that time thousands of years ago. At that time, the king's uncle stood up and helped the entire elves survive the disaster.After that, this person is called a hero by the contemporary elves, and is called the leader by the descendants of the elves, which is distinguished from the hero and refers to his irreplaceable position.

Damn it, it's so cute!Wang Shuang just happened to be idle, so he continued to read the relevant information items to pass the time.

At this time, Serifin also began to tell the story of the prosperity and decline of the Beiweiou family in these years, until finally, with red eyes, he talked about the last prince of the Beiweiou family leaving the royal family.

"So, isn't the royal family of the elves now surnamed Beiweiou?" Chick also became agitated, and asked excitedly as he stood up from the bed before Serifen finished speaking.

"Yes." Sirifen nodded slightly.

"Last name?"

"Moon Gabell's!"

"Yue Gabel!" Chick repeated the surname twice, and nodded emphatically: "I have the impression that at that time, their family and our family were the pillars in the palace besides the royal family! But why should they ? The weakness of the lineage of Beiweiou, is it a natural or man-made disaster, or is it caused by the ancestors of the Yuejiabeier family?"

"Shouxiu, I don't know." Serifen patted the table lightly at this time, lowered her head and said with a gloomy face: "The blood inheritance in my body tells me that we must restore the tradition and For glory, the Spirit Rune Knights must be continuously passed on, and through the strengthening of the bloodlines of the Northern Weiou people from generation to generation, the Northern Weiou Clan can finally be revitalized!"

"Ridiculous." Chick snorted coldly: "This is a crooked way. Any profession is born with a balance, and dedication and hard work are always in direct proportion. What's more, even if you have a strong power, if you concentrate it all on one person, you won't be afraid that he will destroy the whole world." Is it an elf?"

"I, I don't know..." Sirifen became hesitant.

"Are there no other people from the Beiweiou family who have survived to this day?" Chick asked lightly.

"No, leader!"

"Damn it." Chick frowned. "It would be great if I could find someone with Gabel's for a month to ask..."

Wang Shuang's heart moved when he heard this, and he looked at Evelyn.Coincidentally, the other party also stood up at this time: "Hi, I am a descendant of the Yuejiabeier family."

"You?" Chick was taken aback, and asked, "A descendant of Yue Gabel? So are you in the current elf kingdom?"

"It's the princess, Chief Sleeve."

Chick turned his head, glanced at Wang Shuang who was silently flipping through the encyclopedia in the corner, and couldn't help asking: "Adventurer, have you even become your follower, the princess of the current royal family?"

Wang Shuang smiled awkwardly: "This, yes."

"You are not timid. The little human race relies on the breath of the elves, and is not afraid that the current elf kingdom will trouble you? Or the current elf kingdom has become so cowardly, and the princess has been taken away without showing any sign?" Chick snorted softly, but he didn't mean to blame too much, instead, his face was more helpless.

"I voluntarily became a follower of my master." Evelyn shook her head and said, "Now that I'm at home, I'm afraid I'm already a dead person..."

Afterwards, Evelyn told Chick about her being framed by her brother, and Chick shook his head: "Absurd, ridiculous... If I can get out, I will definitely bring this elf kingdom into order and bring these disorderly officials to justice." All the thieves are expelled. Even if they are blood-related guys, if they dare to act mischievously, they will still not leave a single one!"

Serifin thought that Chick said this to her, so she quickly bowed her head in fright and said, "Absolutely not!"

When Sirifen lowered his head, Wang Shuang discovered another rare thing: the smile that he kept on his face disappeared.

"Speaking of which, why is the leader stuck here for a long time and can't go out?" Serifin then asked: "If the leader can go out, according to your reputation, you can indeed overthrow the current elf kingdom."

"Do you want to rescue me?" Chick smiled, shook his head and said, "You can't do it now, you are too weak. Maybe one day in the future, you can indeed do it. But if you have that When you are strong, the problems you face will definitely be more serious, and my old bones will not be able to help you much by then."

After Chick finished speaking, he couldn't stop feeling emotional, with helplessness written all over his face, while Evelyn and Serifin stood aside in panic, at a loss.

When the atmosphere was a little awkward, Wang Shuang came up.

"Well, mentor." Wang Shuang coughed, walked up and asked with a faint smile: "Speaking of which, my task reward has not been sent to me yet. This task is to help you find your descendants."

"Huh?" Chick was taken aback for a moment, then nodded as if thinking of something, and raised his hand, a familiar and pleasant system prompt sounded in Wang Shuang's ear.


System prompt: You have completed the purple-level task "Looking for the descendants of the power of inheritance", you get 230W experience rewards, you get 10W gold coins, your follower Li Muxuan got 230W experience rewards, and your follower Mi Luduo got 230W experience rewards. 230W experience reward, your follower Evlani got 230W experience reward, your follower Serifen got [-]W experience reward, and you got the equipment "Lurker's Tooth".

After distributing the task rewards, Chick turned his head and continued to look at Serifen: "Do you know why I was so eager to find you here?"

Serifen was taken aback when he heard the words, and subconsciously blurted out, "In order to revitalize the Beiweiou clan?"

"Zhenxing shit." Chick couldn't help cursing: "I have been imprisoned here for 1000 years, and I only know about everything outside because you brought me back and told me. Of course, I didn't ask you to come Save me, the difficulty of this matter is too high, and I haven't thought about going out for the time being."

Sirifen nodded quickly: "I don't know what it is?"

Chick explained: "I called you here mainly for two things: one is to give you the power of inheritance and strengthen your strength. On the other hand, it is to fulfill one of my wishes."

Hearing this, Serifen's expression also became a little serious: "Sir, please tell me."

Chick nodded, his expression also very serious: "I wanted to fulfill my wish when I was accepting disciples, but unfortunately, the adventurer you are following is not a warrior or a knight, but an assassin. So I can only pass on my professional twin assassin to him, fortunately, this also fulfills my other wish."

"Nani, what do you mean?" Wang Shuang perked up when Chick mentioned him.

Chike glanced at Wang Shuang lightly, and continued: "Although I am an assassin, what I am obsessed with researching is actually a passive skill. This skill needs a warrior or knight to learn. On the one hand, you are my disciple's follower." Or, on the other hand, it is the last blood of Beiweiou, so it is perfect for you to inherit this skill."

Fuck!Wang Shuang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: "You said it so seriously, so it's just to teach skills!"

"What do you know!" Chick glared at Wang Shuang, and couldn't help but said, "You have to know, after 1000 years, it must be very important for people to remember. At that time, my father taught this skill to Wang Shuang. When I was there, I used to think it was nothing."

"But time has changed. As you grow up, your equipment will get better and better, and friends around you will come and go. Nothing can be relied on. Only career and skills can accompany you for a lifetime."

Chick sighed at this point: "In terms of profession, I have already found an adventurer to continue to pass on. Now there is only one skill missing, and you just came to fill this position. After I pass on this skill to you, I will live in There is nothing to worry about in this world!"

What's the meaning?Wang Shuang was taken aback, didn't he mean to die if he had no worries?Just a second ago he was clearly talking about waiting for Wang Shuang and the others to come to rescue him, but why did he have nothing to worry about in the blink of an eye?
But what surprised Wang Shuang even more was that Sirifen also nodded solemnly: "I will live up to my expectations!"

"Yeah." Chick didn't say anything, just nodded lightly.


System prompt: Your mentor, Chick Norveo, has taught your follower Serifen Norveo the skill "Absolute Protection".

——Absolute Protection: When you equip a shield, the enemy cannot deal a critical strike to you, and when the enemy's attack is blocked by the shield, all effects such as attack boost, defense ignoring, one-hit kill and stun cannot be triggered .

Fuck!Wang Shuang's jaw was about to drop: "My mentor is amazing, can I really not learn this skill?"

Chick glanced at Wang Shuang, then equipped an iron shield suddenly, and snorted softly: "Let's talk about it when you can equip the shield."

Dry!You need to equip a shield!Wang Shuang was so angry that he almost had a myocardial infarction. If he learned this skill, Wang Shuang would really not be afraid of anyone. Before, those guys wanted to take advantage of his brother's time to turn around and use the skill with a one-hit kill effect to kill him. If I learn this skill, I can slap them in the face next time I see them!

As for now, Wang Shuang can only stare blankly at this skill.

After learning this skill, Sirifen equipped the shield and waved it around twice, and the expression on his face returned to the previous smile: "It feels good, I think the defense from top to bottom is impeccable."

"Haha, that's right." Chick laughed loudly and said, "This is also the mystery of why I was unstoppable in the past! The high explosive power of an assassin, combined with absolute protection, is a moving sharp knife. The sharp knife falls Whoever comes to him will lose his head!"

At this moment, Evelyn on the other side saw her and raised her hand weakly: "Well, Chief, can I learn?"

"Yes." Chick looked at Evelyn and nodded: "You are also a follower of my disciple and a citizen of the elf kingdom, why not?"

After getting Chick's affirmation, Evelyn also went up, and after learning the skills, she stood aside excitedly.

Wang Shuang turned around and saw that there was another soldier in his team, but the expression on her face seemed a little hesitant, and she stood aside and remained silent.

"Mi Luduo, don't you want to try it?" Wang Shuang smiled and asked, "This is a rare opportunity, and the instructor seems to be an easy-going guy."

"No sir." After hesitating again and again, Mi Luduo finally sighed, leaned weakly on Wang Shuang's shoulder, and said weakly, "I, I think it's have an adult protect me."

Fuck, what is this called, you are the meat shield, I am the output, of course you are going to protect me.Wang Shuang sighed, but as a dark elf, Mi Luduo's identity is indeed a bit sensitive, since she is unwilling to try it, forget it.

After completing the task that Chick had been delaying, Wang Shuang finally killed another task in the task bar.Now that Chick's wish has been fulfilled, it's time for Wang Shuang to set off again.

Before leaving, Wang Shuang asked the last two questions: "Teacher, can I still come to learn skills?"

"No." Chick's answer was also very straightforward, while shaking his head: "You need to wait until level 70 to learn more from me. It's not that I don't teach it now, but that at your current level, you still can't Get this knowledge."

Wang Shuang nodded helplessly: "Okay then, I actually don't have much expectations... The last question, what level do I need to be qualified to save you?"

Wang Shuang has been staring at Chike's eyes. At this time, Wang Shuang saw Chike's eyes flickering. He raised his head and glanced at Wang Shuang. Only when all the survivors reach level 110 will there be a chance of rescuing me from here."

Hearing this, Wang Shuang laughed loudly: "Okay, for me, a glimmer of hope means infinite possibilities! I'm leaving, my mentor, and we'll meet later."

(End of this chapter)

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