It's time to play online

Chapter 341 Killing the common people and forgetting the words

Chapter 341 Killing the common people and forgetting the words
Wang Shuang followed the common people to forget the words, returned to the forest, and began to walk back and forth among the trees.Often when Wang Shuang saw Cang Sheng Wang Yu just now, the other party quickly walked around a tree and disappeared in front of Wang Shuang again.And the density of trees in this forest is very high, almost two or three steps are a tree, Wang Shuang felt that even if he wanted to stretch his arms in this forest, it was a bit difficult.

And Cangsheng Wangyu also felt a little strange at this time, Wang Shuang obviously had several chances to kill him, why didn't he rush forward to kill him?

"President Cangsheng." Just when he felt a little puzzled, the time in the distance spoke like an arrow: "The second wave of arrow rain is coming, President Cangsheng pay attention."

"Okay, I got it." Cang Sheng Wang Yu was refreshed, walked back and forth between the two trees, and left Wang Shuang behind again.

Wang Shuang felt that in the process of chasing Cang Sheng Wang Yu, his movement speed was still faster than the opponent.After all, although Wang Shuang is not in the state of darkness lurking, he still has the movement speed bonus of pathfinding. Why can't he take advantage of the movement speed, but is pulled further and further away by the opponent?
After going around two bends, the distance between Wang Shuang and Cang Sheng Wang Yu became a little bit further.But at this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly figured out why he was left behind by the opponent.

"Turning, he didn't stop at all when turning!" Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel a little strange: "Then why did brother stop?"

When Wang Shuang was depressed, Cangsheng Wangyu in front of him suddenly turned his head and looked at Wang Shuang. At this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly heard the sound of bowstrings roaring behind him, and Li Muxuan, who had been following Wang Shuang, said nervously: "My lord, we are ambushed!"

Fuck, didn't you already know this?Wang Shuang quickly blocked Li Muxuan and Serifen, and there was another crackling sound, and Wang Shuang was once again full of arrows.

"I see, a neat piece of 0 damage!" Cang Sheng Wangyu said at this time, and then couldn't help but sighed: "What a shame, I don't know what kind of skill he is, it can stack so many states, and it can still maintain more than ten Hours, if it were me, I would definitely challenge the red-level dungeon, brush him a hundred times before the state disappears, and max out all the equipment!"

"President Cangsheng, how long can you hold on?" Time flies like an arrow and asked at this time.

"If Wang Shuang keeps using his skills and just chases me like this, I don't think it will be a problem for how long." Cang Sheng Wangyu walked around the two trees again, and glanced back at Wang Shuang who was slowly catching up behind: "But let me The strange thing is why he doesn't use any tricks, is there any restriction, can he not use skills temporarily?"

"I think Wang Shuang is using you as an alchemy stone." Sheng Shi Hongtu said suddenly.

"Alchemy stone?"

"President Wang Yu's operation is indeed the best among us. When President Wang Yu played Wang Shuang, did you notice that the expression on his face was also very hesitant, and his movements were slower than before. , seems to be imitating the appearance of President Wangyu."

"What, is there such a thing?" Hearing this, Cangsheng Wangyu was taken aback, and hurriedly turned to look at Wang Shuang. Although he didn't find any specific abnormalities in Wang Shuang's actions, he saw Wang Shuang's expression on Cangsheng Wangyu's face. When he got the expression on, he almost fell over.

There was no confusion on Wang Shuang's face, only a slight hesitation, and a joy that was so intense that it could hardly be concealed!

At the next corner, the two trees in front of him formed a standard "S" shape. Wang Shuang almost brushed against the edges of the two big trees, passed by quickly, and continued to maintain the previous speed!Although the moving speed is about the same as before, and the movements are slightly jerky, Wang Shuang seems to have begun to quickly become familiar with the skills of high-speed cornering!

How long has he studied?It's been about 10 minutes since just now, did you learn it just by observing my movements a few times?
Fuck, this is all right!
——Ahh, Cangsheng Wangyu was so depressed that he couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of old blood. At this time, Cangsheng Wangyu suddenly felt that he had lost something very important. When he saw Wang Shuang's actions again, he felt a burst of deep emotion. Egg hurts.

Yes, when Wang Shuang repeatedly observed Cangsheng Wangyu's movements around the corner, he suddenly found a few very subtle movements of the opponent's footsteps. In Star Wish, there is a process of accelerating and decelerating when turning and starting to sprint.For example, if a character wants to turn forward, he has to turn the direction first before he can start running forward, or he can adjust the direction of his task while running forward.

These two methods, although different, end up with similar results, and the overall run time is similar.As for the second type, the process of sprinting is also the same. At the beginning of the game, the character does not reach the highest moving speed immediately, but has to go through an acceleration process before slowly increasing the speed.

But not everyone has to go through this process. For example, some people have mastered some game skills, which can greatly shorten the acceleration process. This is not a game bug, but a kind of game egg, which is provided for players to dig and explore. Players can have a pastime when they are boring to spawn monsters.

It took a long time for Cangsheng Wangyu to comprehend the skill of maintaining the original speed of the character when turning, but now, his achievements were plagiarized by Wang Shuang, which made him almost feel depressed. The urge to vomit blood.

What made Cangsheng Wangyu even more desperate was that Wang Shuang quickly mastered the technique, and by virtue of his faster speed than Cangsheng Wangyu, he was slowly catching up from behind!
"President Cangsheng, the organization will remember you." At this time, the voice of time flies through the voice channel, and Cangsheng Wangyu heard several players on the other side giving orders: "We have asked the remote players to retreat first, and form We sent two Death Squadrons and one stormtrooper, and waited for the priest from our guild to arrive, and immediately dispelled all the state on Wang Shuang, and then took him down."

"Sounds good." Cangsheng Wangyu was stunned for a moment, and then shouted in an exaggerated tone: "But can you save me first, I heard that after being killed by Wang Shuang, almost three pieces will be exploded Equipment, if I can’t explode after killing him, wouldn’t I be at a big loss?”

"This... don't worry, we will remember you. When the time comes to kill Wang Shuang, we will post on the forum and put your name on the first place." Wangyu is the most likely to accept.

"That's right, you are the first to rank!" Shengshi Hongtu on the side also said.

"Fuck..." Cangsheng Wangyu glanced back at Wang Shuang who was chasing after him, and couldn't help cursing: "This, is this the rhythm that is destined to send me away?"

"Not necessarily!" An excited voice suddenly came from the other side: "The pastor has arrived, the first and second teams of the death squad will charge, and the assault team will surround the priest in the middle, let's go together! President Cangsheng, if you have a chance, come to us!" If you rush in this direction, you still have a chance of survival!"

"Okay, got it." Cang Sheng forgot to speak, and immediately became excited.He glanced back, Wang Shuang had already brought back the two followers into his star wish space at this time, without the drag of the speed of the two followers, Wang Shuang's speed was increased again, at a speed visible to the naked eye. rushed up.

This is the rhythm of a quick battle!Cangsheng Wangyu gritted his teeth and directly activated the acceleration effects of the two equipment.


System prompt: You have used the blood coagulation spiritual boots equipment skill "Legion Charge": friendly units within a radius of 12 meters get 5? ? ?Speed ​​bonus for 8 seconds.

System prompt: You have used the equipment skill "Wrath of the Wind" of the Gale Broadsword: Speed ​​up by 4 within 60 seconds? ? ?Speed, 80? ? ?speed.If you have no other allies around, gain an additional 20? ? ?Attack bonus.

"Damn, one second is one second!" Now Cang Sheng Wang Yu doesn't look at other effects except the movement speed bonus at all, because no matter how high the other attributes are added, it's useless, even if his bonus is high So what if it can cause harm to Wang Shuang?Wang Shuang now has 400 million qi and blood, even if one knife can break the defense and cause hundreds of points of damage, even if Wang Shuang lies still, let him chop for several days!
After seeing the other party speeding up suddenly, Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Are you speeding up, brother will too."

Wang Shuang used the skill Dark Lurking, and his movement speed increased by 30? ? ?However, after the effect of stealth was reversed by the talent of time to run, Wang Shuang's stealth almost became a decoration, but so what?Now it's the chase, as long as Wang Shuang can catch up to the guy who ran for his life in front of him, that's enough.

"Run forward for a while, and hold on for a while, the Death Squad is right in front of you!" Time Like an Arrow shouted suddenly.

"About 20 seconds away!" On the other side, Shengshi Hongtu directly gave the exact time, which gave Cangsheng Wangyu a rough preparation in his mind.

Cangsheng Wangyu glanced back, Wang Shuang's movement speed was also frighteningly fast, and he was about to catch up with him, Cangsheng Wangyu activated a skill that he had been pinching in the skill bar , the next second, the movement speed soared!
Fuck?Wang Shuang was taken aback, and after a closer look, he found that Cangsheng Wangyu's acceleration lasted less than four seconds before weakening, and the speed after that was even slower than before!
At the same time, the sound of many people galloping at the same time came from the front, and the ground trembled slightly.Wang Shuang shook his head, and a shadow raid chased after him, killing Cang Sheng Wang Yu who was running desperately forward.When he raised his head, a priest walked out of the crowd and stood in front of him.

"That's it, Wang Shuang!" she said.

(End of this chapter)

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