It's time to play online

Chapter 343 Eternal Capital

Chapter 343 Eternal Capital
Falling down again and again, being pulled back from the borderline of death again and again.Although the players around Wang Shuang were still slashing and killing Wang Shuang crazily, their eyes became more and more astonished.

"Day, why can he be resurrected infinitely?"

"Cheating, this must be a cheating, everyone, quickly record, post the evidence of Wang Shuang's cheating on the forum, and vote for Xingyuan Company, let's see if they take care of it!"

"Fuck, if I were the guild leader, I would definitely drag Wang Shuang into my guild, and then ask him for a cheat, such a useful cheat, I have no friends when playing games!"

"Ni Mapi, labor and management hate cheating dogs the most when playing games, kill one when you see one!"


Listening to the chaotic voices around him, Wang Shuang fell down two or three times again.After reviving an unknown number of times, the cooldown of Black and White Storm's skills has improved again.

"Grass, how do you feel that the more he is revived, the stronger he becomes?" Some players quickly discovered this.

"Hey, Wang Shuang's qi and blood have become 40W, and it was clearly less than [-] just now, how can I play this?"

"Damn it, record this part in the video too!"

"Okay, goodbye, everyone." Wang Shuang suddenly smiled at everyone, and released the range skills. After a black mist filled the air, all the blood bars on the players' heads around Wang Shuang became empty.They looked at Wang Shuang in astonishment, as if they couldn't believe it was true, their legs softened and they slowly fell to their knees, white light wafted from their bodies and went back to be reborn.

Only the equipment left on the ground, and further away, the unbelievable eyes of those players.

"How did this happen? How did Wang Shuang become stronger as he killed?"

"Could it be that our killing posture is wrong?"

"Impossible, Wang Shuang must have believed in Brother Chun, that's why he became so obsessed, resurrected in place full of blood and demons...Damn, where is Brother Chun, I have to believe in him too!"

"MLGB, it looks like cheating, so obvious cheating, do you really think no one can cure him?"

The players began to curse one after another. Although on the surface they were swearing and criticizing Wang Shuang, in fact none of them rushed forward and fought against Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang smiled slightly. He knew that his fighting spirit had collapsed, so he had no intention of continuing to hunt down Wang Shuang.

How about you, you can't play games, and now you're blaming me for using cheats?

Hehe, that's all you guys have. If you can't beat others, you say they cheat. In fact, you don't understand the real gameplay of this game!

Wang Shuang glanced at the time and saw that 10 minutes had passed. Wang Shuang raised his hand and summoned all the followers he had just died in battle. He glanced indifferently at the players around him, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Come.He turned to look at his followers, waved his hands, and said firmly, "Kill them all, leave no one behind!"

"Understood." Li Muxuan was the first to answer.

"Kill!" Serifin laughed, twisted his arms, the runes hidden under his leather armor suddenly lit up, and crackling sounds came from his whole body.He took out his sword and shield, looked the other way and started running.

"Got it, master." Mirudo also ran out in another direction with a sword and shield in his hand.

"Didn't you let us come out to die this time?" Only Evelyn asked with a weak expression, looking a little uncertain.

"Of course, hurry up, making contributions is now!" Wang Shuang laughed, and slapped her on the shoulder.

Then Wang Shuang paused slightly with his palms, and moved down one layer after another along the protrusion of the spine, directly touching the end of the spine, which immediately made Evelyn's face blush like two red clouds hung on it.

Evelyn blushed, turned her head and gave Wang Shuang a hard look, then suddenly raised her foot, and stepped on Wang Shuang's sole with her heel.

"Yaoshou, rebellion, the followers are starting to beat the master!" Seeing that he was actually broken and lost a few drops of blood, Wang Shuang jumped up and yelled with an exaggerated expression on his face.

"Hmph." Evelyn snorted softly, and rushed towards the direction with the fewest people in her hand, holding a long sword.

Fuck, these followers of my brother are really disobedient sometimes, Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing bitterly.Then he suddenly realized that he was idle, did brother also want to find these guys to practice his hands?After all, when they just killed brother, they seemed to be having a good time, didn't they?


"Go, get all the players in the guild to evacuate." Shengshi Hongtu was very busy in the rear, commanding the players in his own guild to evacuate, and at the same time instructing the players in the common people's guild to retreat in another direction. Players stay.

On the one hand, these people are the rear for others, slowing down Wang Shuang and his followers; on the other hand, they are creating opportunities for other players to escape, and allowing more people to have time to leave urgently.

However, during this process, those players who were asked to stay in the back room had opinions and emotions, and they declined or shirked this task one after another. Some even didn't understand Shengshi Hongtu's approach, and angrily cursed at Shengshi Hongtu in the private chat channel , and withdrew from the guild after a disagreement.

When Sheng Shi Hongtu was extremely busy, the other two presidents were not idle.Time flies like an arrow and is also mobilizing the manpower of its own guild. On the one hand, it is helping Shengshi Hongtu to delay Wang Shuang, and on the other hand, it is asking most players to evacuate quickly and return to the safe area first, which is the nearest elf city.

Now the name on Wang Shuang's head is already red and purple. As long as he enters the territory of the elves, let alone he is a human race, even the red name is enough for Wang Shuang to drink a pot.

Will Wang Shuang dare to catch up?If he catches up, no matter how powerful his attributes are, he will have to go to court to accept the punishment!What's more, even if the gold coins are paid out, so what?The city is a safe area, PK is prohibited!

Thinking of this, Time Like an Arrow has decided on the most urgent question: how to allow the players in his guild to retreat to the city smoothly, and how long will Wang Shuang chase them before stopping?
Indeed, Wang Shuang is very free-wheeling in doing things. When he feels bored, he probably won't continue chasing them.Thinking of this, Time Like an Arrow strengthened his mind: let the members of his guild disappear from Wang Shuang first, the so-called out of sight, out of trouble, is the truth.

As for the other two guilds, just let them put in more effort and help hold Wang Shuang back.

The two presidents each have their own ideas, but Cangsheng Wangyu, the president of the Cangsheng Guild, doesn't have so much thought.After he retrieved his equipment, he rushed to the front and used his status as the president of the Common People's Guild to play a leading role in directing the players to retreat.

It has to be said that this is very efficient, but the risk is also very high. If Wang Shuang accidentally sees it and is killed by Wang Shuang again, it will be considered a loss outweighed the gain.After all, no one will help him retrieve the equipment this time.

"Okay, we are also preparing to retreat." After seeing that several squadron leaders and squad leaders of his guild received orders and began to retreat according to Time Like Arrow's arrangement, Time Like an Arrow finally breathed a sigh of relief.However, he found that Wang Shuang was constantly approaching where he and Hongtu were. In desperation, time quickly closed the dialog box, called Hongtu and began to retreat.

"Okay, got it." Chaotic Hongtu closed the dialog box with red eyes, put his weapon back into his backpack, and nodded towards him like an arrow, fisted, and disappeared into the forest with a few of his people.Seeing this, Chaotic Hongtu also gathered with several players from his own guild, and quickly evacuated in another direction.

And just as Time Like an Arrow thought, after a few minutes, Wang Shuang didn't seem to want to chase them anymore.Although Wang Shuang moved faster than them, Wang Shuang always paused when catching up with a person and attacking. This pause was a delay of one or two seconds.

Not long after chasing and stopping, Wang Shuang couldn't take it anymore: "Fuck, I'm so tired, stop chasing, just run away as you like, anyway, just don't try to hinder brother again."

After seeing Wang Shuang stop, several other followers also gradually stopped chasing, and slowly approached Wang Shuang.After waiting for all his followers, Wang Shuang waved his hand: "Let's go, continue to set off—wait, where are we now?"

"Boundary of the Pierviere Forest!" Just as Wang Shuang was talking to himself and was about to open the small map to check, Evelyn suddenly said, "This is the capital of the Elven Kingdom, which is near the Eternal Capital!"

"The Eternal Capital?" Wang Shuang saw that it was indeed displayed in this way on his mini-map. He was slightly taken aback, and looked at Evelyn, "Since it is the capital, then you lived here before?"

Evelyn nodded, then shook her head again: "However, the Eternal City also has a structural distinction. The interior of the Eternal City is divided into the upper area, the lower area, the expatriate area, and the abandoned city area."

"Oh, that's about the same as the human race." Wang Shuang nodded: "I remember that the waves are also like this."

"The Waves City? That is the product of the human race's imitation of the elf race." At this time, Serifon, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

"The human race imitated us?" Evelyn was stunned: "Why do I not know about this kind of thing, but you do?"

"Your Highness the pampered princess, you still have a lot to learn." Serifin said lightly.

At this time, Wang Shuang looked at the Eternal City not far away, and after pondering for a moment, he suddenly clapped his hands and said, "It's decided, let's go inside the Eternal City and see what's going on in the elves first."

"My lord?" Evelyn's eyes lit up.

Wang Shuang laughed, and reached out to touch Evelyn's head: "That's right, we went in this time to help Evelyn understand the current situation of the royal family in the Elf Kingdom and their concerns about Evellane's disappearance." How things look."

(End of this chapter)

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