It's time to play online

Chapter 345 Wang Shuang Wants To Follow

Chapter 345 Wang Shuang Wants To Follow
The upper city and the lower city are actually like two cities.The structure of the entire Eternal City is complicated. A ravine and thorn fence was built outside the upper city, and between the upper city and the lower city, there is also a higher and larger floor, which is completely covered by bricks, thorns, vines and dragon trees. built walls.

This city wall encloses the lower city. It is strong and tall, and the walls are dotted with roses. It is completely different from the simple and plain style of the upper city.

And Evelyn, as the eternal capital, is of course the princess of the entire Xiasen Kingdom. She often escaped from the palace when she was a child, and even escaped from the lower city, and came to the upper city to play.

Of course, Evelyn would not let the guards know when she sneaked out to play, so there was a secret passage that only she and a few people knew about.

After explaining to Wang Shuang and Serifin, Evelyn took them to the tailor shop in the upper city, bypassed the tailor shop, entered the pasture behind, and walked on the vast grassland for a while. Saw them getting closer and closer to the walls of the Lower City.

Evelyn also continued to lead them inside, and soon, they came to an iron gate that had already been corroded with rust.This iron door looks like it has not been used for a long time, the barbed wire on the iron door is rusty, and the only iron plate on the iron door is full of dust and scratches.In the middle of the iron gate, a lock appears to secure the passage securely.

"Do you have a key?" Wang Shuang dialed the metal lock with his hand. Although it looked a little rusty, and some dust would fall when it swayed with inertia, it was still locked well.

"You don't need a key." Evelani said, and gently pulled the seemingly normal lock with her hand. Wang Shuang didn't see Evelani's movement clearly, but suddenly heard a crisp metal lock. With a sound, the lock, which was locked just now, was unlocked in an instant.

"Actually, adults play it seriously, and you will understand soon." Evelyn turned her head and smiled at Wang Shuang: "Usually we just cover up this lock, so that people don't think about it for the time being. , so that no one finds out that Uptown and Downtown are actually fully connected.”

"I see." Wang Shuang nodded.

Now that the lock was unlocked, Serifen took a step forward and gently pushed open the iron mesh door, while Wang Shuang hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and followed: "I'm still worried, let me I will act with you."

"Your Excellency?" Evelani looked back at Wang Shuang, and shook her head anxiously: "No, if other clansmen see you after you come in, they will immediately notify the guards."

"What are you afraid of? My brother can sneak." Wang Shuang patted his chest without hesitation and said.

Evelyn still shook her head firmly: "My lord's stealth is probably very unsafe. What if someone accidentally finds out?"

While Wang Shuang was hesitating, Serifen came up and patted Wang Shuang on the chest.Wang Shuang raised his head and looked at him in surprise.Serifen said with a smile at this time: "It's okay, after waiting to enter the lower city, Evelyn will come back to accompany you, not to mention that even if I fail, I will die on the side of the adults Isn't it?"

"That's true, but..." Wang Shuang suddenly felt extremely painful, and let the NPC do things completely?Why do you think it's so unreliable? If all things are done by NPCs and can be done successfully, what do you want players to do?
That's right, there will definitely be times when players are needed, certain plots, and certain tasks that only players can do!After all, this is the reason why players exist in this world. If you don't interfere with the game process or change the direction of the mission, then the success or failure of the mission depends entirely on the mood of the system master?

It's decided, I have to figure out a way, I have to get involved no matter what, there must be something I can do!
Wang Shuang opened his skill panel, moved his gaze over each skill, and shook his head one after another. MD, why do I learn these combat skills and some life skills that are not helpful? At this time, why can’t I give my brother a "lurker" or something like that, absolutely not in the stealth state? What about skills that will be seen through?

Wait - Wang Shuang's eyes suddenly moved to a skill and then stopped!which skill?Darkness lurks!

What is the difference between Dark Lurking and regular stealth?In fact, there is no difference, one is that it will not show up as long as it does not attack, and the other is that the movement speed bonus is 10 higher than ordinary stealth?

But after Wang Shuang saw the specific description of the skill Dark Lurking, he remembered: Wang Shuang used three Ancestral Notes for the Dark Lurking skill last time, and strengthened it a total of three times. The current Dark Lurking is different from before. Three more effects are added!

——Dark Lurking Lv3: Enter the stealth state immediately after activation, 25 in the stealth state? ? ?speed, and gain 30 when out of stealth? ? ?speed.When being watched by a high-level creature, there are 30? ? ?The rate is seen through the stealth state.This ability cannot be detected by auditory tracking.

——Additional effect 1: If you receive damage while activating stealth in battle, the damage you receive will be increased by 15 each time? ? ?Speed ​​and movement speed, the effect lasts until 5 seconds after stealth ends.

——Additional effect 2: Get an extra 5 in the stealth state? ? ?Speed ​​bonus.

——Additional effect 3: When attacking in stealth state, there are 95? ? ?Instead of losing the stealth effect, reduce it by 5? ? ?The probability of being seen through.

What are the effects of these three items?The first chicken rib!The second effect is too small, and the third, under the reversal of Wang Shuangshilai's talent, the effect becomes terrifying!
Wang Shuang's eyes almost fell out of their sockets, what is this called?This is called another village!If you attack several times continuously in the dark lurking state, can each attack be reduced by 5? ? ?The probability of being seen through.After attacking 0 times, whether it is a high level or a low level, the probability of seeing through brother stealth is [-]?

This was so powerful that Wang Shuang immediately felt excited, as if a bright road was unfolding in front of his eyes.

He immediately called Serifon and Evelyn who were about to set off, and led them to the outside of the Eternal City, where he found a monster at random.

Hehe, just as Wang Shuang left the city, he saw a seventy-level giant-horned elk wandering randomly in the wild.Ordinary monsters, qi and blood 80W, physical attack 6300, physical defense 5800, it is you.

Since the level of the giant horned elk is higher than that of Wang Shuang, the probability of Wang Shuang being seen through stealth at this time is 30? ? ?Shuang slowly leaned over and watched the giant horned elk stay in place, with a red name on its head but did not take the initiative to attack Wang Shuang. It seemed that he was lucky and was not found yet?

Wang Shuang took the two followers back into his star wish space, took out a dagger from his backpack, and shook it in front of the giant horned elk, but remained indifferent.Haha, can't you see it?You can't see brother, and you can't see brother twisting his ass in front of you, hahaha.

That's enough, you can just be a blind man and get hacked to death by brother. As long as brother's luck is not particularly bad, trigger the 5? ? ?If you leave the stealth state.At this time, Wang Shuang clenched the dagger tightly, and swung the first knife at the giant horned elk.


The dagger sank into the neck of the giant horned elk, cutting a deep wound, as if a swift and clever assassin shot, blood splashed everywhere.Then Wang Shuang stopped his movements and raised his head, watching the giant-horned elk's reaction a little nervously.

The giant-horned elk screamed at this time. It stands to reason that its throat was cut open, so it should be dead. Skills will kill directly.So now the giant horned elk opened its mouth to reveal a mouthful of untidy white teeth, and raised its two front hooves at the same time to howl.

It screamed in place, lingered two or three times, and shook its head. The wound on its neck was quickly refreshed and healed by the system, but it still did not launch a counterattack against Wang Shuang in front of it.

This... was successful?Wang Shuang was so excited that he suddenly saw a new status in his status bar.

——Full of flaws LV1: You launched an attack in the stealth state, but it was not exposed, but it was reduced by 5? ? ?present probability.The current stealth probability of being discovered by low-level creatures: 65? ? ?Probability of being discovered by advanced creatures before sneaking: 25? ?What kind of?Shouldn't it be easier to be exposed if it is full of flaws? Why is the probability of my brother being discovered reduced by 5? ? ?Shuang haha ​​laughed, this is so sour, I can't believe it!

Next, Wang Shuang started to attack continuously, slashing the dagger again and again, chopping the giant horned elk's neck, head and even the torso. Cut empty, the giant horned elk quickly fell to the ground, bursting out a piece of equipment and then stopped moving.

Wang Shuang suddenly remembered why his attack power was not as sharp as before. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that he was first silenced by the female priest of the Time Guild, and then dispelled. Was dispersed to nothing left.

After being dispelled, the players from those guilds killed Wang Shuang five times, so Wang Shuang still has five layers of the state of breaking and standing, and each layer of state is superimposed by 10? ? ?properties, the five layers provide a total of about 60? ? ?sex bonus.

Not as sharp as before, Wang Shuang sighed leisurely.At this time, Wang Shuang's other state was full of flaws, and he had already met Wang Shuang's expectations.

——Full of flaws LV36: You launched an attack in the stealth state, but it was not exposed, but it was reduced by 180? ? ?present probability.Probability of current stealth being discovered by low-level creatures: -110? ? ?Probability of being discovered by advanced creatures before sneaking: -150? ?Well, now the probability of my brother's stealth being discovered has been reduced to a negative number, will this cause problems?Wang Shuang was a little apprehensive, gritted his teeth, and looked at another giant-horned elk not far away.

As before, Wang Shuang came to the giant horned elk and waved the dagger in his hand. Seeing that the giant horned elk didn't respond, Wang Shuang slashed at the giant horned elk with his dagger.


The giant horned elk raised its front hooves, lingered a few times in place, and then slowly stopped.

If it succeeds, it really hasn't been discovered, even if the probability of being discovered is negative, it doesn't matter!

Wang Shuang laughed, and was about to hack the giant horned elk to death several times in a row, but in the process, Wang Shuang unfortunately triggered the 5? ? ? , exposed from stealth.

Of course, the state full of flaws also disappeared at this time.Want to brush again?Then hit the monster again.

Seeing the giant-horned elk angrily raised its front hooves and ran towards him, Wang Shuang only had one sad thought in his head: Fuck, why did you kill it, why not just go back!

(End of this chapter)

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