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Chapter 352 2 Princes Will Rise

Chapter 352 The Second Prince Will Rise
Do it, you dare to pretend to be a tiger, and I will kill you!Wang Shuang drew out his dagger, resisted the strong wind and slowly moved his body forward. When he walked slowly in front of the Void Monster, he directly disabled the Void Monster with three consecutive skills, and then Wang Shuang was swept back several steps by the strong wind.

Seeing that he was about to be blown out of the room, Wang Shuang suddenly raised his head and took a look at the void monster. When the skill Shadow Assault was activated, Wang Shuang directly dodged to the side of the void mob. The victim shook slightly, and slowly fell down after his health bar returned to zero, and the strong wind that filled the room also subsided.

"Jingle Bell……"

After Wang Shuang killed the void mob, he received a kill prompt from the system and obtained a piece of equipment that exploded from the void mob.At this time, other people also gathered around, and Evelyn hurriedly stepped forward to check the harp of light and hope, but was stopped by Hirzak.

"Let me come. After all, I am an adventurer, and I am born to take adventure as my duty." Wang Shuang also came to Harp at this time, hesitated, and read the attributes of Harp first.

——Harp of Destruction and Darkness: Special item, cannot be equipped, transported, or sold.

Another thing that has no explanation at all!Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, and looked at Evelyn, "This thing has been renamed the Harp of Destruction and Darkness. Is it still important to you?"

Evelyn didn't speak in a daze, but Hirzak on the other side replied Wang Shuang for her: "It's useless, adventurer. Originally, the harp of light and hope has two meanings. One is that it is the god of elves. The only treasure bestowed by Rand Whisper, and the other point is the powerful light energy possessed by the harp itself, which can strengthen the growth speed of plants within a hundred miles nearby."

"It's just that now, the bright meaning of this harp no longer exists, right? So I think——we'd better destroy it?" Wang Shuang continued what Hirzak said, and asked They glanced at Hirzak and Evelyn respectively.

The former was slightly taken aback, and nodded silently, while the latter didn't say anything, so Wang Shuang raised the white double blades in his hand, and cut the harp in front of him into two with a dagger.

Looking at the description of this equipment, Wang Shuang knew that he couldn't do anything about it.It can't be moved or sold. This is obviously a rhythm that players don't want to get.And this thing looks very dangerous now, what should Wang Shuang do?Needless to say, it must have been destroyed directly.

However, when Wang Shuang destroyed the harp, another illusory shadow floated out of the harp.This phantom does not seem to be any living thing, there is no blood bar or name displayed on the head, and there is no actual body, only a face that seems to disappear at any time.

This face glanced at Wang Shuang with a smirk, then circled around in place, left the broken harp, drilled out of the ceiling, and slowly flew away towards the higher and farther sky.

And in the bedroom of Evelyn, who was full of scars, there was another skull dripping blood.After it smirked twice, it gradually faded and disappeared.

For some reason, Wang Shuang always felt very familiar when he saw this skull, but for a while he couldn't remember where he saw it.While Wang Shuang was thinking, he also received a system prompt.


System prompt: You have triggered the side mission "The Rise of Alrosa" of the red-level mission "The Legendary Song of Ephraine".

"Damn it, what happened?" Wang Shuang felt confused again: "Who is this Alrosa, why did my brother receive a mission about him?"

"Alrosa?" Hearing this, Hirzak turned around in surprise: "That's our second brother."

"Damn it!" Wang Shuang was shocked when he heard the words, he slapped his thigh suddenly and said, "You said, when that thing flew away just now, I also received the task of his rise at the same time, what is the connection between this?"

"Second brother's rise?" Hirzak's expression suddenly became serious: "You mean, is the second brother's rise related to the thing we just let go? From this point of view, it seems that everything that happened here Indeed, as you said, it was all planned by the second brother!"

"Grass mud horse, you just want to understand now?" Wang Shuang sighed tiredly. Brother finally understood why many teammates are not afraid of god-like enemies, but are afraid of pig-like teammates. Such pig teammates are simply speechless and frustrating. .

But since the other party was an NPC, Wang Shuang couldn't argue too much with him, so he had to look at Evelyn.After knowing that this matter was related to the second prince, Evelyn's face turned pale.But then she gritted her teeth hard, pulled herself together, and looked up at Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang was a little surprised: "Why, have you recovered?"

"It's all up to the order of the adults!" Evelyn clasped her fists and said, "As long as I can kill the second brother, I will go through fire and water!"

"Kill your second brother?" Wang Shuang smiled slightly: "The change is fast enough, didn't you still defend him before? But this is the right way, so that you can be my follower."

Wang Shuang turned around and said to the other two followers, "Then we don't need to waste any more time, we will set off immediately."

"Understood." Li Muxuan and Serifin also replied loudly.Seemingly infected by the anger and sadness in front of them, everyone was in high spirits, only Li Er'an quietly lay on Li Muxuan's shoulder, opened his mouth and yawned loudly.

This time Wang Shuang and the others also encountered some obstacles when they left the garden. It was a normal garden when they entered before, but now for some reason, a large number of tall and strong giant flowers grew. It will stretch out vines and leaves to hinder Wang Shuang and the others.

After thinking for a while, Wang Shuang decided to break through forcefully, resisting the attacks of most of the plants all the way, and let a few followers cover Hirzak and Hilom to leave the garden.

When he walked out of Evelyn's mansion, Wang Shuang let out a heavy breath with scars all over his body. While taking out a bottle of blood-generating potion from his backpack, he said to Hirzak, "This time it's up to you to do it." Lead the way, take us directly to where Alrosa is."

"I don't know if the second brother is at home." Hirzak shook his head and said: "But even if he is not, we will be received by the butler and servants of the second brother. At that time, we will directly quarrel with them Turn over, or wait for the second brother to come back first?"

"Let's talk about it." Wang Shuang thought for a while and said, "Since we are determined to kill him directly, it is best to rule out all accidental factors. His servants, servants, etc. may be very danger, so we should kill all these people before he comes back."

"No." Hirzak once again rejected Wang Shuang's suggestion after hearing the words: "Even if the second brother is guilty, he can't kill innocent people at will..."

"Okay, you shut up." Wang Shuang was speechless, and turned to look at Evelyn: "You will obey my orders then, right? Whatever I ask you to do, you have to do it without hesitation. ,do you know?"

"Understood." Evelyn nodded obediently, and said lightly, "Because I am a follower of the master."

"Haha, it's good to know." Wang Shuang reached out and touched Evelyn's head.

"Adventurer." Hirzak raised his eyebrows at this time, walked up to Wang Shuang and stood up straight, taking advantage of a small height, looking down at Wang Shuang: "This is the elves, not your human race. , You naturally have no burden to kill. But I want to ask, if such a guy came out of your human race, would you still do it?"

Wang Shuang snorted softly: "Of course they will. It's none of my business whether they die or not, but if they dare to interfere with my mission, they will all die."

"Hmph, that sounds nice. I hope you can still remember your words when you encounter such a situation in the future." Hirzak snorted coldly, but said nothing more.

Wang Shuang activated the skill Dark Lurking on the way just now, and slashed and killed plants along the way, and the state full of flaws has already been superimposed to full.At this time, they just took back their two followers, Evlani and Li Muxuan, and then followed Serifen, slowly moving forward under the leadership of Hirzak.

Walking along the road, Wang Shuang found that some lush trees just now began to wither. Could it be that after the harp of light and hope was destroyed just now, the plants lost the bonus of the harp and began to show side effects?
At this time, Wang Shuang suddenly remembered something, and quietly leaned against Serifen and asked, "By the way, don't you elves don't cut down trees? Then the log cabin you lived in before, and the ones in the lower city?" What about buildings? I see a lot of wood."

"Those are all rewards from the god of elves, Narendra Whisper." Sirifen explained: "Every time, he will put down the excess resources from the upper world and give them to us in Xiasen Kingdom for use. The wood that has been put in has been tempered, and even if it is planted in the soil again, it will not be able to take root and germinate, so it is used as an ordinary building material by us."

"Fuck, this god really takes care of his people. Even with his extra resources, he would think that there are a group of elves down there who can't afford wood and are waiting for him to throw resources down." Wang Shuang couldn't help but click tusk. Said.

But at this time, Serifen also sighed suddenly: "Although so, there are still many shoots on the wood in spring. At this time, we know that someone must have violated the rules of the elves, The outside trees were secretly cut down and used for the construction of these buildings."

Hearing this, Wang Shuang raised his head again and glanced at the buildings lined up in the urban area.Sure enough, on the wooden bridge on the middle floor of a building, I saw a new shoot growing towards the sun.

In the lower city where it was impossible for Wang Shuang to sneak in before, maybe there are many things like this bud, if you don't know it in advance, and if you don't look carefully, you will never be able to find it.

(End of this chapter)

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