It's time to play online

Chapter 364 Wang Shuang can't laugh at all

Chapter 364 Wang Shuang can't laugh at all
Wang Shuang activated Dark Lurking almost subconsciously, and immediately escaped into stealth mode.However, Wang Shuang looked back, only to see Xiao Lier's footsteps paused, then rushed up, and under his somewhat stunned gaze, he inserted the dagger into Wang Shuang's chest.

"You, what a fucking luck..." Before Wang Shuang finished what he wanted to say, he felt as if his game character had lost all his strength, and quickly fell to his knees on the ground.Then a force gushed out from his chest, pulling Wang Shuang up again.

Well, well, fortunately, this state of being broken and then erected is not cheating this time!After Wang Shuang came back to life, he quickly let out a sigh of relief, glanced at Xiao Lier, and escaped into stealth mode again.

This time, can you still see brother this time?Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing when he saw Xiao Lier's eyes became confused at this moment.

"Damn it." Xiao Lier glanced back at the other people, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, glanced at less than half of the remaining blood on his head, and said with a miserable smile: "Haha, I didn't expect it to be just based on you guys You can force me into such a field even if you are a young boy!"

"I will inherit the royal lineage of the elves." The eldest prince snorted indifferently, staring at Xiao Lier for a moment with his eyes without emotion and warmth, and then said: "As for you, you will always be It's an ant looking up to me!"

"Stop looking down on people!" Xiao Lier twitched his eyebrows and yelled fiercely: "Even if I can't do anything to you today, it's okay! My plan has not failed, so you can dance, and continue to dance while you are still alive. They're just a few string puppets on my sand table!"

Hearing this, Wang Shuang couldn't help but sneered: "Oh, what's the matter, you lost half your blood and you're running for your life?"

Xiao Lier suddenly turned his head and showed a somewhat cold smile to Wang Shuang, which made Wang Shuang feel uncomfortable.After turning around, he slapped Mi Luduo's head with a palm, knocking Mi Luduo out, and clamped it under the armpit of his right hand. Then, under Wang Shuang's astonished gaze, he tore open a crack with one hand, and plunged into it. go in.

"Mi Luduo!" Wang Shuang couldn't help shouting, but only Xiao Lier's rampant laughter could be heard from the crack, and then there was a sudden tremor, and the edge quickly closed.

"I'm stupid." Wang Shuang was so angry that he almost fainted. What is this?Kidnap?Is this guy a pirate? How could he have this skill... No, kidnapping shouldn’t be exclusive to pirates, at least bandits and bandits should be able to do this as well!But why is this guy kidnapping brother's followers?
When Wang Shuang thought that they were all dark elves, and Mi Luduo's hesitation before, he suddenly felt anxious.He scratched his head, summoned all his other followers, and then asked them: "Is there any way for me to forcibly take my followers back to the Star Wish Space when I am far away from them?"

"It seems not, my lord." Li Muxuan said first.

"Impossible, it can't be like this!" Wang Shuang was so anxious that he was about to cry. He suddenly shook his body with excitement, ran out of the gate of the prison at a trot, and then shouted outside the door: "Li Muxuan, try Keep this distance, and see if there is any way to get back into my star wish space!"

silence.Wang Shuang looked at the gate of the prison and was silent for a long time. He didn't receive any notification at all. The status of the four followers all showed that they had already set off, and they couldn't be recovered because they were too far away.

how so!Wang Shuang rushed into the prison, looked at the silent people, and his own followers, and then looked at the follower panel, and now three followers on the follower panel were lit up, showing that they could be normal Return, but there is still one person who is extinguished, and that is Miludo over there.

Why, why!Wang Shuang felt very depressed, desperate, and unwilling.The development of this plot is unreasonable. Why did this happen? Is it the right decision to let them kill the princes of the elves just now?That's right, what does brother save them for? The fate of the elves has nothing to do with successors.

"If you want to be resentful or unhappy, you elves should also go to the dark elves." Wang Shuang said, and suddenly found that his voice became a little choked.Did you start crying in real life?
"My lord, don't worry." Serifen came up at this time, sighed softly and said, "As long as Mi Lu wants to return to your side, there are still many ways."

"What way?" Wang Shuang seemed to see a moth in the dark, and eagerly rushed to grab Serifen's palm: "Tell me, what else can be done? Even if there is only a little possibility!"

"For example—suicide." Serifen said slowly: "It is impossible for Xiaolier to imprison her for the rest of her life. As long as she finds a chance to commit suicide, no matter how far away, she can return to the star wishing space of the adult, and wait for 10 minutes to be able to go back again. call."

"That's right, that's right, it turns out that the matter is so simple." Wang Shuang laughed, his voice was a little dry, which made people feel uncomfortable, and he himself felt uncomfortable.

What's the matter, brother, are you in love?Have feelings?Obviously, except for a few words of cuteness and orders, he didn't talk to Mi Luduo much.Wang Shuang wiped his sinuses and smiled self-deprecatingly at the people around him.

"But now there is a problem." Before Wang Shuang had time to speak, Li Muxuan came up, put her forehead against Wang Shuang, and forced Wang Shuang to look at Li Muxuan.

This was the first time Li Muxuan was so proactive, and Wang Shuang was so shocked that he almost forgot how to react.The moist breath and faint fragrance fluttered on Wang Shuang's face, no different from a real girl!
At this time, Wang Shuang suddenly saw the corners of Li Muxuan's mouth trembling slightly, making a pleasant voice that sounded more seductive at this distance: "My lord, when you decided to take her in, remember me Did you say anything?"

"Dark elves, can't be trusted?" Wang Shuang almost didn't think about it, and repeated every word in his mind.

"Yes." Li Muxuan nodded, then shook her head again: "But judging from the relationship between my lord and her during this time, the probability of betrayal should also be greatly reduced. So many resources have been poured into her. As long as she raises her hand, she can feel the power given to her by the adults flowing in her body."

"Yeah, I don't think I have anything to be afraid of." Wang Shuang laughed, shrugged and said, "And even if I'm worried, it doesn't seem to be of much help. She should betray and follow brother firmly. , or make other choices, brother can't interfere now."

"That's right." Hirzak also came over to comfort Wang Shuang: "What you have to do now is to calm down, investigate Xiao Lier's whereabouts, and ask the second brother why you accepted a dark elf like Xiao Lier as a own steward."

"That's right, when Alrosa comes back, I must ask him carefully." Wang Shuang nodded: "It's not too long now, as long as I act fast enough, Miludo should—"


At this moment, a lonely system prompt sounded in the empty prison. Wang Shuang was stunned. He opened the window and looked at the red window that was completely different from usual. This was clearly not a prompt, but more like a warn.

System prompt: Your follower Mirudo has left your team.

left?Wang Shuang was taken aback, looking at this message, his emotions of excitement, sadness, and fear were swept away, leaving only boundless confusion.

After learning the news of Mi Luduo's departure, Wang Shuang became calm instead, and even Li Muxuan couldn't feel any emotion on Wang Shuang's body now.

"My lord?" Li Muxuan called softly, her big eyes blinked, and those eyes were entangled with expectation, waiting, and a trace of inexplicable fear.

What are you afraid of?Brother will not get angry at them because of this incident, let alone vent his emotions indiscriminately.Wang Shuang smiled, reached out and rubbed Li Muxuan's head, and moved Li Muxuan's head away from his face.

"It seems to be only 10 minutes." Wang Shuang glanced at the time and smiled faintly: "Counting the time she was captured and bumped on the road, it is estimated that as soon as Xiao Lier opened his mouth, Mi Ludo betrayed her without hesitation. I."

"But, why." Wang Shuang lowered his head, facing the ground, as if he was talking to himself, but he seemed to be asking someone: "Brother obviously did nothing wrong, why did you betray me..."

After thinking about it carefully, Wang Shuang listed many benefits he could get after Mi Luduo left.For example, there is one less person who usually shares experience, and Wang Shuang's upgrade speed can be increased. For example, there is also one less person for equipment support and follower training. In the future, Wang Shuang can also save some effort and time on cultivating followers.

For another example, Mi Luduo was originally just a black-grade follower. In Wang Shuang's combination of output, long-range and meat shield, he seemed very weak, even if he left, it would not have any impact.

That's right, isn't my brother a guy who pursues perfection? Is there anything worth cultivating for such a guy who is always black?

Wang Shuang wanted to laugh, but when he grinned, he felt uglier than crying.

"There is no never-ending banquet in the world, and we still have to move on." Isaac patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder as a comfort.

"Adventurer, everything will pass. You don't have to be too hurt. Through this incident, you can see the nature of the dark elves, and you won't be fooled in the future." Hirzak and Wang Shuang are familiar with each other, and their words are better than Ai. Sack doubled in length.

"Come on!" The fourth prince is a guy who is not very good at expressing, but he still patted Wang Shuang's back heavily and hooked Wang Shuang's back hard, as if intending to provide Wang Shuang with motivation and hope in this way .

Wang Shuang raised his head and twitched the corner of his mouth.

Still, I can't laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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