Chapter 367

Mysterious power?What mysterious power?Wang Shuang thought about it carefully, and suddenly remembered the scene where he successfully persuaded the NPC with the purple-level discussion technique, and suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

Fuck, could it be that he was cheated by my brother's talent?According to this description, it is very likely!Ahhhh, Wang Shuang raised his head and spewed out a mouthful of old blood from his throat. This is cheating. It is almost impossible to guard against. On the one hand, the talent of turning around has indeed strengthened my brother, but on the other hand, it has made me feel extremely painful.

However, as long as her heart is still with him, as long as she is still standing with him, then formal betrayal is nothing!Wang Shuang regained his energy and read this system prompt again. Suddenly, he felt that the previous exhaustion was swept away, and his whole body was refreshed!

Brother knew that his followers must be unique!Wang Shuang smiled happily with a confidence that he didn't know where he came from.

Dark elves, where are their lairs? After finishing this task, I rushed over to destroy them immediately.Ah, a small race, dare to have its own saint, and what's even more hateful, is to talk about tricks, making brother's followers betray him, and making him sad for so long!
Just when Wang Shuang was in high spirits, on the other side, after hearing what the eldest prince said, the second prince couldn't help being surprised: "How could this happen, my housekeeper Xiao Lier..."

"Second brother." Hirzak stepped forward and looked at the second prince Alrosa with a cold look: "Why did you take in a dark elf as a housekeeper?"

"This..." Alrosa smiled wryly, and shook his head helplessly: "I was lost in the wild and was seriously injured by a powerful enemy. At that time, I happened to meet him who was also reduced to a beggar. We supported him all the way outside. I survived for a few days. Later, I was found by the army of the kingdom, and after recuperating, I thought of him, so I went back to look for him, and planned to give him a place to settle down."

"It turned out to be a story of a friend in need." Hirzak nodded.

"But I soon discovered that he was actually a dark elf." Alrosa seemed to be still recalling the scene at that time, with a longing look on his face: "At that time, I told him, even if you were a dark elf, I will also turn you into a normal elf, so that you can enjoy a normal life. Because without you, I might die on the road by then."

"Second Brother." Hirzak couldn't help but said, "He was just in trouble with you, and he didn't give you anything to eat. The ones who really saved you were the army of our Xiasen Kingdom. They rescued you. Come back, give you water and food, and let your life be extended!"

"This is the so-called kindness of a drop of water, let's repay it with a spring." The eldest prince Isaac nodded very clearly.

"So you really changed him to the blood of the elves and let him receive the education of the elves?" Evelyn asked.

When Alrosa saw Evelyn appear suddenly, he was obviously taken aback for a while, and then nodded quickly.

"It just so happens that he has extraordinary talent, and he can learn almost a lot of things at once. I think he has good abilities, so I took him with me to cultivate him, but he usually seems to be loyal to the Kingdom of Xia Sen. I don't believe he will do harm to the elves The prince of the clan, or even the death of the entire elf clan."

"After all, you know people, face, but not heart." Wang Shuang said helplessly.

"Adventurer, are you the one they said just now, the one who saved Seventh Sister and stopped Xiao Lier?" Alrosa asked.Seeing Wang Shuang nodded in agreement, Alrosa also smiled: "First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to you for saving Evelyn, and at the same time, you helped me hand over the diary to my father and cleared up my grievances. Just let me thank you well."


System prompt: Alrosa Yuegabel, the second prince of the elves, presented you with tempered soul x3.

Fuck, I like this reward!Wang Shuang laughed and waved his hands: "It's nothing, this is what my brother should do."

Alrosa also smiled, and then suddenly became serious: "Okay, let's not talk about it, I'm back this time, and I have too many things to do, please allow me to take a step first."

Several people nodded, and Wang Shuang suddenly remembered the description in Xiao Lier's diary, and couldn't help calling Alrosa: "Your Highness, I heard that you don't usually travel far, but this time you have been away for so long. For what?"

Alrosa paused, turned around and looked at Wang Shuang with a smile: "It's all about expanding diplomatic relations with other countries. If you are an adventurer of the elves, I might let you know some secrets."

Wang Shuang rubbed his nose, laughed and said, "Okay, then don't bother the second prince, the second prince walks slowly."


While Wang Shuang continued to study this task, on the other side, Cang Sheng Wang Yu, who had just quit the Grand Prince's compound, became more and more angry as he thought about it. This was the first time they had suffered such a loss, especially Cang Sheng Wang Yu. Isn't Shi the guy who is arrogant and arrogant?Have you ever been hanged and beaten like this, even if you lose your equipment and level, you are still in front of everyone, and you are repeatedly killed by Wang Shuang!
"Wang Shuang of the muddy horse!" Cang Sheng Wangyu opened his status bar again, and was surprised to find that there were several permanent attributes on his status bar.There are no exceptions to these attributes, all of which tell the common people Wangyu that he is affected by a certain skill and permanently reduces part of his physical defense!

How was it lowered?Reminiscent of Wang Shuang venting before, the dagger fell crazily on Cangsheng Wangyu, he figured out the key at once, and was so angry that he punched a big tree next to him.

"Boss." At this time, Cangsheng Aoying came up and asked in a low voice, "Why don't we spend some money to flesh out Wang Shuang's position in reality and take direct revenge?"

"Good way." Cangsheng Wangyu patted Aoying's shoulder, laughed loudly and said, "You are still reliable, although I don't have a good network in the game, I usually fight and PK everywhere, but in reality , Whether it's connections or money, it's not a problem for me at all! I'll go find someone and find out Wang Shuang's real position!"

"Boss, wait." Just as Cang Sheng Wang Yu was about to act, Cang Sheng Duzun rushed up and grabbed Cang Sheng Wang Yu's arm: "Boss, when Ao Ying said that, he seemed a little bit like Wang Shuang. He doesn't even look scared, but he's even more arrogant than before, is it because he has some backing that we can't shake, that's why he's so crazy?"

"Indeed!" Another captain of the Common People's Guild suddenly came to his senses, hurried over and said, "That makes sense! Think about it, boss, Wang Shuang is not so arrogant and arrogant on the first day. All the guilds hate him so much, but why can Wang Shuang continue to be arrogant, and after dancing for so long, no one has come out to deal with him?"

"Could it be that he really has some powerful backing?" Cang Sheng Wang Yu heard that what they said was indeed very reasonable!At that time, if he kicked the iron plate, he might be unlucky and become a forgotten language for the common people!

"Could it be that people in the past also thought like us, but no one has tried human flesh to beat Wang Shuang so far?"

"I think Wang Shuang's previous performance was obviously very confident. Judging by his appearance, he doesn't have a strong backing, so he doesn't dare to talk like that at all!"

A group of people chattered and started discussing immediately, the momentum was like a tide.Cangsheng Wangyu was caught in the middle, and sighed in distress: "You guys are simply saying that the public is right, and the woman is saying the woman is reasonable. Who should I listen to?"

"Boss, boss!" At this time, members of the Common People's Guild began to shout: "The post we posted on the forum before has finally aroused widespread discussion."

"What post?" Cangsheng Wangyu hurriedly asked.

"Our screenshots, videos, and Wang Shuang's BUG-like wireless resurrection have finally attracted widespread attention. I heard that even the Star Wish official has started to investigate!"

"That's right, this method is fine." Cangsheng Aoying immediately applauded: "It's okay to be afraid of this and that outside the game, but it's okay in the game. Let's use the army to hype up this post and make it last. Spread the heat, let Wang Shuang's few videos and screenshots be posted on the top post for a few days, and let the entire Huaxia District know: he Wang Shuang is a garbage with a bug!"

"While ruining his reputation, everyone shouted and beat him like a rat crossing the street, and at the same time put pressure on the Xingyuan officials..." Cangsheng Duzun also nodded: "It is indeed possible. It's just that we really have to continue to fight with the king. Do you want to keep doing it?"

"Why not?" Cangsheng Wangyu laughed, waved his hand and said, "Playing games is all about having fun, and killing monsters every day is just adding the data of your own game characters. What's the point? Why not have fun? Step on Wang Shuang once, let him understand the true meaning of life!"

"But we can't beat him..." someone lowered his head and sighed.

"It doesn't matter if you can't beat it." Cangsheng Wangyu smiled: "Get rid of his BUG first, and see if he has any capital to drag us. This time we will not silence him and disperse him, and let the Xingyuan officials directly take action , maybe they can directly block Wang Shuang's account."

"Boss is right. In that case, let's see where Wang Shuang will cry, haha!"


On the other side, Wang Shuang was on the way back to Evelyn's mansion with Hirzak, when suddenly there was a ding, and Wang Shuang's friend list jumped again.Wang Shuang clicked on it, it was Ji Cailiuge.

"Go offline for dinner."

It's a very plain sentence.

Wang Shuang glanced at the time, it was exactly 12 o'clock, and the plot was about to progress at this time, and there was nothing particularly important, so Wang Shuang bid farewell to Hirzak, took a few of his followers back to the star wish space, and then watched I glanced at the gray avatar on the follower panel, summoned the system menu, and went offline!

(End of this chapter)

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