It's time to play online

Chapter 369 Star Wish's Decision

Chapter 369 Star Wish's Decision

Wang Shuang opened the forum and took a look, heh, the first post on the forum was about him, Wang Shuang, and it was bold and shiny, sitting firmly at the top of the entire forum, almost blinding Wang Shuang's eyes.

There is no doubt that even if the title of such a post is boring, most people will still click in and take a look.

What's more, the title of this post is "Garbage player Wang Shuang, blatantly using cheats to kill several masters of the elf clan, and relying on cheats to mock players all over the world for being nothing."Although Wang Shuang has no impression of having done such a thing himself, there is no doubt that such a title has attracted a lot of hatred to Wang Shuang all at once.

"Grass mud horse, who is looking for trouble for brother?" Wang Shuang clicked on the post, looked at a few screenshots and videos on the first floor, and couldn't help curling his lips. It was recorded. Although the ID of the poster can't tell the nickname of the game, you don't need to think about it. The person who posted the post must be someone from the Cangsheng Guild or the Time Guild.

As for the players who followed the post, Wang Shuang took a cursory glance and saw a lot of IDs starting with "Cangsheng" and "Guangyin". It must be ordinary members of the elves' guilds who saw this post and also saw this post. Come forward and bite the king for a refreshing bite.

Heh, you bite it, there are too many lice and it doesn't itch, brother ignores you.

But although ordinary players can directly ignore it, Star Wish officials still can't.Wang Shuang knew that Star Wish officials still paid close attention to the troubles on the forum. For example, not long after Wang Shuang was pushed to the top of the post, Shen Zhuqing came to talk to Wang Shuang about modifying his talent.

This time there was such a big commotion, brother must be invited by the old man to drink tea again last time.

Please just please, there is a right policy and there is a countermeasure. When the time comes, I will just see the tricks and break the tricks.Wang Shuang scratched his head, sighed, and closed the forum.

"How about it, nothing happened last time, it's the same this time, right?" With a ding, Luoxue Qianli sent another message to ask.

"Yeah, they can only bark now, don't care about them, we should do whatever we want." Wang Shuang expressed his tone more relaxed, so that Luoxue Qianli would not be too worried.

"En." Luoxue Qianli sent two sentences in a row: "Wang Shuang, when will you return to the human race?"

"It will probably take a while, what's the matter?" Wang Shuang asked.

"We want to brush up a few guild dungeons, and we may need your help at that time, are you free by then?"

"That's for sure." Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief: "It happens that I also have something to teach you. I forgot last time. It shouldn't be too late this time."

"Is it magic?"

"You know?" Wang Shuang was taken aback.

"Longteng Guild showed it in the newsletter last time." Luoxue Qianli replied.

"Hehe, yes, I participated in the trial like them, and got the hidden reward." Wang Shuang chuckled, and glanced at his current attributes. The hidden sub-profession is really strong enough to fly. .Now Wang Shuang has explored more than 200 new maps, and every time he discovers a new map, Wang Shuang will get full attribute 2.

The free attribute points obtained for each upgrade are only 5 points, which is equivalent to getting two upgrade rewards for discovering a new map!
"Hidden rewards? I'm so envious." Luoxue Qianli replied.

"It's nothing. I'll go back to the human race and fly with our guild."

"Then I'll look forward to that day^_^ Take it easy, I'll take them to continue brushing dungeons first."

"Okay, President, go slowly!"

"Hehe, you also remember that you are a member of our guild."

The meaning revealed by this sentence made Wang Shuang a little uncertain for a while. He scratched his head and saw that the other party had entered a fighting state, so he stopped replying.

On the other side, the headquarters of Star Wish Company.

According to the results of the discussion in the board of directors, Shen Zhuqing came to the technical department, found several ministers and deputy ministers of the technical department, and discussed together about the top post on the forum.

"What do you think about Wang Shuang's skill?" Shen Zhuqing suddenly asked for no reason after analyzing the top post on the forum.

"Within the acceptable strength." A female deputy minister nodded: "He was originally the only one with negative reinforcement among several special accounts. Catch up with the gap with several other special accounts."

"Why do I feel that he is about to win the championship now?" Shen Zhuqing couldn't help but smile wryly upon hearing this.

"Wang Shuang's current behavior is nothing more than a small fight." The head of the technology department is an old man in his 50s, who looks mature and stable.Seeing Shen Zhuqing's frowning expression, he remained calm, raised his hand to sip his tea, and then said: "Compared to Wang Shuang, the progress of the others is also quickly catching up."

"Indeed, he seems to have stagnated recently." Shen Zhuqing nodded, hesitantly said: "Is he busy with PK, or tired of running around? I always feel that he has slowly slowed down now."

"After all, he is just an amateur player. It is really against the sky to get such a special account and have this talent to cooperate." The head of the technical department took another sip of tea, and then waved his hand: "But if you want to rely on this to be effective every day Ineffective skills are overwhelming, and after winning the league or even the national championship, that is still a bit of a dream."

"Does that mean you don't have to worry?" Shen Zhuqing asked.

"Yes. We don't have to pay too much attention to it."

"But what should we do with the feedback from those players on the forum this time? Is it still the same as last time?" Shen Zhuqing said: "Besides, after combining with this extremely low-probability resurrection skill, his current aura has changed. It's unstoppable."

"No, no, chairman, silence and disperse can cure him." The head of the technology department shook his head: "It's just that I haven't met a player who knows how to play. If he meets someone who knows how to seize the opportunity, Wang Shuang may even There is no chance to fight back, and he will die immediately. As for his recent upgrade speed, it is also because he is too amateur."

"Every NPC of Star Wish may become a player's follower, but it's too casual for him to accept one as soon as he sees one. If he encounters a large number of opportunities to recruit followers later, and he recruits them all, I guess he won't be able to catch up in the next national war."

"Anyway, we still have to explain to other players that Wang Shuang seems to be very clueless now." Shen Zhuqing said.

"It's easy." The head of the technical department nodded, snapped his fingers, and said, "Let's just change his fortune-telling talent. From being unlucky one day to being lucky one day, to being unlucky hour after hour lucky. "

"Minister, is there any difference?" At this time, a member of the minister's side spoke and asked.

"It's a big difference." The head of the technical department sneered: "It's like you are playing a small game, and halfway through the game, you are enjoying yourself, and suddenly someone tells you to get out of your seat immediately, and then play again after an hour. ... After one hour, another hour later, another person will come out and tell you to fuck off... Hehe, is it painful? Does it hurt?"

"So that's the case, the Minister really appreciates it!"

Shen Zhuqing also chuckled: "As expected of the head of the technical department who was the captain of the team when he was young, it seems that there is no change, but in fact it can cause him a lot of trouble. That's it, I will talk to him later."

"No, it's too annoying for the chairman to come forward in person." The head of the technical department waved his hand, looked at a member beside him and asked, "What is the highest level of the player now?"

"Level 70, Minister."

"Well, it seems that the first player to reach the full level of 80 will appear soon." Shen Zhuqing chuckled, and said: "At that time, we will suspend the server for a period of time for the reason of system maintenance, and by the way Just modify his talent directly."

"You don't have to wait that long." Shen Zhuqing said, "I'm quite interested in that guy, so let me inform him."


Back to Wang Shuang, after Wang Shuang closed the forum and ended the conversation with Luoxue Qianli, he found several elf princes still standing beside the fourth prince's body, no one spoke, as if they were all waiting for something.

What are you waiting for? Is it waiting for brother to promote the plot?Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat. Looking at the expressions of grief that seemed to freeze on their faces, he couldn't help but said, "For us, grief is no longer an option. What we have to do is not just to grieve, but to save the second prince's life." The crime should be fully exposed!"

"That's right, I can't let the second brother continue to do this!" Hirzak seemed to be the first guy out of the petrified state among these people. There were two expressions of surprise and anger on his face. Xiang Yuan stood up and said, "Adventurer, are you willing to go with me to the second brother's house to continue the investigation until the conspiracy between him and his housekeeper Xiao Lier is completely broken?"

"Of course." Wang Shuang nodded.

"Brother, let's go first!" Hirzak clasped his fists at Isaac, then took Hilom and Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang took Evelyn and others, and the group left in a mighty manner .

"But we have seen it before, there is no way to get in there now, right?" Wang Shuang couldn't help asking.

"There is nothing impossible." Hirzak thought for a while and said, "If the door cannot be opened, we can destroy it directly, climb over the wall, and enter through other doors that can be opened. I don't believe it. On the territory of Xiasen Kingdom, is there any place I can't get in?"

"I hope." Evelyn said lightly.

But this time before Wang Shuang and the others got close to Alrosa's mansion, they heard a few hurried footsteps, and then countless masked elves poured out from the streets in all directions in the lower city.Although Wang Shuang could only look into their eyes through a gap exposed by them, from the skin and the light leather armor on his body, Wang Shuang could still identify the masked elves in front of him as dark elves.


System prompt: You were ambushed by Xiao Lier's black army, and the battle began.

Unsurprisingly, these people really belonged to Xiao Lier!Wang Shuang glanced at Hirzak, and was about to call him to stand in front, when he suddenly found that his face turned pale: "Adventurer, the number of these elves is not right, it doesn't seem like they are going to kill Ours, on the contrary, seems to hold us back..."

(End of this chapter)

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