It's time to play online

Chapter 376 The Awakened Hirzak

Chapter 376 The Awakened Hirzak

"Wang Shuang?" Just as Wang Shuang was clearing the way among the army of dark elves with two daggers alone, he suddenly heard someone calling himself, and then Wang Shuang looked in the other direction. of!

"Something has happened, go in that direction quickly, and make sure to protect His Highness the King and the Queen!"

"What happened?" Wang Shuang replied, but when Shengshi Hongtu was about to speak, he was surrounded by dark elves, and soon a white light floated up.

"Grass." Wang Shuang said angrily, quickly opened the friend list, searched for the player's name, Shengshi Hongtu, and clicked to add friends!

System prompt: Player Shengshi Hongtu has approved your friend request.

"What's the situation, this is?" Wang Shuang typed with one hand, and swung the dagger continuously with the other, beheading the dark elves blocking the way one by one lightly.

"Something happened. The fifth prince of the elves was also seriously injured by the opponent. When I saw it just now, his blood was less than 20??? I was so scared that I quickly asked several guild players to cover him and withdraw. "The current Shengshi Hongtu seems to have completely forgotten all the previous grievances and grievances, and explained to Wang Shuang very quickly.

"The fifth prince?" Wang Shuang was startled immediately after seeing the news of Shengshi Hongtu. Could it be that even Hirzak was almost dropped by Xiao Lier in seconds?
That's right, according to the strength shown by Xiao Lier before, he is indeed so strong that people can't look directly at him.Even before being arrested, he took the initiative to break free, and was besieged jointly with several princes and Wang Shuang, but he did not lose the wind in the slightest.

Fuck, thinking about it this way, this guy is indeed much more difficult to deal with than the second prince.Wang Shuang's scalp went numb, and he didn't dare to be careless, and immediately rushed towards the direction pointed by Shengshi Hongtu's fingers just now.

The area around the palace is now almost surrounded by dark elves all over the mountains and plains, and from the surface, they don't seem to be chasing anyone, but are guarding the vicinity of the palace, as if they don't want people to get close to it.

Is there any secret in it?Wang Shuang just glanced at the entrance of the palace, thought for a while, and left quickly.

It's more important to save Hirzak first, because he is the only one left in the elves who can take the lead. If he dies, the king will probably collapse.

Wang Shuang continued the same as before, rushing in while separating the crowd. Soon, Wang Shuang rushed out of the encirclement of the dark elves, and continued to run in a further direction for a while, before seeing Hirzak's figure.

This kind of encounter really surprised Wang Shuang. At this time, Hirzak looked in a panic, and Hilom beside him also disappeared.When Wang Shuang was catching up, the other party turned around vigilantly. When seeing Wang Shuang, not only was he not happy, but he asked very vigilantly, "Adventurer, don't come here!"

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, stopped in his tracks, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Are you a real adventurer?" Hirzak gasped, with less than 20 on his head? ? ?The bar trembled with his breathing, and a look of vigilance was written on his face.

"Fuck, of course I'm real." Wang Shuang said, he summoned his follower Evelyn with some depression, pouted his lips and said, "Now you should believe me, right?"

"How many followers do you have?" Hirzak shook his head and continued to ask.

"...four, but now only three are by my side." Wang Shuang was speechless for a moment, was this guy overly cautious?
Wang Shuang was also a little annoyed by his appearance, so he simply summoned all his followers at once and pointed them out to Hirzak one by one.Then Wang Shuang saw that the vigilance on Hirzak's face gradually disappeared, and his expression changed, and his face was filled with tiredness and tiredness.

"What's the matter, what happened? And your butler Shilom, didn't that guy say that he won't hurt you before he dies." Wang Shuang asked.

"Yeah, where is Hilom." Hirzak smiled miserably and shook his head: "I don't know either, I don't know why the dark elves kept rushing towards us, I don't know why they started I didn't resist, and I don't know when, Shilom beside me was dropped by someone, and he raised his hand and slashed me with a sword."

Hirzak rolled up his sleeves, and Wang Shuang immediately saw a deep wound under his sleeve, and for some reason it hadn't been refreshed by the system: "It hurts so much, I think I will remember it forever. My former housekeeper Shilom is the one who can withstand the damage caused by this sword!"

"So, was he disguised at that time?" Wang Shuang asked.

"Yeah." Hirzak nodded, and suddenly laughed miserably, with despair written all over his face: "But it wasn't this that made me feel the most sad. I reacted quickly and started to fight back, and the other party almost One touch and go. I chased for a long time among the army of dark elves before catching up. I shot an arrow from his back, and the thunder quickly penetrated his back and shot out from his chest."

"Then I realized I made a mistake." Hirzak said, slowly covered his face and recalled: "I still remember the last scene before he died, turning around and smiling at me Said, can no longer protect me... Do you know adventurer, Hilom has been my housekeeper since I was seven years old, and he has never recruited a partner in his life. It is because of my safety that he gave up and Sacrifice your life."

After hearing this, Wang Shuang also became a little silent.At this time, Evelyn stepped forward silently, and handed the bow and arrow on Hirzak's back to him again: "Fifth brother, but what is it that you escaped like this?"

"Is it okay if I don't go?" Hirzak began to cry, and cried softly to Evelyn: "I don't want to, I don't want to kill my own people anymore, watching him fall, my world will be broken Lost."

"But if you leave, it is equivalent to handing over the fate of your elves to Xiao Lier." Wang Shuang shook his head and said, "Even if you escape for a while, can you escape for a lifetime? Wait until later." When you still want to save it, it might be too late."

"Adventurer, you are right, but I seem to be unable to face them anymore..." Hirzak said painfully.

"You idiot, I really want to slap you elf NPCs awake." Wang Shuang couldn't help but irritatedly said.

After hearing this, Evelyn stepped forward silently, suddenly raised her hand, and under Wang Shuang's dumbfounded gaze, she really slapped Hirzak hard on the cheek.

"Evellane, you..." Hirzak covered his face and looked at Evelyn in disbelief.

"What's wrong with me?" Iflanie wrote lightly: "The master is right, second brother, if you continue to hesitate like this, you will only harm us in the end. You seem to be cowardly and kind, but you will make the future of the elves This is an act of putting hundreds of millions of elf compatriots to death. What is the difference between you and the second brother, and is it not another way to betray the elves?"

"Fuck, I'm indeed a follower of my brother, so I should give him a face like this, and then explain to him." Wang Shuang couldn't help but said.

"The difference between me and my second brother is to put hundreds of millions of elves to death. I..." Hirzak opened his mouth, but finally he was powerless to refute, and slowly lowered his head.

"Don't you want to avenge your housekeeper?" Wang Shuang asked lightly, "Don't you want to avenge your eldest brother, third brother and fourth brother? Although your second brother is hateful, he should have suffered from this guy." Bewitched, your closest and most trusted housekeeper and brothers and sisters have been murdered by him almost once, don't you have any idea now, don't you try to do something?"

"I...!" Hirzak hesitated.

"Think about what Hilom looked like before he died." Wang Shuang sighed and said, "Even if you fail and meet him below, you can say that you have done your best for him and avenged him, but It's just a failure, right?"

"I understand, adventurer, you don't need to say any more." Hirzak shook his head in pain, and when he raised his head again, his gaze became firm again: "I want to go back to find Xiaolier, isn't it? Find him for reasoning, but for revenge, for those brothers and sisters who died, for Shilom!"

"I figured it out, let's go." Wang Shuang glanced at him and said lightly.


On the other hand, the dark elves' offensive is very fierce, and their strength is about the same as the current player's level, but they actually have several times the player's vitality.But players also have their own routines, such as back row priests healing blood, such as taking various medicines to restore blood, and skills to restore blood, etc.

All in all, looking at these dark elves individually, they are almost on the same level as the current players, but when the number increases, the gap can be seen.

When the Prosperous Age Guild was vigorously killing the dark elves, suddenly a new force joined in again, breaking into the formation of the dark elves from the right, and began to kill.Shengshi Hongtu glanced in that direction after receiving the news, and was a little taken aback: It was not the joint action of some casual players or small and medium-sized guilds, but the Hongchen guild was here at this time.

With the first sound of "ding", Shengshi Hongtu's message bar flashed again, and when he opened the window, Shengshi Hongtu soon saw that the Cangsheng Guild and the Time Guild were also on their way.

"No, no matter how many people come here, it's useless." Sheng Shihongtu's eyes were filled with anxiety, he looked at the gate of the palace, and said with a slight breath, pretending to be calm: "I feel like I can only enter now by waiting for Wang Shuang to come back." What about Wang Shuang and the others, haven’t they come back yet?”

"Report, the players in Shiku Village not far away have reported that His Royal Highness and the Queen have arrived there to take shelter from the storm, and there is no fifth prince in the team that came!"

"It seems that Wang Shuang took him away." Sheng Shihongtu said, and couldn't help but sighed: "I don't know how long it will be until they appear again, we must hurry, otherwise everything will be too late."

(End of this chapter)

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