It's time to play online

Chapter 383 Linglong Temple

Chapter 383 Linglong Temple
Wang Shuang fell, and Xiao Lier also fell, and the two lay on the ground staring at each other.Wang Shuang couldn't kill Xiao Lier, because he had to find out from him the location of Mi Luduo and the way to remove the death bloom skill, but Xiao Lier wanted to kill Wang Shuang, but unfortunately he couldn't act now, He could only stare at Wang Shuang with his eyes wide open.

"No need to wait." Wang Shuang looked at the resentment in the other party's eyes, and said helplessly, "I forgot to take out the insurance last time, will I forget this time?"


System prompt: You successfully kidnapped Xiao Lier, the sinner, with skills. Xiao Lier will be restricted by the state of kidnapping for the next four hours and become unable to move, use props and skills.

Immediately, the hatred and radiance in Xiao Lier's eyes were all lost, and he looked into the distance dimly.

At this time, the scene became silent for a while, only the sound of water drops in the hall was left to echo.But this silence didn't last long, and soon, a burst of hurried footsteps broke the silence.

When several players from the elf guild walked in, they saw Wang Shuang and the BOSS also fell on the ground. They couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and then they were overjoyed: "Are these two guys going to die together at last? It's really eye-opening."

"Hold the grass, where is the time to control these things now, the fifth prince will not be able to hold on!" Time flies like an arrow, and he stepped forward before he came to Wang Shuang. His face was full of anxiety, and he knelt down and asked Wang Shuang: "Wang Shuang, I heard that your potion was prepared successfully?"

"Yes." Wang Shuang nodded with some difficulty, and opened the backpack from the system panel, trying to throw the potion out, but finally failed after several attempts, and could only move slowly through the somewhat paralyzed arm movements. After a while, Wang Shuang threw out two bottles of Yihua medicine.

As soon as the two bottles of medicine were thrown out, Time Like an Arrow took them over, glanced at the specific usage method, and then Time Like an Arrow came to Xiao Lier, saw the other party unable to move, smiled coldly, and then opened the bottle of medicine, Forcibly poured it down Xiao Lier's throat.

"How to undo the effect of this death bloom?" Seeing Xiao Lier drank all of the bottle of potion, time flies like an arrow, and he seemed to have received some reminder, and he hurriedly asked after being refreshed.

"As long as you wash your whole body with clean water..." Xiao Lier trembled uncontrollably, rolled his eyes, and tremblingly said while foaming at the mouth.

"Go to Qingshui, try it on Wang Shuang now!" Time flies like an arrow and immediately said to the players from the guild behind him.

Soon, some players used the props they carried with them, filled several bottles of water, opened the caps of the bottles and poured them all over Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang only felt his body twist uncontrollably for a while, and then he suddenly relaxed.


System prompt: The effect of the death bloom on your body has been removed.

"Okay, go and save Hirzak." Wang Shuang moved his fingers, feeling that he seemed to have returned to normal, and turned over and stood up in a tumble.

"Okay." Time nodded like an arrow, then turned to direct several players in the guild.

At this time, Wang Shuang picked up the remaining bottle of Yihua Potion from the ground, looked at Xiao Lier whose face was as white as a sheet of paper, sneered, and asked, "Where is Mi Luduo?"

"Adventurer, don't even think about it..." Xiao Lier seemed to want to resist, but Wang Shuang forced another bottle of Yihua Potion, and he coughed violently.

"Tell me, where is Miruduo now, and how are you doing?" Wang Shuang threw the bottle to the ground after filling the potion, then lifted Xiao Lier's neckline, and stared into his eyes. asked loudly.

"She the Dark Elf's Exquisite Temple, ready to be the next one, saintess..." Xiao Lier spoke intermittently, and soon lost consciousness.

"I'll wipe it." Wang Shuang hastily lifted Xiao Lier's head by his collar: "You should explain clearly, where is the Linglong Temple of the Dark Elf, and how can I find the Linglong Temple?"

However, no matter how Wang Shuang shook Xiao Lier, the other party rolled his eyes upwards and kept foaming at the mouth. It seemed that he was completely unable to answer Wang Shuang's question.

"Idiots, those who only half-talk are all dumb!" Wang Shuang sighed, and threw Xiao Lier, who was unconscious, back to the ground.

At this time, Cangsheng Wangyu seemed to see Wang Shuang's unsatisfactory appearance, and Cangsheng Wangyu walked up on his own initiative. After glancing at Xiao Lier, Cangsheng Wangyu turned his head and said to Wang Shuang: "Looking at his explanation, the Linglong Temple should be an unsatisfactory one." If you really want to find a small place, it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

"Indeed, and the dark elves are not considered a small race. There must be quite a few guys who know the secrets about this race." Wang Shuang nodded, and suddenly remembered a guy who was most likely to know the hiding place of the dark elves. Summoned his follower Li Muxuan.

After Li Muxuan appeared, Li Er also got out from behind her neck, lazily stretched out two paws to hook Li Muxuan's shoulders, squinting her eyes and preparing to take a nap.Wang Shuang quickly grabbed the opponent's cat's paw, and asked solemnly: "Senior Prophet, tell me quickly, do you know where the dark elves are hiding? Our adventurer's map does not show the dark elves' Settlements."

"Stupid adventurer..." Li Er just yawned a lot, glanced at Wang Shuang contemptuously, put the cat's head on his two front paws and said: "As a prophet, although I don't understand some trivial things, But I still know about the residence of a big family."

"You know?" Wang Shuang was so shocked that he hugged Li Er and shook: "Fuck, I wasted such a long time. If you know, you should tell me sooner, but it's not too late to say now. Tell me what's going on!" The place? Also tell me the location of the Linglong Temple.”

Li Er yawned again, but retracted her body lying on Li Muxuan's shoulders, curled up into a fluffy ball, then stretched out suddenly, her limbs stood on Li Muxuan's shoulders a bit cramped, lifted At the beginning, he said: "Although the whereabouts of the dark elves are very hidden, it is still very difficult for such a large race to completely cover their whereabouts."

Wang Shuang nodded and said, "Of course."

"So, the hiding place of the elves you are looking for should refer to their mobile residence. This residence will change every few years. Judging from the large number of dark elves that appeared in the elves this time, they must have changed again. But this is not a problem, I can lend you my reconnaissance skills, allowing you to track down the traces left behind when ordinary dark elves fled."

"Fuck, it's reconnaissance. This reconnaissance technique is so amazing that it can be used everywhere!" Wang Shuang couldn't help but excitedly said, "It can find weaknesses in battle and track the enemy at ordinary times. It's perfect!"

"There is actually no learning manual for this skill, so it may be a bit difficult for you adventurers to understand it." Lier said casually.

"Brother has always believed in my comprehension ability." Wang Shuang said.

"But adventurers. Do you know what the Linglong Temple means to the dark elves?" Lier asked very casually.

"I don't know, what's the matter?" Wang Shuang shook his head and said, "Even if I know, it doesn't matter. No matter what kind of obstacles lie in front of me, I will go all the way through. No one can stop my determination to rescue Mi Luduo!"

"Even if that will lead to a siege from the entire dark elf race?" Li Er raised her voice a notch and asked in surprise.

"Of course." Wang Shuang gritted his teeth, thinking that the effective time of his current talent can only last for one hour, and if he can't finish killing those dark elves within an hour, I'm afraid he will die under the siege of those dark elves.

This talent also has bad times, that is, it can’t be like before, you don’t have to stop to take a breath after brushing a copy for more than ten times in a row. become very critical.

Wang Shuang scratched his head, then fell silent. Seeing that Wang Shuang had nothing to ask, Li Er suddenly clapped his hands and said loudly, "Stupid adventurer, now it's time for daily questions again."


After Wang Shuang answered Li Er's question, Time Like an Arrow and Sheng Shi Hongtu also came back at the same time, with 20 left? ? ?The bloody Hirzak was also brought over.At this time, a group of priests were following Hirzak, constantly pouring blood on him.

"Ah, just in time." Wang Shuang patted Xiao Lier, who had no ability to resist, and said to Hirzak, "What are you going to do with this guy?"

"How to deal with it?" Hirzak was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Xiao Lier who was unconscious, with an angry expression on his face, and said through gritted teeth: "Of course it is to kill directly, and parade across the country to show the public." circle, to deter those Xiaoxiao who still have illusions about the current Xiasen Kingdom!"

"Fuck, hold it up." Wang Shuang laughed, and couldn't help but nodded when he looked at Hirzak: "It seems that the fifth prince has grown a lot, and he is no longer the one who just heard about the poisoning incident. Your Royal Highness is running around in a hurry."

Hirzak was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "After Shilom died, I also thought a lot. At that time, I thought that if I continue like this, I am afraid that there will be many more elves in the future." Hilom. I don't want anyone to make the same mistakes as him, only to choose to change themselves."

"Are you targeting Big Brother?" Evelyn appeared, looked at Hirzak and asked.

"Of course." Hirzak smiled slightly and said with a grin, "Not only to reach the brother's level, but I even want to surpass him."

At this point, all that remains is how to deal with the aftermath and go back and report to the current King Groom of the Xiasen Kingdom. In this case, Wang Shuang's mission about Evelyn's legendary song will finally be completed!

Mission accomplished, what is the most exciting, long-awaited?There is no doubt that it is a mission reward, a reward for a red-level mission, what will be rewarded?

(End of this chapter)

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