Chapter 390
After Wang Shuang's dagger was inserted into Moon Shadow Bear's neck, the sky even darkened, and a thunder flashed across, as if a big mouth had been ripped open in the sky.A thunderbolt landed on the Moon Shadow Bear's neck, and countless little snakes transformed from thunder sprang out along its wound, bouncing and swimming around in the fur.Then another ray of light flashed down, and a huge mark of holy light exploded.

A normal attack caused 10,000+ points of damage. This figure made the jaws of the surrounding players almost drop.

But only Wang Shuang knew that his figure was still normal.

The current Wang Shuang has a physical attack of 1W. He took a lot of Berserk One and added about 4000 points of physical attack, and then the attribute of [Rage] increased by 30? ? ?After completing the missions of the Fairy Kingdom series, Shuang obtained another 10 extremely berserk books, cultivated the [extremely berserk] attribute, and stacked 30 again? ? ?attack!
From this point of view, Wang Shuang's normal attack caused about 2.6W Shanghai.And Wang Shuang's current crit damage is almost 3.8 times, which is equivalent to 2.6x3.8=9.88W, and a normal attack can do nearly [-] points of damage!

Moreover, Wang Shuang's normal attack will also trigger the skills Thunder Force and Bright Judgment, and then through the critical strike damage bonus, there will be a damage figure of 30 points.

After deducting Moon Shadow Bear's physical defense and physical resistance, the final damage naturally became 10,000+ points.

When Wang Shuang caused such crazy damage, several followers behind him also shot. Every arrow of Li Muxuan's rapid shooting can trigger a flash of holy light. Although the damage figure is not as exaggerated as Wang Shuang, but at first glance This rapid attack speed and the damage figures of the flying pieces are also very impressive.

As for Serifen, let alone, the orange-level followers will not be weaker than Li Muxuan in damage.As for Evelyn, because she is a hidden class and she is also a melee mage, her damage is also very considerable.

In less than ten seconds, the first Moon Shadow Bear fell down.


System prompt: Your follower Serifen killed Moon Shadow Bear, you get 7W experience reward, you get 60 gold coin reward, your follower Li Muxuan gets 7W experience reward, your follower Evelyn gets 7W experience As a reward, your follower Serifen will get 7W experience reward.

System prompt: The player Hua Suiyue has been allocated the equipment "Burning Hero's Cloak (Tier 2 Green Weapon)".

——Burning hero cloak (level 2 green weapon): physical attack 169, physical defense 563, magic attack 446, magic defense 338, strength 84, intelligence 96.Additional feature "burning": the effect of fire damage skills and burning skills increased by 15? ? ?With the skill "Flame Feather": After being activated, it burns surrounding units every second, causing 400 points of real damage, ignoring defense and resistance, and effective for stealth units.Precondition: Second transfer.Required level: level 50.

"Wow!" Hua Suiyue was slightly stunned when she saw the system message, and then she was taken aback. She opened her backpack and shared the equipment attributes with everyone, which immediately aroused the envy of others: "Grass holding, green weapon, no way! So easy to drop?"

Hua Suiyue also looked at Wang Shuang in disbelief: "It's all thanks to the great god. The probability of equipment dropping before we play the dungeon is too low. Generally, only the boss can drop equipment! And this equipment is still with With characteristics and skills... This is simply a good start for God Wang by the master of the system."

"Great God, this piece of equipment, you..." Hua Suiyue suddenly became a little hesitant, finally gritted her teeth, and handed the equipment to Wang Shuang: "You should keep it, after all this top-quality equipment exploded, I clearly didn’t do anything, so I’m really embarrassed to bear it.”

"Hehe, you don't need to put it away." Wang Shuang chuckled, shook his head and said, "Brother does not lack this kind of equipment, whoever the system says to give it to will get it."

Fuck, this equipment looks really good. I have been working hard outside for so long, and I haven't done a copy for a long time. The blue and purple outfits on my body are a bit outdated!
However, although this piece of equipment looks good in the eyes of ordinary players, it is a bit ordinary in Wang Shuang's opinion. The attributes of such a green weapon are not even as good as the blue and purple weapons on my brother, and the use level is still level 50. Yes, if you go to brush those high-level dungeons later, you will be able to properly dump this level of equipment by several grades.

Well, it’s good not to, aren’t they short of equipment, just give it to them.

After a while of refusal, Hua Suiyue still happily accepted the equipment. Wang Shuang wiped his forehead and looked at the next Moon Shadow Bear.

After another violent beating, Wang Shuang swung the dagger and slashed down four or five times. Li Muxuan's arrow flew over, and shot Moon Shadow Bear's head into a rotten watermelon, which exploded instantly.The remaining power of the arrow is still there, and it is still flying far away, disappearing from Wang Shuang's vision.

System prompt: Player Ji Cailiuge has been assigned the equipment "Living Sword of War Intent (Tier 2 Green Weapon)".

——The living long sword of fighting spirit (Tier 2 orange weapon): physical attack 869, magic attack 651, magic defense 138, strength 204, agility 128, intelligence 166.Additional feature "War Will": Equipped with an additional 215 points of physical attack.Additional skill "Activity": Within 100 seconds after activation, every time physical damage is caused, speed up yourself by 5? ? ?The recovery speed lasts for 20 seconds and absorbs 50? ? ?Supplement your own qi and blood.Precondition: Second transfer.Required level: level [-].

"Wow, orange device!" After Jiang Jige showed the attributes of the equipment, a group of twenty or so people all screamed, and looked at her with envy and hatred.

"No way, orange utensils..." Jiang Jige himself was quite surprised, looking at the long sword with a wooden handle and bright iron in his hand, the light flowing on it was like a layer of colorful foam film, which was slightly shiny in the first place. The blade of the sword glowed with a different kind of light, illuminating the somewhat dim surroundings, like a glowing light tube.

"Wang Shuang, I can't take this equipment." Jiang Jige himself was stubborn. After reading the equipment's attributes, he gritted his teeth and returned it to Wang Shuang without hesitation.When Wang Shuang saw it, he jumped back a step, avoiding the long sword Jiang Jige handed over, and asked back, "Why didn't you accept it?"

"It's too precious." She gritted her teeth, her eyes full of determination.

"Do you think I lack this kind of thing?" Wang Shuang laughed, pointing to the body of the previous Moon Shadow Bear: "I will take you to kill two monsters at will, and they will drop two pieces of top-quality equipment. , do you still think that brother usually lacks this kind of top quality?"

"Isn't it by chance?" Hearing this, Jiang Jige's eyes were filled with confusion.

"Just let him kill a few more." Hua Suiyue came up from behind, patted her shoulder and comforted her.

"No, I still can't take it." Jiang Jige shook his head again when he heard the words, and handed over the long sword one step forward and said, "Don't say that I haven't changed my job yet, I'm only at level 20 now, and I'm far away from equipping this long sword." The sword still has a long way to go."

"Then put it away for now." Wang Shuang said with a grin, "Your level is not enough, but my brother's occupation is wrong. No matter how many levels you get, you can't equip this type of weapon."

"Ah? Is that so..."

"That's why." Wang Shuang shrugged helplessly: "This long sword has nothing to do with my brother."

Before Jiang Jige could answer, a player beside him suddenly jumped out at this moment and said, "****, I'm a warrior and I can equip it, and I'm already level 49, why don't you give it to me, after I go back and change jobs, I can equip it right away." Use it!"

"Well, okay." Jiang Jige nodded, and handed the long sword to the player without saying a word.

Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows, looked at the happy face of the player, didn't say anything, just glanced at Jiang Jige, and said: "Don't you feel unwilling, I will take you, and you will be gone soon after a while." It can be equipped."

"It's okay." Jiang Jige looked at Wang Shuang's raised eyebrows, and immediately burst into laughter: "What he took away was just a piece of equipment, but what I have is a master who can lead me to countless top-quality equipment. "

"Haha, you're in a good mood." Wang Shuang couldn't help stretching his brows, and laughed loudly, patting her head habitually, smiling indulgently.

When Hua Suiyue and the others saw it, they immediately began to protest: "Stop showing off, you are feeding dog food in public."

"So we are not lovers!"


Afterwards, regarding the distribution of equipment, everyone finally began to gradually get used to Wang Shuang's efficiency and the fact that killing monsters must drop equipment, and no longer worried about the distribution of equipment.For this reason, Hua Suiyue even proposed: After obtaining the equipment, everyone will keep it all by themselves, and wait for the copy to be exchanged according to the occupation and level of demand.

With Hua Suiyue taking the lead to set the rules, everyone was naturally very happy to accept it.After that, Wang Shuang also began to brush up the Moon Shadow Bears on the entire grassland non-stop.

And in the process of Wang Shuang brushing the Moon Shadow Bear, Jiang Jige, who has the lowest level in the team, is undoubtedly the one who has upgraded the fastest.Almost a few moon shadow bears fell and she could be promoted to a level.

With a flash of golden light, the player Ji Cai Liu Ge has reached level 23!
The golden light flashed again, and the player Ji Cai Liu Ge continued to rise to level 24.

The golden light continues to shine, the player Ji Cai Liu Ge has reached level 25!

When the entire prairie was full of Moon Shadow Bears, everyone had been upgraded one to two levels. Among them, Jiang Jige, who had upgraded the most, even went up to level 8 directly, from level 22 to level 30. And awakened a talent that even Wang Shuang was a little dumbfounded.


System prompt: You have awakened the talent "judging the situation".


(End of this chapter)

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