It's time to play online

Chapter 392 Moon Shadow Mixture

Chapter 392 Moon Shadow Mixture
The Moon Shadow Mouse is here!Wang Shuang immediately sneaked out of the field in a dark lurking way, came outside the field, and was about to attack the group of Moon Shadow Rats, but at this moment, Wang Shuang glanced at the attributes of the Moon Shadow Rats, and couldn't help being stunned.

——Moon Shadow Rat (Red-LV51): Qi and blood 100000, physical attack 1000, physical defense 1000, physical resistance 0? ? ?Magic attack 1000, magic defense 1000, magic resistance 0? ? ?Abilities: normal attack, hunger for food, guardian of the moon shadow.

——Hungry for food: When in a hungry state, gain 200? ? ?Speed ​​bonus.

——Guardian of the Moon Shadow: Under the protection of the moonlight, the Moon Shadow Mouse becomes invincible and resists all damage.

Nani, what the hell is this attribute, and what the hell is Moon Shadow Guardian?Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, watching these Moon Shadow Rats pass by, raised the dagger in his hand and slashed at them, feeling like they were pierced into a ball of cotton. Total darkness.Like a moving shadow.

When they got close, Wang Shuang quickly sent a message to several teammates in the team channel. Hua Suiyue quickly led the guild players out of the field, and then this group of moving shadows quickly got into the field and began to eat Some fringed moonshades.

Soon there was a tooth-sickening sound in the field, crunching, as if the group of Moon Shadow Rats were gnawing on table legs.Not long after, Wang Shuang suddenly heard a sudden scream, like a frightened rabbit.

Soon, the second sound and the third sound... a series of screams followed one after another, singing like an echo in the field.Wang Shuang's scalp tingled, and soon saw a group of moon shadow mice with clear outlines running out of the field. Their bodies were about the size of ordinary cats, but compared with ordinary cats, these moon shadow mice did look more fierce sort of.

The two front teeth exposed in their mouths are terrifyingly large, like two sharp blades, when they bite together hard, even steel will be bitten off!Wang Shuang suddenly remembered something, and immediately used the system to scan the attributes of the few Moon Shadow Rats in front of him:
——Angry Moon Shadow Rat [Extreme Rage][Strong Body] (Red-LV51): Vitality 630000, Physical Attack 6700, Physical Defense 4800, Physical Resistance 10? ? ?Magic attack 8200, magic defense 5600, magic resistance 10? ? ?Functions: normal attack, hunger for food, moon shadow wrath, giant crocodile bite.

——Hungry for food: When in a hungry state, gain 200? ? ?Speed ​​bonus.

——Moon Shadow Wrath: In the state of anger, the Moon Shadow Rat can deal 20? ? ?At the same time, in the state of hunger, the Moon Shadow Rat will receive an additional 20? ? ? .

——Bite of a giant crocodile: When the Moon Shadow Rat is angry, the strength of its front teeth is simultaneously amplified, bursting out with a bite force comparable to that of a giant crocodile.When biting a target, it deals 1600 150?Manage the damage of the attack, and make the target enter the state of bleeding and vulnerable, losing 200 points of life and blood every second and receiving an additional 15? ? ? , for 10 seconds.


This attribute seems to be worse than the previous Moon Shadow Bear?Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then turned his attention to the Moon Shadow Rats who were eating the Moon Shadow Fruit, wondering what would become of them after eating them.

In short, it was time to kill monsters again. At this time, Hua Suiyue and the others rushed towards Wang Shuang anxiously. Although the attributes of these Moon Shadow Rats were not as good as those of Moon Shadow Bears just now, they were not able to handle them.Wang Shuang immediately gave up the Moon Shadow Rats in front of him, and turned to join Hua Suiyue and the others.

It didn't take long before the people on both sides converged. Wang Shuang summoned a few of his followers, then took out his fierce white double blades, waved them around, and slashed across the head of a Moon Shadow Mouse with a brisk movement. Throat, spurting a lot of blood.


Two 10,000+ damage!The Qi and blood on the Moon Shadow Mouse's head dropped by about one-third. At this time, Wang Shuang's blood boiled all over his body. As expected, a hungry mouse is easy to deal with. From this point of view, brother, this is the rhythm of killing a Moon Shadow Mouse in three seconds. !
Moon Shadow Rat was cut in pain, jumped up and opened its mouth wide, its huge front teeth reflected the faint moonlight in mid-air, suddenly bit Wang Shuang's arm, and a blood-red damage number burst out.


"Damn it." Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, the Moon Shadow Rat was indeed a serious threat.But fortunately, it was only to this extent. Wang Shuang swung the dagger again, slashed twice, and successfully cut off the blood bar of the Moon Shadow Rat before the Moon Shadow Rat attacked him again.

"Squeak—" Moon Shadow Mouse screamed, and its originally straight body became a little stiff, and then it slowly lay down.It hung up, and at the same time, a bottle of red medicine and dozens of gold coins exploded from the body.


System prompt: You killed the angry Moon Shadow Mouse, you get 7.5W experience rewards, you get 63 gold coins rewards, your follower Li Muxuan gets 7.5W experience rewards, your follower Evelyn gets 7.5W experience rewards , your follower Serifen gets 7.5W experience rewards.


System prompt: Player Wang Shuang has been assigned the item "Moon Shadow Mixture".

——Moon Shadow Mixture: Collect enough Moon Shadow Mixtures, and you can exchange various rewards with Moon Shadow Old Man in the cabin deep in the Moon Shadow Forest.

Old Man Moon Shadow?Wang Shuang looked further away. There was indeed a wide Moon Shadow Forest there. Wang Shuang remembered that it was also a forest terrain when they first came in.But there are still people living in this kind of place, is it a special NPC?

Putting these aside for the time being, let's wipe out all the Moon Shadow Rats in front of us whose eyes are red because of hunger!

A few of Wang Shuang's followers dragged down a Moon Shadow Rat, but their attack and defense were far less perverted than Wang Shuang's, so Wang Shuang had no choice but to step forward to help his followers, and a Moon Shadow Rat dealt with it two or three times. , also broke out a few pieces of equipment.

The other 20 or so people were watching Wang Shuang lightly slaying the Moon Shadow Mouse, but compared to the excitement when he killed the Moon Shadow Bear before, they were more numb at this time, as if they had accepted Wang Shuang. A knife can easily cause more than ten or [-] damage.

"Fuck!" Just when Wang Shuang, who was surrounded by several people, was besieged by the Moon Shadow Rat, Wang Shuang, who was among a group of Moon Shadow Rats, suddenly screamed. It turned out that a Moon Shadow Rat jumped at Wang Shuang's back and bit his chest Backpack, pierced through a moon shadow fruit in Wang Shuang's backpack with his front teeth, then jumped off Wang Shuang's shoulder, ran to the side and began to gobble it up.

Wang Shuang did take a Moon Shadow Fruit just now. At that time, it depended on the attributes of the Moon Shadow Fruit, so Wang Shuang asked another player to ask for one. He didn't expect this kind of plot to happen now.And that's not all, when the only Moon Shadow Fruit in Wang Shuang's backpack was snatched away, a group of Moon Shadow Rats suddenly stopped attacking, and turned to look at the twenty or so people who were watching not far away.

The twenty or so people seemed to have realized something, and they all took a few steps back slowly.Sure enough, the group of Moon Shadow Rats quickly abandoned Wang Shuang, opened their mouths to reveal two sharp and huge front teeth, and rushed towards them.

"Damn it!" Wang Shuang was so startled that he couldn't help but shouted in the team channel: "Quickly throw away all the Moon Shadow Fruits on you, these Moon Shadow Rats are chasing you for Moon Shadow Fruits!"

Hearing this, the twenty or so people came to their senses one after another, took out their respective Moon Shadow Fruits from their backpacks and threw them on the ground, the group of Moon Shadow Rats rushed forward as if seeing gold, their front teeth biting through the Moon Shadow Fruits fiercely, Then the body ran to the side like a gust of wind, and began to gobble it up.

"What the hell..." Wang Shuang wiped his forehead and sighed, and then saw a few Moon Shadow Rats that hadn't been allocated Moon Shadow Fruit, turned around a few times, turned around and rushed towards him again.

Well done, Wang Shuang picked up the dagger, and a shadow attack flashed forward, grabbing the attention and hatred of these angry Moon Shadow Rats again, and then a group of followers quickly followed up, the long-range output of the long-range output , the melee output of this melee output.Many Moon Shadow Rats turned into corpses and fell at Wang Shuang's feet.

Now, almost all the Moon Shadow Rats that hadn't eaten food fell down, and a lot of gold coins and Moon Shadow Mixture burst out.The drop probability of Moon Shadow Flask is 50? ? ? , so Wang Shuang's talent doesn't actually affect the probability of this drop.

Now Wang Shuang raised his dagger and looked around tiredly. Except for a few Moon Shadow Rats who were devouring quietly, there were no other enemies.

Just when Wang Shuang felt that he could breathe a sigh of relief, the information window of the team channel suddenly flashed wildly, and then Wang Shuang opened it, and saw several people not far away frantically sending him messages: "Wang Dashen, look over there, look! Over there in the field of Moon Shadow Fruit."

"What happened to the field?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback, turned his head away disapprovingly, and almost sat down on the ground in shock.

Those Moon Shadow Rats before—no, they can be called Moon Shadow Giant Rats now. They have changed from the cat-like figure before to almost as tall as Wang Shuang when they stand up now.The Moon Shadow Rats walked out of the field one after another. Their front teeth were no bigger than those lying on the ground, but they were terrifyingly big.

A mouse as big as a person, a large area, are you afraid?
Anyway, Wang Shuang was scared.

After the group of Giant Moon Shadow Rats came out and saw the corpses of the Moon Shadow Rats lying around Wang Shuang, their ridiculous facial features suddenly became tangled together, and they spread their legs and started running with great momentum. Dozens of Giant Moon Shadow Rats came together Running, like a group of giant elephants galloping!
When it was close, Wang Shuang's face became serious, and he read the attributes!
——Moon Shadow Giant Rat [Blood King Kong] [Strong Body 51] (Red-LV1000000): Vitality 4800, physical attack 7900, physical defense 20, physical resistance 5900? ? ?Magic attack 8700, magic defense 20, magic resistance [-]? ? ?Abilities: normal attack, power of moon shadow, giant moon shadow rat rampage.

——The Power of Moon Shadow: After being full, the Moon Shadow Rat has obtained a physique and ability dozens of times stronger than before. ?damage from the attack.


(End of this chapter)

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