Chapter 408
"The second branch?" Wang Shuang squinted his eyes when he heard the words, and said with a sneer, "The people in your main club dare not stop me, so what is the second branch?"

"Nima Gobi." Long Teng Tianqi's face suddenly darkened, and he immediately took out a short bow from behind, put on the bow and pointed at Wang Shuang and said, "Wang Shuang, do you know that although this city is a safe area, I am now a Does the acting group owner of Kuano City have the right to use force in the city?"

"So what?" Wang Shuang asked back.

"Hmph, don't you know yet? Only I can hit you, but you can't fight back!" Long Teng Tianqi said with a wild smile: "Don't think that you are great because you are strong, the people in the guild are too lazy to teach you a lesson , let me make you understand some truths!"

Saying that, Long Teng Tianqi used a skill, and then let go of the crossbow in his hand.Immediately, the crossbow arrow flew towards Wang Shuang, and a raging fire ignited on the arrow, which quickly engulfed the entire arrow, turning into a fire bird and flying towards him.

"Boring." Wang Shuang sighed, stretched out two fingers and grabbed the firebird's neck casually.

"Damn it, Wang Shuang is holding it!"

"What is this, is there such a skill in the game?"

"No, this is the skill of the elves, but how did Wang Shuang learn it? Could it be that his reputation with the elves has reached its peak?"

"Isn't this nonsense, everyone saved the king of the elves, so what is it to learn the exclusive skills of the elves!"

The surrounding players started to shout, and even a few NPCs stopped to look at Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang looked up at the ugly look on Longteng Tianqi's face, and with a slight throw, he threw the burning firebird back.

"Fly back!"

"Longteng Tianqi is throwing stones at his feet this time, ready to bear the damage of his own attack!"

"Hmph." Just as everyone expected, Long Teng Tianqi took this blow forcefully, losing a quarter of his head's blood in an instant!He snorted coldly, then wiped the corners of his mouth, looked at Wang Shuang and continued: "If you can throw it back once, can you throw it back a second time? Wang Shuang, let me tell you, if I'm here today, you can throw it back again." Don't even think about stepping into Kuano City."

"Fuck, brother don't care about lunatics." Wang Shuang shook his head and was about to walk towards Kuoye City.But he was once again stopped by those NPCs and knights defending the city.

"Luoxue, go in first, and I'll be there later." After muttering for a while, Wang Shuang did not rush through the barrier, but said to Luoxue Qianli who was beside him.

"En." Sensing that the surrounding eyes had a faint tendency to move closer to him, Luoxue Qianli didn't say anything, but obediently agreed, and walked into the city.

"Stop!" But at this moment, the knight in front of Wang Shuang also stopped Luoxue Qianli: "You are also on the wanted list, you are not allowed to enter the city!"

"Hahaha." Seeing Longteng Tianqi laughing wildly on the top of the city, Wang Shuang calmed down instead, opened his friend list and turned around, found Longteng Liuguang, then opened the dialog box, and threw a sentence: " The president of the second branch of your guild stopped us at Kuano City and didn't let us enter the city. If there is no accident, I may forcefully break through next."

After sending the message, within a few seconds, Longteng Liuguang replied immediately: "Wang Shuang, wait, is the president of the second branch, Longteng Tianqi?"


"I'll be there soon."

Then Wang Shuang closed the dialogue window. Before Longteng Tianqi was arrogant, another group of players appeared on the city wall. Looking at the beginning, they also had the prefix of the word Longteng!

I have to say that Longteng Liuguang's efficiency is still very high, and he appeared within 5 minutes after Wang Shuang sent him a message.

Seeing Long Teng Liuguang, Long Teng Tianqi had a look of astonishment on his face, then quickly calmed down, cupped his fist slightly towards Long Teng Liuguang and said, "Vice President."

"Apocalypse." Long Teng Liuguang came to the top of the city, looked at Wang Shuang with his arms around him, looked up at them coldly, sighed, and then said seriously: "Let Wang Shuang and the others enter the city."

"Why!" Long Teng Tianqi frowned, and immediately rejected with a wave of his hand: "Wang Shuang is too arrogant. If you don't step on him, you really don't know how high the sky is. Besides, even if Wang Shuang doesn't enter the city, it will only be good for us. There is no harm, if he dares to force his way, let him see how powerful our army of the dead is."

"Tianqi, do you have any grievances with Wang Shuang? Next is the national war. If we continue to fight like this, when we face foreign players, won't it be our Huaxia District that will suffer?"

"Are we going to succumb to Wang Shuang?" Long Teng Tianqi's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly: "Vice President, that's not what you said when you joined the guild. Back then, our Long Teng was the strongest guild in the human race. Even if the guilds of the human race work together, they will not be able to stop our Dragon guild's army. He, Wang Shuang, is just one person, so can he influence your thoughts at will?"

Long Teng Liuguang also seemed a little annoyed: "Although we have great power, we don't just brag about it like this! It's no skill to stop other players from entering the city. If you have the ability, go to the arena and fight with the king." Shuang is one-on-one, one-on-one, to beat him is the real skill..."

"Enough." Long Teng Tianqi exhaled heavily, took a last look at Long Teng Liuguang, shook his head and said, "I've had enough, the strongest guild of the human race, even Wang Shuang dare not step on it; and Welfare recently It's also a mess. What about the benefits of the last two months? Why have the benefits of our second branch been deducted in various ways? Isn't it a player in the main guild? How about this."

As he said that, Longteng Tianqi took off the guild medal on his shoulder, held it high above his head, and shouted to the scattered players below: "That's it, from today onwards, the second guild of Longteng Guild declares independence, and The Dragon Guild and others have nothing to do with it!"

"Wow!" The players around were shocked, and everyone zoomed in on the camera, taking pictures of the guild medal falling down.

Canglan Storm, who was standing among the crowd watching, couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, and looked at the city with a sneer: "Things seem to be getting more interesting, not bad."

"This is really unexpected." Wang Shuang was also a little surprised. He watched the farce on the top of the city with interest, and turned his head to look at Luo Xueqianli, but judging from the latter's indifferent expression, Look, Wang Shuang felt that she didn't seem very surprised.


System prompt: The president of the second branch of the Longteng guild is in contact with the Longteng guild, the third branch of the Longteng guild, and the fourth branch of the Longteng guild.

Longteng Liuguang couldn't help being stunned, looked at Longteng Tianqi and said: "Disconnect...Tianqi, are you trying to support yourself? Don't forget, those soldiers under your command are not yours, but were given to you by the Longteng Guild. You Be independent, they won't follow you."

"Hahaha, vice president, no—Long Teng Liuguang, you are wrong." Long Teng Tianqi laughed, looked at Long Teng Liuguang with some pity and said: "On the contrary, most of them will not leave. Because they have already seen the essence of the Dragon Soaring Guild clearly."

"What essence?" Long Teng Liuguang asked with a frown.

"This day has finally come." Under the city, Wang Shuang suddenly heard Luoxue Qianli sighed beside him.

"You guessed that he would go out independently?" Wang Shuang asked, looking at Luoxue Qianli.

"Wang Shuang, you should know that some of our guilds have planted spies in other guilds, right?" Luoxue Qianli asked suddenly.

"Uh..." Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, then nodded.

"The Longteng Guild claims that there is 800 full attendance per month, plus various bonuses. Every salary player who joins the Longteng Guild can receive more than 2500 per month in benefits. As for ordinary players, they can also enjoy a monthly full attendance of 200 .But after our people mixed in, we realized that there are not many players who can meet this full attendance standard."

"What do you mean?" When Wang Shuang heard the gossip, he immediately regained his energy.

"It is said that other data analysis is too professional, and it is troublesome to explain, let's just talk about the final result." Luoxue Qianli smiled and said: "Our people come according to the requirements of the Longteng guild, and they are present at every guild event. And when the attendance is full, it is still deducted in various ways. In the end, the 450 extra bonus that should have been enjoyed in one month was deducted to less than 300. With full attendance, it looks like the monthly bonus is less than [-]. "

"Damn it." Wang Shuang couldn't help but clicked his tongue, shook his head and sighed: "The Dragon Guild is really powerful. Now you can just hit gold coins and sell them on the black market. You can get thousands of dollars a month."

"But the Longteng guild is a big sign, the largest guild in the human race, and there are also many benefits for full attendance and extra bonuses. When ordinary players think about playing games happily by themselves, they can get money and don't have to do anything special , naturally joined the Longteng Guild directly."

"But looking at Longteng Liuguang like this, it doesn't seem very clear." Wang Shuang looked at the top of the city. When Longteng Tianqi told the story about the past few months, Longteng Liuguang's expression changed from calmness to astonishment, and finally It turned into shock, and even Wang Shuang could see a trace of shock and anger on his face.

Luoxue Qianli also sighed, shook his head and said: "Not many people in the upper echelon and management of Longteng Guild know about this matter. Without access to those who are qualified, almost everyone in the Longteng Guild is now worried, for fear that they have done something wrong and their benefits will be deducted again."

"Stupid." Wang Shuang was speechless after hearing this, so he shook his head helplessly.

"I know about this." Long Teng Liuguang patted Long Teng Tianqi's shoulder, glanced at the guild medal he was clutching tightly in his palm, and sighed: "Tianqi, I advise you to come back first, what? Everything is easy to discuss, but if you directly cancel the association, you will block the road. You see, I am being popped up by the president all the time."

(End of this chapter)

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