It's time to play online

Chapter 432 The Intention of the Dragon Guild

Chapter 432 The Intention of the Dragon Guild

After the resurrection, Gloomy Frozen realized the seriousness of the situation immediately.And there is another very important reason for You An Cangxue to arrange her here, that is, You An Bingfeng is actually Su Wuxue's capable subordinate in reality.

Now, Bounty Island has fallen. As a player who has been playing Star Wish for a long time, after being resurrected, the darkness is frozen, and without a moment's hesitation, he directly summons the game menu to go offline. After taking off the helmet, he glances at the stars and moon outside the window. In the dark and frozen, Gulu rolled out of the bed, grabbed his mobile phone, and danced his fingers on the screen like a wildly dancing elf.

In about ten seconds, she dialed Su Wuxue's number, took a deep breath, and said in a dark and frozen voice, "Wuxue, something serious happened."


On this star-studded night, more than one Su Wuxue was called up by a phone call, and of course not only the presidents and vice-chairmen of several other guilds, almost all the battle group players of the ethnic guilds were awakened in their sleep.

After receiving the unified notice from their superiors, their expressions suddenly became a little more solemn. Without a word, they got up to tidy up their status, made a cup of coffee, and then put on their helmets and started fighting online.

After all, although the guild leaders are awake, they are not very useful. If they don't have soldiers under their command, how can they resist the Longteng guild's attack?
"Wang Shuang, is your name Wang Shuang?" After Su Jiyao and Su Wuxue went online, Su Jiyao, also known as You An Qianyao, suddenly asked.

"No, he's not our salary player after all..." Su Wuxue was taken aback, then thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I'm afraid I have no right to wake him up at this time."

"It's about this time, it's not the time to talk about this kind of thing!" Su Jiyao grabbed her shoulder and shook vigorously: "Hurry up and get off the assembly line, if you don't call him now, it will be too late when Wang Shuang gets up tomorrow morning." Don’t talk about salary or not, I think even if Wang Shuang doesn’t charge you, he will definitely come when you need him!”

"Huh? But I don't want to..."

"No, but, he is now the vice president of Gloomy Rose anyway, as long as this reason is enough for you to call him up!"

"Well, I got it, I'm going offline now." Su Wuxue nodded, and then her figure gradually dimmed.

You Anqianyao watched her disappear, and sighed helplessly.


Su Wuxue took out her mobile phone, the pale green screen fluorescently shone on her face, she looked at the mobile phone number on the screen, silently confirmed it, and dialed.


Someone picked up the phone, Su Wuxue was refreshed, and was about to speak, but a female voice from the other party made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

female voice?

"Hey, I'll hang up if you don't talk." The other party's voice sounded a little sleepy, as if he had just fallen asleep.

But why, Wang Shuang's mobile phone will be answered by a girl?

"Who are you...?" Su Wuxue finally couldn't help it, and asked weakly.

"Me?" Jiang Jige was also drowsy when he was suddenly woken up by a phone call. It turned out that Wang Shuang left the phone on her bed.But after connecting, it turned out to be a call from a girl.

What is the relationship between this girl and Wang Shuang?Jiang Jige lost all sleepiness at once. Hearing Su Wuxue's question at this moment, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback. Could it be Wang Shuang's girlfriend outside?

Feeling sore in his heart, Jiang Jige sniffled silently and sighed: "No, I'm just his ordinary friend."

"How could an ordinary friend help him answer the phone? And it's still so late." Su Wuxue heard this, although she didn't fully believe it, but her heart had already begun to come alive.

"A friend who plays games together, I help him with housework by the way, and he pays me."

"Oh, that's - I understand." Su Wuxue responded silently, and the big stone in her heart finally sank.After thinking about it, Su Wuxue remembered the purpose of her trip, and said quickly, "Then are you by his side now?"

"It's not counting around, but it's more convenient to find him."

"Help me find him, let him play the game, something big happened in the game."

"Go to the game?" Jiang Jige was also taken aback when he heard the words, and suddenly regained consciousness: "So, you are..."

"His guild president, and boss."

"Oh, ok, I'll go find him now."

In this way, the two women hung up the phone with their own concerns. Although they were not in a good mood at first, the final result was good.

Jiang Jige immediately got up from the bed, straightened the folds of his clothes, and combed his hair in front of the mirror, before knocking on the door of Wang Shuang's room.

No one answered.

Jiang Jige put his ear on the door and listened quietly for a while, then pushed open the door of Wang Shuang's room.

Wang Shuang was sleeping on the bed with his gaming helmet next to him, sleeping peacefully like a child, accompanied by the sound of light breathing.

"Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang?" Jiang Jige called softly a few times, leaning closer to Wang Shuang.

At this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly jumped up from the bed, hugged her with open arms, and burst into tears: "Don't go, don't leave me..."

"I...I won't go." Jiang Jige was stunned for a while, then stroked Wang Shuang's head very gently, and sighed softly: "Wherever you are in the future, I will go with you."

"Hmm..." After receiving an affirmative answer, Wang Shuang smiled innocently like a child, and then fell into a deep sleep.

"Hmm... No, no." Jiang Jige shook his head, gently squeezed Wang Shuang's shoulder and shook it: "Wang Shuang? Wang Shuang, wake up, your president needs you now."

"Our... President?" Wang Shuang finally opened his eyes sleepily this time. He felt that his eyelids were very heavy, but after hearing the news about Su Wuxue, Wang Shuang managed to open his eyes. When he saw Jiang Jige tightly hugged by his hands, a surge of mental energy rushed into his brain, waking him up in horror: "Sister Ji?"

"Well, it's me." Jiang Jige responded with a smile, then pointed to the helmet on the bed, and said: "Go online quickly, your president said something big happened in the game, I wonder if there will be a good news now." Tens of thousands of people are waiting for you to appear on the stage."

"Oh, that's it. Thank you, Sister Ji." Wang Shuang nodded, then glanced at his arms around Jiang Jige's body, let go of them in embarrassment, and with a dry laugh, Wang Shuang asked, "Well, are you all right Ji?" sister?"

"Well, it's okay. I feel pretty good now. What could be the matter?" What Wang Shuang couldn't understand was that Jiang Jige answered him so bluntly, as if nothing had happened.

"You, don't mind, what I did just now...?" Wang Shuang said, comparing the gesture of embracing just now. Hearing this, Jiang Jige's face turned slightly red, and he said angrily, then turned his head and went back to his room .

Wang Shuang: "Meow meow?"

Damn, what happened just now, why did her attitude change so much all of a sudden?And why did brother hug her as the action when he wakes up!
This time Wang Shuang's old face was completely red. He could say that he went to the wrong room before going to bed and slept on Jiang Jige's bed.But what should I say this time, this time he just hugged Jiang Jige.

Although the other party didn't have any obvious reaction, it still made Wang Shuang feel a deep pain in the egg.

It doesn't matter, even if brother is a beast, it doesn't matter if it is not as good as a beast, so let's just go online, I don't know what happened in the game, so that You Yin Cangxue called him.

Wang Shuang glanced at the phone that Jiang Jige left behind, scratched his head, and checked the time after unlocking it: It's only 1:10, and he only slept for more than an hour.

"I want the people..." Wang Shuang got up, took a sip of water, went to the bathroom, and then returned to his room. His eyes were still a little bit open. Wang Shuang touched the outline of his helmet, put it on his head, and then Start the game.

The scene in front of him quickly flipped, and layers of familiar buildings suddenly appeared around Wang Shuang.He is currently around Saiyan City. After he went online, he glanced at his friend list. He was about to say why the friend list is so quiet. Suddenly, hundreds of unread emails popped up in his mailbox. At the same time, Wang Shuang's friend list suddenly disappeared. Boom, there are more than 100 private chats.

"Damn it, I'm going to die, I'm going to die." When Wang Shuang saw it, his scalp tingled and he opened it. After a glance, the content was similar, and they were all talking about those few things.

Bounty Island, one of the Isles of Sighs, has fallen.

The Isle of Wicked, one of the Isles of Sighs, has fallen.

And the Holy Sword Island, one of the Islands of Sighs, also fell.

Not only that, several other islands are also now in a state of war. Several guilds who just woke up from their sleep have already summoned their men, and they boarded the islands one after another to start a fierce contest with the players of the Longteng guild.

It's only been an hour, so why did so many things happen all of a sudden?Could it be that Longteng Xingchen had already made an arrangement, and just after Wang Shuang went offline, the players of the Longteng Guild were eyeing this opportunity, went online one after another and started a war?
Not right either!Wang Shuang frowned, suddenly realizing that this matter was not that simple.According to Wang Shuang's understanding, several guilds have placed several undercover agents inside the Longteng guild.Even if you can't get the position of the battle group and can't get first-hand information, at least you will always know a little bit in advance.

It has to be said that the raid of the Longteng Guild really exceeded their expectations.Unexpectedly, in just one hour, several guilds on Wang Shuang's side lost three islands in a row.And the most important thing is the bounty island. The bounty island has perfect equipment and the highest output of gold coins, all of which were taken away by the Longteng guild!
Can't bear it!Wang Shuang thought silently, and then hurried back to Saiyan City.

But what's the point of their raid like this?Even if the bounty island is well-equipped, it will take time to play its role. Only through the accumulation of time can the gold coins be accumulated slowly. They will not be able to earn many gold coins if they take it for a day or two.

A bad thought rose from the bottom of Wang Shuang's heart, his heart tightened, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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