It's time to play online

Chapter 444 Trading with the Demon Tree

Chapter 444 Trading with the Demon Tree

"Do you know why the Soul Sealing Pagoda attracts those lost souls?" Just as Wang Shuang was thinking, Li Er suddenly opened his mouth and asked.

"I don't know." Wang Shuang said.

"The surface of the Fengling Pagoda looks like a temple-like pagoda. The bottom floor has the widest area and the highest floor has the smallest area. And there is a long pillar inside the Fengling Pagoda, which runs through from the bottom to the top. , and even poked out from the ceiling of the Fengling Pagoda, straight into the sky."

"Oh, oh..." Wang Shuang was stunned for a while, and didn't speak, waiting for Li Er to explain what this had to do with him.

"This pillar is actually a demon tree." Li Er said, "This is what we say. But if you look at it from the perspective of the undead, it is actually similar to my status in the human race."

"The Prophet Tree?" Wang Shuang asked with a twitch of his eyebrows.

"No, it should be said that it is a tree that knows a lot, even more than I know." Li Er said, pointing to the ground with her claws: "But the reason why it knows a lot is not because it walks around all the year round , but because its roots almost cover the whole world."

"I wipe?" Wang Shuang was dumbfounded when he heard it: "The whole world? Could it be... the whole map of Star Wish?"

"Yes, that's right." What surprised Wang Shuang was that Li Er understood it. Does this guy also know that he is just a virtual pet in Star Wish?
"In short, its source of news is not from hearing rumors outside all the year round, but using its own roots to capture the news, and then feed it back to the demon tree itself. After analysis, it draws a conclusion, and then further transforms it into information that can be understood by people. "

"This is really unimaginable: when its roots meet the sea, they drill all the way down to the deepest part of the seabed below tens of thousands of meters. After 1000 years, its roots have drilled through countless Hard rock, even ore, cannot withstand the erosion of the years, and its roots invade and penetrate."

"Whether it's a scorching cave where magma flows or a frozen layer of ice and snow, it can pierce through the top of its tough roots, slowly penetrate through the seabed soil tens of thousands of meters below, reach the other side of the world, and develop there. Get out your own avatar, and then continue to stretch the roots."

"Grass, really picky." Wang Shuang couldn't help but swallowed, and said.

"To accomplish such a feat, the energy it needs is naturally huge and endless. So those dead souls become its fertilizer, and the endless souls go to the Spirit Sealing Tower, where they are slowly swallowed by the demon tree and grow stronger In itself... this is the history of the entire Spirit Sealing Pagoda."

"Wait, become its fertilizer?" Wang Shuang was stunned, and quickly asked: "So, those souls from more than ten years ago should have been digested by that tree by now, right?"

"Of course." Li Er gave Wang Shuang a strange look, and seeing his bewildered face, she couldn't help curling her lips, and said with a sneer, "You don't want to find the soul that died more than ten years ago, do you?" , it is estimated that it has been turned into nourishment long ago, and there is not even a little scum left in this world."

"Fuck, it shouldn't be possible?" Wang Shuang hastily opened his task bar, but the task bar clearly says to find the souls of the leader of the Chi Lei Adventure Group and several members, and the task status is still unfinished In this stage, if the former leader of the Nachi Lei Adventure Group is dead, and this task cannot be completed, the system will automatically cross it!

Didn't they, then, feed the tree?
Wang Shuang's eyebrows rose like mountains. No matter what, it seemed that he would not know some things until he went to the Fengling Pagoda.

After checking the level of the Sealed Spirit Pagoda, Wang Shuang found that it was actually a level [-] dungeon.It's only level [-], isn't it a piece of cake for them?But then Wang Shuang found something strange in it. Why is there an upward arrow next to the level setting of this dungeon?

Search the forum for the word "Feng Ling Pagoda", and soon found thirty or so posts.

——Experience place that can grow: Fengling Pagoda!

——Level 50-80 dungeon recommendation 3: Fengling Pagoda.

——Help: Where can I find the materials needed for the task of the ghostly old man on the second floor of the Spirit Sealing Pagoda?


After reading other players' posts and feedback, Wang Shuang probably knew about the Fengling Pagoda.

First of all, the Spirit Sealing Pagoda is a dungeon located on a neutral map between humans, orcs, and elves, and the entry level is recommended to be above level 50.But not limited to level 50.What does that mean?This means that to enter the first floor of the Spirit Sealing Pagoda, players need to be above level [-].

What about the second floor?That's not level 50, but level 55.The third floor is level 60, the fourth floor is level 65, and in the same way, the highest level is seven floors. It is recommended to challenge at level 80.

Level 80?Isn't that just going after the third job change?

After the third job change, the player's attributes should increase explosively again, and the monster's attributes will also increase along with it. From the sixth floor to the seventh floor, the difficulty level must be doubled.

But Wang Shuang didn't care about this, because it was not difficult for him.The break-and-stand state that the wilderness giant gave him just now still lasts for more than 10,000 hours, and the offense and defense of [-]+ is enough for him to challenge the seventh floor of the Sealing Tower.

Just as Wang Shuang was about to gather the players of Gloomy Rose and head towards the Fengling Pagoda, Li Muxuan poked him suddenly.Wang Shuang was taken aback, and seeing Li Muxuan's bowed head, he couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, baby? What's the matter?"

Li Muxuan didn't speak, but pouted her mouth to one side, Wang Shuang looked over from the corner of Li Muxuan's eyes, and happened to see Li Er who was hesitating to speak.

Wang Shuang's heart was shocked suddenly. What is this? Is there any hint of the plot?Fuck, you are indeed a good follower of my brother, and my brother gave me a [-]% praise!

"Li Er, do you have anything else to say?" Wang Shuang asked quickly.

"Yeah." Lier nodded, but still hesitated: "Although I don't recommend doing this, adventurers, if necessary, you can ask the tree some questions."

"what is the problem?"

"For example... the location of the Linglong Temple. This kind of thing should not be a secret to it. After all, his intelligence network is all over the world. No matter how secret the relocation of the Linglong Temple is, it cannot escape the detection and investigation hidden in the ground. peep."

Wang Shuang's heart shook violently again, and he hugged Lier's furry body excitedly, and stroked its long ear canal, which felt very good to the touch: "Yes, I wouldn't have thought of it unless you told me, thank you." !"

"But why don't you suggest me to do this?" Wang Shuang suddenly thought of Li Er's hesitant expression just now.

"This is a very convenient way to know the truth. If you want to ask that tree to help you, you have to pay a price accordingly." Lier shook his head: "However, no one knows what you will pay. Maybe it's the first time You only need to pay all your mana, and you only need to die on the spot for the second time, but slowly, after you become dependent on it, its demands will become more and more severe."

"Isn't this a demon?" Wang Shuang asked involuntarily. Through Li Er's description, he remembered all kinds of legends about trading precious things with demons.

"Well, it's very close. When you really can't do without it, you will be completely reduced to its puppet. No matter how unequal the deal it proposes, you will inexplicably agree to it in the end."

"Fuck, it's just a game, I still don't believe that guy can do anything to me." Wang Shuang gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "If it really messes with me in the end, I'll just destroy it. Its main body dies, and its roots all over the world become rotten roots, which will slowly dissipate into a part of the soil with the passage of time."

"Countless people have thought this way, but they..." Li Er shook her head and said nothing more.

"Don't worry." Wang Shuang folded his arms and smiled: "I'm just looking for it once, and I won't go there in the future."

"I hope so!"

Now, Wang Shuang returned to the gate of Saiyan City, began to integrate the players of Dark Rose, and told them about the final destination of this operation.

"Fengling Pagoda?" After hearing Wang Shuang say this place name, most of the players were at a loss.Only the Dark Dragonrider nodded: "That place is indeed a good place to level up, and because of the special nature of the dungeon, not to mention the rich experience of monsters, the number of monsters is almost endless. But Wang Shuang, that place does not lose equipment , there should be a better choice for you, right?"

"We're not here to brush up equipment and levels." Wang Shuang shook his head, looking at the distant sky: "We're on a mission, to find the soul from more than ten years ago, and to ask that tree something..."

The road to Fengling Pagoda was very long. Wang Shuang took the players from the Dark Rose Guild to the stables of Saiyan City, got on a carriage, and set off towards the junction of the human race, the orc race and the elf race.

Minglu City.

This is a town with a relatively small number of people in the second-tier towns. The number of people here does not refer to NPCs, but the resident players here.Although the first-level main city is not yet open to players, some reasonable players have already chosen their permanent towns next to the first-level main city, so that they can take a step directly when they reach level 80. Reach the first-level main city.

And this kind of marginal secondary town naturally became a secondary choice.Especially under the premise of the developed star wish carriage system, a large number of players left Minglu City and went to places like Saiyan City to develop.

When Wang Shuang arrived at Minglu City, he got out of the carriage, organized the team a bit, and then walked towards the border of the human race.

Human border checkpoint, Tiancheng checkpoint.After seeing Wang Shuang's silver token, the NPC here immediately showed respect to Wang Shuang, bowed deeply, and stepped back to make way for him.

Wang Shuang glanced back at a group of Dark Rose players following him, and couldn't help but ask, "Can I use this token with the companions behind me?"

"Of course, of course." The general was taken aback for a moment, and then he quickly agreed with a courteous face.

"Fuck, you are indeed the vice president. If you have nothing to say, just say a word!"

(End of this chapter)

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