It's time to play online

Chapter 449 Crazy Leveling

Chapter 449 Crazy Leveling
It wasn't until about four o'clock that Wang Shuang dragged his tired body back home from the street. He glanced at the time, and it was four fifty, and it was time to gather after going online.

"Then I'm going to take a shower and then go shopping?" Jiang Jige shouted before Wang Shuang entered the room.

"Shopping for vegetables?" Wang Shuang turned to look at her, what kind of vegetables to buy, didn't he just pass by the vegetable market and bought two packs.

"Hee hee, it's my specialty, but that restaurant is too far away, and I thought you were in a hurry here, so I came back first." Without even taking off her shoes, she raised her hand and told Wang Shuang He waved and said goodbye.

"Well, then I'll trouble you."

"No, I will ask you to taste my cooking carefully when the time comes, it is my specialty."

"Haha, wait and see."

For no reason, Wang Shuang suddenly remembered what a guy who didn't know said that beautiful women always cook very bad food...

Well, I hope not.Although what that guy usually cooks is not very delicious, it is still delicious. I hope that the cuisine she is good at is not dark cuisine.

Wang Shuang went back to his room, because it was almost evening at this time, it was dusk outside the window, the corners of the room were dark, and the light streamed in from the window, illuminating the room that was originally like a black box.

Wang Shuang put on his helmet, held his breath, and went online again.

After going online, Wang Shuang returned to the gate of Saiyan City. It was exactly five o'clock at this time, and there were already a large number of Dark Rose players waiting for him here.

Gloomy Dragonrider and Gloomy Bloodhowl had already left the team. Seeing Wang Shuang approaching now, Gloomy Bloodhowl stepped forward, clasped his fists and said passionately, "Report to the vice president, all of our people are here, no one is here. Please leave, you can leave at any time."

"Well, you have done a good job." Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, which saved him a lot of time.Now that everyone is here, there is no need to waste any more time. Wang Shuang quickly waved his hand, turned his head to open the map, and turned his back to the city gate: "Let's go!"

About an hour later, after a huge dragon man fell, a golden ring appeared on Wang Shuang's body, and he had already reached level 71.

After allocating several of his attribute points to constitution and agility, Wang Shuang looked back and began to care about the allocation of equipment.

"Vice President, let's work hard." Amidst the cheers, Gloomy Gorehowl walked out of the crowd.Unlike the others, his expression was very solemn. Seeing Wang Shuang's happy expression, he couldn't help but remind him: "Now the top ten in the ranking list in Huaxia District are all 78, not to mention other races. Even the top ten of our human race are already 78!"

"Fuck, the competition is really fierce!" Wang Shuang was taken aback, nodded and said, "I see, in the next three days, I'm going to level up in an all-round way, and I'll leave the guild affairs to you. There are really things that can't be solved , go to the president or the vice president."

"Hmph, you have to work hard." The Dark Dragon Knight also came up from one side, looking at Wang Shuang with a gloomy face, with familiar yet unfamiliar concern flashing at the bottom of his pupils: "If you fail to be the first to rush to Level 80, then you, a Fengyun player, will lose at least half of your price."

"It seems that not many people are optimistic about me, right?" Wang Shuang smiled lightly and opened the forum without explaining. , it is expected that the first player to break through level [-] will be born within five days!"

The host of the post posted screenshots of the IDs of the top 80 players below, and put together a vote: Let the players vote for the first player who may reach level [-] in their minds.

Among them, the Wandering Blade Soul, who was the first to win No. 50 at level 1 last time, naturally received the attention of all parties again.Although he has received a follower now, he is still working hard to level up, and this time he has also remained in the top 78. The current level is 80. Like last time, he has the strength to compete for No. 1 at level [-].

But it wasn't him who got the most votes, but someone else.This person, like Wandering Soul Blade, is also an elf player, and at the same time he is also the president of the famous Time Guild, time flies like an arrow.The current level is 78, occupying the first place in the ranking list of elves, and also the first place in the ranking list of players in Huaxia District.

It's just that the competition becomes more intense when it comes to the last moment, so the number one position is still changing all the time.But many people have gradually seen some clues: Although it is still uncertain who will be the No. 1 throne, it seems that Time flies to occupy the No.[-] throne for the longest time.

In addition to the top [-] players in the rating list in Huaxia District that have attracted much attention, there are of course some casual players from small guilds that have attracted much attention.

For example, Emperor Dijie, an undead player who has been quietly developing, Thunder Roar, a madman in the Star Wish League of Orcs and the highest streak winner in the arena, and Wang Shuang, who has frequently dominated the human race before...

However, when everyone saw that Wang Shuang's current level was only 71, they couldn't help but sighed with regret: It seems that this time he has missed the throne of level 80 again.

Not only was no one optimistic about Wang Shuang on the forum, even several players of Dark Rose expressed their disapproval.Some players even persuaded Wang Shuang to give up the fight, and take them to fight the boss with peace of mind, clear the dungeon, and mobilize the dark rose to compete with the Longteng guild.

Wang Shuang always laughed at these words.But what surprised Wang Shuang was that, under such a background, there were still people who believed that he could succeed.

No, to describe it as believing is an understatement.It should be said to believe without doubt.

"Why do you look more confident than myself?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but smiled wryly, looking helpless at the dark Cangxue's smile step by step: "To be honest, I'm not that sure of victory either. If someone has that kind of reward and save it to level 79 before using it, then I will immediately become an idiot."

"Huh? What reward."

"For example, before I was the first to kill a red-level boss, there would be a full server announcement, and the system would reward level 1 by the way. What I'm afraid of is this level 1. At that time, it will take three or four for others to upgrade from 79 to 80." In a few days, that guy rose to 79, and he rushed to 80 directly after getting a reward."

"Even so, I believe you can reach the summit before then."

"Hehe, okay." Wang Shuang clenched his fists: "Since you believe that such a miracle will happen, I will restore this miracle to you."

"Then I'll wait and see."

Wang Shuang left the team, returned to the Fengling Pagoda, and directly entered the dungeon of the red-level difficulty. After being accidentally killed once, Wang Shuang climbed to the highest 7th floor, then took out his dagger, and began to face Feng Ling. There are endless ghosts in the pagoda.

The night passed quickly, and by twelve o'clock, Wang Shuang's level had soared to level 74.But at the same time, he couldn't stand such high-intensity monster spawning, and hurriedly logged off.

Although Wang Shuang is still 4 levels away from the current highest-level player, some discerning players have noticed this, and posted a post on the forum, announcing their discovery: One day later, Wang Shuang's level soared from 70 to Level 74!Does this mean that he will also have a place in the 80-level No.1 competition?
This post immediately attracted the attention of many players.Although Wang Shuang was exhausted and went offline, other players could still see Wang Shuang's level through the query system. It was exactly the same as what was said in the post. Wang Shuang was indeed level 74 now.

Soon some people began to recall: at least looking at today's words, Wang Shuang didn't get any full-server announcements, and the system didn't say what he did, and then he got level 1.

In other words, Wang Shuang rose to level 4 in one day just by killing monsters?
This news spread to many people's ears overnight. Several players who were trying to make their way to the game just frowned slightly when they heard the news, and then continued their sleepless leveling life.

The current time does not allow anyone to rest. The first player to reach level 80 will be rewarded, and the second one will have nothing. At that time, there may be two completely different players due to the gap of a few seconds gaming career!
Wang Shuang is now Youya Youzai offline, and although those players are tired, some of them know to hand over their game accounts to others to help them start their nightly life.After one night, the first player to break through level 78 and upgrade to level 79 soon appeared.

"Nani?" When Wang Shuang woke up in the morning, while munching on meat buns, and listening to Jiang Jige talking about this incident, he was so shocked that he couldn't hold it.

Overnight, the first player to reach level 79 appeared, so will the next level 80 be far behind?
Wang Shuang suddenly felt that the task on his shoulders was much heavier. He hurriedly stuffed two mouthfuls of meat buns and drank soy milk. Then he waved to Jiang Jige and pointed to his room.

"Come on." Jiang Jige shouted behind Wang Shuang, "I believe that the first person to reach level 80 will be yours."

"Well, thank you, I will not disappoint your expectations." Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, turned his head to give her a deep look, and then closed the door of the room.

The Longteng Guild is also in full swing.Long Teng Qingming and Bei Jianzhu are intensely organizing and preparing manpower in the guild, and dealing with various complicated information.

"Report, the BOSS at coordinates (XXXX, XXXX) has been beaten by the first, second, and fourth combat groups until only 1??? Blood is left. I request the president to go and harvest it."

"Understood, send someone to keep an eye on the surroundings, pay attention to using the lighting arrows, and don't let others snatch the head of the boss!"

"Yes, this boss will definitely belong to President Xingchen, and will never let anyone else get it!"

Just when Bei Jianzhu was very busy, suddenly there was a ding, and his friend list rang by coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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