It's time to play online

Chapter 451 Rising to the World

Chapter 451 Rising to the World
"Cheating, it's definitely cheating!" After Longteng Xingchen registered his own account and handed Longteng Xingchen the level-up task tonight to Longteng Liuguang, he saw that Wang Shuang's topic had been posted on the forum and the newsletter channel.After a quick check, Long Teng Xingchen was so excited that he almost dropped his phone.

What a joke!He, Longteng Xingchen, reached level 79 last night, and after a whole day of racing today, he only reached level 79 and 30? ? ?Inspection strip.How can he, Wang Shuang, be promoted to a level in two hours, it is faster than riding a rocket!
What's more, what worries Long Teng Xingchen even more is that according to his plan, it is absolutely impossible for him to reach level 80 tonight, and he can only complete this goal in the morning tomorrow at the earliest.If Wang Shuang is really as terrifying as described on the forum, wouldn't he be able to reach level 80 today at that speed?
Will not.Long Teng Xingchen calmed down and glanced at the time.It is now 7 o'clock in the evening, and Longteng Xingchen has been fighting since [-] o'clock this morning. Both physically and mentally, he has long been exhausted, and his efficiency is far less than one-tenth of that during the day. The line is ready to rest.

Even if he, Wang Shuang, is really such a genius, it is impossible to maintain such an efficient monster spawning speed all the time, not to mention that he is just an ordinary casual player, and this time is almost his limit!
Thinking about it, Long Teng Xingchen couldn't help but glance at the time again.It is 7 o'clock in the evening. If Wang Shuang goes offline at this time, his account will become idle.And because Wang Shuang is a casual player and an amateur player, no one will take over his account to continue spawning monsters after he goes offline.

cut.Regardless of this for the time being, even if Wang Shuang finds someone temporarily, can that person upgrade like him?You know, Wang Shuang just broke through to level 79 at six o'clock, and Longteng Xingchen has already reached level 79 for a whole day.

Therefore, if Wang Shuang goes offline now, the overall progress will still lag behind his Longteng Xingchen.And he doesn't know how long he will sleep this time, but at least he won't be able to wake up until tomorrow morning.As long as it is delayed until tomorrow, then they will be on the same starting line.

No matter how fast you level up Wang Shuang, Longteng Liuguang has been ready all night, can you be surpassed by Wang Shuang in an hour?

With such a beautiful wish, Long Teng Xingchen quickly put down his phone, yawned, and lay down on his big bed and fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, Wang Shuang is far different from what other players imagined.He wasn't fighting bloody battles, trying to farm monsters and upgrade.On the contrary, Wang Shuang was very leisurely and calm at this moment, and even yawned greatly.

At this time, the entire seventh floor of the Fengling Pagoda was covered with dust everywhere. At a glance, it seemed that the ground was covered with sparkling stardust.This is not dust, but the residue that those violent souls turned into after they were killed in battle.At this time, Wang Shuang was sitting in the middle of the seventh floor, leaning against the load-bearing pillar, looking up at the ceiling with his head up.

Around Wang Shuang, several followers were waving their weapons, using their skills to the limit, and ruthlessly beheading a group of monsters around them.

Yes, Wang Shuang is now level 79, and his followers will naturally rise to level 79 as well.And because at this time Wang Shuang's talent Time to Run is triggered again, so the critical strike probability of all followers is completely reversed, and almost every attack will produce a critical strike.

After the critical strike, according to the calculation of Star Wish's damage, it is almost as if the physical attack is directly doubled on the original basis. The physical attack at level 79 is doubled. Is there any problem in brushing monsters at level 80?

The answer is obvious, no problem!Isn't it just a monster that is one level higher? The physical attack of the brothers' followers is twice as much as yours out of thin air, and it is doubled by the three of them together. Even though the ghosts all over the sky keep appearing and rushing up like a tide, it is of no avail .

The reason why Wang Shuang didn't do anything was not that he was tired from the fight, or that he didn't think it was necessary.It's that he can't find a chance to make a shot.Now there are not many ghosts in the entire seventh floor. After almost every ghost floats out of the demon tree, it will be smashed by a few followers for attacks and skills, as well as skills triggered by various physical attacks. break out.

For example, Li Muxuan's rapid shooting directly tripled her own output ability.

For example, they are all wearing parts of an inheritance suit, and every attack will trigger a bright mark of light to shine, causing tons of damage.

For another example, the many buff skills and buff halos mounted on Sirifen continue to bring attribute and speed bonuses to other people.

Wang Shuang yawned a lot. Seeing them working hard, his head sank and he almost fell asleep.If the player whose eyes were red from killing saw Wang Shuang so leisurely, he wondered if he would be so angry that he would spurt out a mouthful of old blood.

Unlike players, players' followers are NPC units, and there is no such thing as fatigue at all. As long as Wang Shuang needs it, it is not a problem for them to fight for three days and three nights.

And unlike other followers, they all retain their own will and are free to fight independently.Even if Wang Shuang only gave them an order to stand by, they would automatically attack any monsters that appeared around them.

"It's 47 now???..." Wang Shuang glanced at his experience bar and yawned again.What a stinking comparison, why is there no hang-up setting in this game, I am so hungry now, I haven't eaten lunch or dinner, and I don't know when my followers will rampage ghost monsters.


At this time, Wang Shuang saw his friend list flickering. Although he hadn't eaten and was a little lazy, Wang Shuang opened the friend list, and it turned out that it was Jiang Jige who sent it.

"Don't work too hard, come down and rest when the time is right, the body is the most important thing."

"Heh..." Wang Shuang grinned, "She probably guessed that I was like those players, and my eyes were red at this time. But brother is so idle now that he is about to rot."

Shaking his head, Wang Shuang continued to watch Li Muxuan turn around and draw an arrow boredly. With a raised longbow, three arrows were fired in succession, sweeping across a straight line like three missiles.

At nine o'clock in the evening, someone on the forum continued to discover a piece of shocking news: "Look, Wang Shuang has already entered the top ten of the Terran rankings at this time!"

"Everyone is level 79, why can he enter the top ten?"

"You are stupid, although they are all level 79, but according to the degree of fullness of the experience bar, there are naturally different orders. This is the rhythm of Wang Shuang's crazy counterattack!"

"Look, he has surpassed the president of the Bloodstain Guild and has risen to No. 7!"

"No, I got promoted again, No.6!"

"So fast, so strong, Wang Shuang!"

"Human Race No.2! Wang Shuang entered the top ten in China!"

At this time, the players of the Dark Rose Guild couldn't help but exclaimed. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen all the time, and they all became a little excited when they saw the sudden changes in the ranking list in the Huaxia District.

"Everyone, our goal today is..." You An Cangxue came up at this time, seeing the excitement of everyone, she couldn't help but sigh: "The goal is to watch our vice president soar into the sky and hit No. .1."

"Long live the president!" Several players waved their fists excitedly, with obvious smiles on their faces.You An Cangxue was also smiling, but no matter how you looked at her smile, it was a bit forced.

"Is it really possible to do it within today?"

"Who knows, look, another one has risen, this speed is really too fast!"

At exactly nine o'clock, Wang Shuang's talent "Talk of Time" was triggered again, and at this time, Wang Shuang's experience bar had reached 75? ? ?place.

"I have to say, it's really hard to upgrade from level 79 to level 80." Wang Shuang said to himself while covering his stomach with one hand.

At this time, the players outside were already stunned. Looking at the ranking list, there was only one thought left in their heads.

"Could it be... are you really going to be counterattacked by him?"

Now Wang Shuang has rushed to the first place on the ranking list in Huaxia District.The servers in other countries opened relatively late, so Wang Shuang, the 80-level No.1, is not just in the Huaxia server, and may even be remembered as the world No.1.

"No, look at No.5 on the ranking list. That elf player, Shengshi Hongtu, jumped over the top four, and even surpassed Wang Shuang and jumped to No.1!"

"Did this guy complete some mission?"

Everyone was discussing and their faces were tense.

As for the elves at this time, Shengshi Hongtu couldn't help laughing, and glanced at himself at level 79 and 98? ? ?I couldn't help but squeeze the weapon in my hand: "Unexpectedly, I completed a yellow-level mission, and the experience rewarded by the mission alone is enough for me to rush to level 80. Now I just need to go out of the city and kill it casually." With a few mobs, I am the entire Star Wish, and even No.80 at level 1 in the world!"

"The Prosperous Guild will rise in the world and shine in all directions!"

And Wang Shuang in the Fengling Tower naturally noticed this for the first time, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle, his current experience value has reached 95? ? ?There is actually someone who can overtake him in one breath?
"No, we can't sit still." Wang Shuang stood up, patted the dust off his body, glanced at a few followers who were still struggling not far away, and said, "Keep chopping these ghosts, don't stop! ,, I’ll go back as soon as I go.”


"I know my master."

After getting unanimous answers from several followers, Wang Shuang took out his dagger and ran towards the stairs.He came to the sixth floor of the Spirit Sealing Pagoda, and the dagger started to spin like a whirlwind. Dagger Storm, Black and White Storm and other range skills were thrown out. With Wang Shuang's current attributes, he instantly killed all the ghosts in the surrounding area!
"Isn't that enough?" Wang Shuang glanced at his experience bar. After the hundreds of level 75 ghosts fell down, the experience turned into directly made his experience bar soar to 97? ? ?Even so, it is on the ranking list in Huaxia District.The words "Shengshi Hongtu" were still pressed firmly on Wang Shuang's head.

(End of this chapter)

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