It's time to play online

Chapter 466 Race War

Chapter 466 Race War

As Damingla said, the tall figure behind Wang Shuang and the others stopped and stopped chasing them.

Is it enough to eat the living sacrifices?

Wang Shuang and Steel Duzun looked back at it nervously, while thousands of dark elves in the distance were still kneeling on the ground and constantly chanting the name of the Linglong God.An inexplicable feeling reverberates in this mysterious space, which makes people feel palpitations.

The great magister Isaila in the air also felt the threat, stopped her movements, looked at the silent Linglong God, and suddenly began to fall rapidly, the speed surprised Wang Shuang.

what happened?

When Yisaila was close to the ground, Wang Shuang could barely see the expression on her face and realized that she fell down voluntarily.

"Let's go!" Yisaila landed in front of Wang Shuang and Steel Duo, with a very serious tone.

"What's the matter, where are you going, what are you going to do?" Wang Shuang asked three questions directly in one breath.

"This guy has fully advanced to become a god, even I can't control him!" Yisaila's words made Wang Shuang change color.

Fully advanced to become a god?
At this time, clear and loud singing suddenly came from all around, as if a group of confused souls worked together to sing a requiem for salvation.

But its content is only a few empty words, which is the name of the Linglong God.

"Where should we go?" Steel Sovereign also realized the urgency of the situation, so he couldn't help asking hastily.

"It's good to leave this space. Wherever you came from, you can go back from where you came from." Yisaila's tone revealed that there was no need to delay, which made the nerves of the two even more tense.

"What should I do about Wang Shuang?" Iron Man held two axes and looked at the Linglong God not far away. Even though he was so belligerent, he knew that this guy in front of him was absolutely invincible.

Competing with an invincible existence is not a war, it is courting death!
"What else can I do, go back to the lake, and return to the normal world in the cave of the past." Wang Shuang turned around and hugged Damingla by the waist, and hugged him in his arms amidst the other party's exclamation.

"By the way, what should you do then?" Wang Shuang suddenly thought of Isera's embarrassing situation.

"The space I created myself will naturally be destroyed by myself." Isaila took a deep breath and looked at this vast land with a fearless look in her eyes.

"Destroy it yourself?"

"Well, after I destroy this space, no matter how powerful the Linglong God is, it will be wiped out in an instant." Isaila said, her eyes suddenly became a little bleak: "But if you do this, everyone in this space will be destroyed." Tens of thousands of dark elves will also follow, and be wiped out."

Hearing this, Damingla couldn't help looking sad.

"Then what can we do!" Wang Shuang didn't like the dark elves, and when he heard that the dark elves would perish together, he was so happy that he almost danced: "Then let's go first, you work hard!" .”

"Let's go, if you don't go, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to go out." Yisaila said.

So Wang Shuang picked up Damingla and activated the skill Dark Lurking. After a sudden increase in movement speed, he began to run all the way towards the edge of the forest.

"Wait for me, Wang Shuang!"

The voice of Iron Dominant came from behind: "Wang Shuang, I always feel that this task should not be finished here!"

"How to say?" Wang Shuang asked.

"Think about it, since she is going to destroy this space and everything else will be wiped out, what will happen to her?"

Wang Shuang thought for a while: "I don't know, maybe it will be wiped out along with it?"

"Yeah, and I feel like I'm going to just grab soy sauce and leave. There don't seem to be any monsters on the way, as long as I run to the lake. If you think about it carefully, you will know that the system will do such an easy task for us. ?"

"No, if we asked in detail just now, I'm afraid we will come up with another new plot." Wang Shuang said solemnly.

"What plot?"

"Of course, on the premise of not having to destroy this space, the Linglong God was killed, or disposed of in other ways." Wang Shuang said.

"Damn it, so you know it all!" Steel Duzun was shocked, and then he was a little puzzled: "But since you know, why don't you do anything?"

"I don't have that skill." Wang Shuang shook his head, and pouted backwards: "Not to mention anything else, do you think we have the strength to challenge a real god?"

"That's a bit unlikely, but we don't necessarily want to challenge God..."

"No, I think it's like this in all likelihood." Wang Shuang said in a deep voice, "Maybe you don't know. I had a feeling when I was doing tasks before. I always felt that at the same level, the difficulty of my tasks Much higher than others."

"Huh? That's why."

"I guess, maybe it's because I'm too strong." Thinking of this, Wang Shuang was a little speechless: "Starting from the nine-headed dragon, I feel that the tasks I received are obviously more difficult than those received by ordinary players. There are too many. Everyone is level 80, and the attribute values ​​of the bosses I encountered are all around 10,000+. Do you think ordinary players can beat them if they encounter them?"

"Hearing what you said, does the system know that you are stronger than the average player, so it gave you a monster with high strength?" Iron Sovereign suddenly realized.

"Yeah, the difficulty of the monsters you give is getting higher and higher every time. This time, the real god went straight to it." Wang Shuang said, and he smiled bitterly: "I just think it's not good to develop like this, so stop the car quickly. , That's why I decided to be a coward."

Iron Sovereign was silent, and gave Wang Shuang a thumbs up: "Yes, the reason is very good, I don't know how to refute you for a while."

While chatting, the two had already arrived at the lake. At this moment, the ground began to tremble slowly. Wang Shuang jumped into the lake without any hesitation.

"Damn, I'm going to dive again." Behind him, Iron Domineer grumbled, put away his twin axes and jumped down as well.

After swimming for a while, the two quickly came to the bottom of the lake. Looking at the cave with thick stone walls, Wang Shuang rushed over and passed through.

A wonderful feeling bloomed in his heart. Before Wang Shuang had time to think about it carefully, he realized that his oxygen bar was not enough, so he quickly climbed to the surface of the lake.

Wang Shuang's small map returned to normal after he returned to the surface of the lake with Du Zongxin.They seem to have come out of that space and returned to the normal world.

Iron Sovereign shook off the water droplets on his body, and couldn't help complaining: "By the way, what are we doing? We're almost making soy sauce every time we come and go."

"Fortunately, at least my task is completed." Seeing the girl in his arms with her eyes closed, Wang Shuang grinned: "And there is an unexpected harvest."

Just when the two were about to leave here, suddenly a huge explosion sounded from the bottom of the lake. Their hearts skipped a beat, and they looked back subconsciously. At this time, a huge water splash exploded on the originally calm lake, and the water droplets spewed almost a hundred meters into the air. High, causing the two people by the lake to subconsciously say in unison: "I wipe!"


At the same time, on the other side, the presidents of several human guilds are gathering in Kuano City.

This is a rather strange scene. The guild leaders of the several guilds that usually fight each other are gathered together at this time, as if they are going to discuss some important matters together.

Kuye City is now a town under the control of the Longteng guild, and the Longteng guild is also the most vicious human guild at present, bar none.Therefore, Longteng Xingchen was naturally sitting first in the room, and behind him stood Longteng Liuguang, Longteng Qingming and Bei Jianzhu.

Under the Longteng Star, the president of the God of War Alliance, God of War Qingfeng, the president of the Blood Seal Guild, Xue Yique, and the presidents of many first-class guilds, and even the president of the Dark Rose, You An Cangxue, were present.

The atmosphere at the scene was not good. At this time, everyone had not yet arrived, and everyone had a sullen face, and they did not communicate with each other.

Of course there are always exceptions. The silence did not last for 5 minutes before it was broken by the God of War Qingfeng and Xue Yique.

So soon the presidents of several other guilds also opened up the chatter box and started chatting one after another.

"Sister Cangxue, isn't Wang Shuang planning to come this time?" Molu Baicai sat next to the dark Cangxue and asked softly.

"No, he looks like he's very busy, and he's been in the special instance from the very beginning." You An Cangxue glanced at her friends list, and shook her head helplessly: "Besides, I think even if he knows It may not come, I will pass on the main content to him after the meeting is over."

"Yeah, that's fine, even if there is a meeting as a reason, he probably won't give Longteng Guild face, and it will be very embarrassing when it comes."

At this time, Long Teng Xingchen coughed on the top and stood up: "Presidents of the Human Race Guild, the time is almost up, let's start the meeting."

As a result, the voice of chatting gradually weakened. All clan leaders, whether they were second-rate guilds backed by Longteng Guild, first-rate guilds who were fighting against Longteng Guild, or neutral factions who did not help each other, were With a serious face, he stared at the dragon and stars above.

The theme of their meeting this time is very clear, it is not something hypocritical, but directly related to the future development of their human players, that is, when the number of full-level players exceeds 20%, the "race war" battle officially opened by Star Wish Discuss before.

The so-called racial warfare refers to races as combat groups, and races compete with each other to snatch high-level growth resources.The rules are also very simple: at around 1:[-] noon about a week later, the Star Wish official will open the racial battlefield, and all players participating in the battle will be sent to a designated venue to work hard for the interests of their respective races.

Although the Longteng guild is proud of all the heroes in the human race, it does not dare to say that it can single out several other races with its own strength.What's more, even if they really win, it will be all human players who will benefit.

Since everyone benefits, the other guilds shouldn't be idle, and they should all come and contribute to the race war.

In this way, Longteng Xingchen invited all the presidents and vice-presidents of all large and medium-sized guilds with some reputation in the human race to the scene, and started a meeting on the battle a week later.

This meeting mainly determined the battle list and combat plan.Because the venue of the race battle battlefield is limited, it is impossible for players of all races to flock to it, so a reasonable number of people will be set.

For big races like humans and elves, it is not a problem to select a certain number of high-quality players.But it is a bit difficult for the other races that are relatively poorly developed, and they may not even have enough players to play.

In this case, the human race and the elf race must become the protagonists of the race war, and other races cannot be ignored.If they all form a group, they are likely to become the most powerful party besides the human race and the elf race.

Therefore, even if several guild leaders have their own ulterior motives, they have to sit down and finalize the arrangements for the race war at this time.If the race war is accidentally lost, it is not an ordinary failure, and even those players who did not participate in the battle will have to spit them out.

There have been many so-called keyboard warriors since the Internet appeared.Not to mention the big race like the human race. At this time, some players even cared about the rewards after winning the race war. If they knew that the human race lost in the end, they might complain about them.

So this battle is not only about profit, but also about face, and the next actions of tens of thousands of players.

However, at this moment, Long Teng Xingchen suddenly let out a sigh, and his eyes fell on You An Cangxue. He looked at You An Cangxue and asked, "What about Wang Shuang, he is the vice president of such an important meeting, and he didn't show up?" ?”

"Sorry, he has a temporary mission, so he may not be able to come..." You An Cangxue stood up and bowed slightly.

"Hmph, if something goes wrong and we lose the race war because he didn't hear the action plan, we will attribute the failure to him." Bei Jianzhu snorted coldly and said in a strange way.

Long Teng Xingchen raised his eyebrows, and did not stop, but acquiesced to Bei Jianzhu's words.This made You An Cangxue frowned slightly, and then nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely convey the final content of this meeting to him."

"That's good." Long Teng Xingchen sat down, unfolded a menu, and the lights in the room dimmed instantly.Glancing at the crowd again, Long Teng Xingchen said in a deep voice, "Then I announce that the meeting has begun."


On the other side, Wang Shuang and Gang Gang Duzun were standing there with numb faces. A woman in the same grade as Wang Shuang was lying in front of them, but she was wet and her clothes were sticking to her body. Wearing a magic robe to see the scenery inside.

At this time, the huge lake had stopped, and a huge monster appeared. It was covered with crimson skin, a pair of eyes with the same color tone, and a bright light shone from top to bottom.

It is the god of Linglong, even if it is destroyed by space, it cannot be killed successfully.

Wang Shuang couldn't help but heaved a long sigh: Is this difficulty inevitable after all?

(End of this chapter)

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