It's time to play online

Chapter 470 Establishment of the Lionheart Alliance

Chapter 470 Establishment of the Lionheart Alliance

The meeting was still in progress, and Longteng Xingchen also showed his unique means. Amid all kinds of doubts and theories, he forcibly suppressed those opposing voices, tried his best to persuade everyone implement your own plan.

However, he did succeed in the end. In the end, including Wang Shuang, everyone unanimously passed the plan of the Lionheart Alliance.

In this way, before the race war started, a player alliance was established in this small meeting room.He covered [-] elite human players, dismantled all guilds and organizational frameworks, and integrated them into a new individual—the Lionheart Alliance.

Named after the Lionheart Kingdom, the super alliance was established with the elite players of the Chinese human race as the main body.

After the alliance was established, Long Teng Xingchen quickly threw out all his cards. After all, time was running out, and he didn't have much time to argue, so he had to make a quick decision.

"In the Lionheart Alliance, in order to deal with unnecessary troubles at that time, I want to set up three special organizations. They are the Lionheart Guardian Army, the Lionheart Charge Army, and the Lionheart Scout Army."

"Just like their respective names, the Lionheart Guards are responsible for the guarding of the Lionheart Alliance camp. Sometimes when it is necessary to escort items or characters, the Lionheart Guards can also be dispatched. When selecting players to join the organization, priority should be given to those with defense and Escort players with mission experience, and give them a temporary promotion to observe their abilities in detail.”

"The next step is the Lionheart Charge Army. As the name suggests, this army is mainly responsible for charging and attacking and dispatching during attack missions and raid missions. It also rewards players with relevant experience for promotion and observes their specific abilities during missions. "

"The last is the Lionheart Scouting Army. As mentioned earlier, this organization is mainly responsible for reconnaissance operations, and when it performs some special tasks, and the other two organizations are unavailable, this organization is dispatched. Although, I think this can also be called Just be the 'Lionheart Reserve Army'."

"How is it? Do you have any opinions?" Long Teng Xingchen wiped the sweat from his forehead nervously after seeing Xia Man's silence after he finished his three propositions.

It was rare for him to become a little nervous. After all, this was a draft of his idea that he had stayed up last night. At this time, Long Teng Xingchen suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to be recognized.

"I have an opinion!" Suddenly someone raised his hand and stood up, Long Teng Xingchen looked over and couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

"Wang Shuang, what's your opinion?"

"Um, let me ask a question before I say my opinion, how long are we going to stay in there?"

Long Teng Xingchen was stunned: "Not necessarily, although it is called the battlefield of racial warfare, in fact, it is the same as the space we are in now, and there are other NPCs. In other words, you can regard it as another game scene .Even NPCs will issue some tasks to you, of course there are dungeons there, and there are wandering monsters in the wild.”

"So that's it." Wang Shuang nodded, and suddenly said with a smile: "Then, my opinion is: can we add another 'Lionheart Raider'?"

"We already have the 'Lion Heart Charge Army'." Long Teng Xingchen frowned and said.

"No, no, it's different." Wang Shuang shook his head, stood up and took out his dagger, startling several players around him: "If nothing else, just watch me. If I can rush to Can they frantically cut those crispy mages and priests behind the army?"

"...I don't think so." Long Teng Xingchen shook his head regretfully: "If it were me, I would have thought rightly as you did. I would place priests, mages, and archers at the back of the team. However, I would put Bring on a group of assassins and warriors, in case anyone bypasses the long line and comes behind us to cause chaos."

"Hehe, of course. If I am alone, of course it is easy to be subdued." Wang Shuang's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "But if a group of menacing assassins appeared behind the enemy, it would be so easy Have you been suppressed?"

Hearing this, Long Teng Xingchen's pupils shrank, and he gave Wang Shuang a meaningful look.

"I think what Wang Shuang said is very true." The former president of the second-rate guild also stood up and seconded: "It's like a chopstick is easy to break, but a bundle of chopsticks is hard to break."

"I think the key is whether this so-called 'Lionheart Raider' can rush to the enemy's rear and play its role." Long Teng Xingchen said: "If you are killed before reaching the destination If the regiment is destroyed, the gain outweighs the loss.”

"Of course it depends on how the commander leads." Wang Shuang narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"You have the confidence to lead them?"

"Yes, but not [-] percent."

"Okay, I agree with the establishment of the 'Lionheart Raider'." Long Teng Xingchen nodded, and then looked around: "Voting is done. If you agree with the establishment of the 'Lionheart Raider', vote with a show of hands."

In the end, 96% of the people agreed to the establishment of the Lionheart Raiders, so this temporarily added organization survived, and the leader of the organization was established as Wang Shuang.

And the players of this organization are also limited to elite assassins.After all, only an Assassin can sneak and sneak behind enemy lines.

No, it doesn't have to be an assassin, anyone who can sneak can join.But besides Assassin, are there other professional players who can sneak?

Suddenly, a person appeared in front of Wang Shuang: Molu Xinghe, this priest who can sneak and block, I don't know how many surprises he can bring them!

The meeting continued, and the next arrangement was about the defense and the arrangement of candidates for some specific positions. Wang Shuang almost fell asleep after hearing this process.But on the way, You An Cangxue still shook Wang Shuang: "Wang Shuang, it's our turn, who do you think can be pushed up in our guild?"

"Ah? What are you pushing?" Wang Shuang was stunned for a long time, then suddenly came back to his senses, a little confused.

"As I said just now, our guild has three recommendations for candidates for the squad leader of the Lionheart Charge Army and the Lionheart Guard Army."

"Three, then push the Gloomy Blood Roar, Gloomy Dragonriders, and Gloomy Frozen to the top. The Gloomy Dragonriders are arranged in the Lionheart Charge Army, and the Gloomy Bloodroar and Gloomy Frozen are arranged in the Lionheart Guards. "

"Understood." Gloomy Cangxue nodded.

"Sometimes I really don't know who the guild leader is." You An Qianyao chuckled and said, "Why don't you, Wang Shuang, lead us to work? I don't think Cang Xue would mind. .”

"Hmm." You An Cangxue didn't know what she was thinking, and agreed softly.

Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback when he heard it, and quickly waved his hands and said, "What are you talking about, I have no intention of usurping the throne."

"I know. If you have something in mind, even if you leave the guild, I think most players will follow you."

The dark and shallow voice said softly.

Wang Shuang was at a loss for words for a while, remembering what Long Teng Liuguang said just now, he couldn't help asking: "By the way, last time we met, I seem to have heard that you have your own company, why don't you usually see how you run the company, but have been playing games all the time?" ?”

Gloomy Cangxue's eyes darkened, and she sighed: "It's a long story."

"Where's Miss Feixu?"

"Hey, it's a long story for me too. Speaking of which, you should also change your address, just call me Qianyao."

Wang Shuang could only nod his head upon hearing this.

Time flies, and soon the meeting is coming to an end.Although there are still many details that have not been discussed in time, Long Teng Xingchen also knows that if the discussion continues, it will be counterproductive. It is better to go back and rest and prepare early.

"Then, this meeting is over." The meeting was coming to an end, Long Teng Xingchen also stood up at this time, raised his hand and said loudly to everyone: "I hope we can cooperate happily this time."

"For the Lionheart Alliance!" Long Teng Liuguang suddenly stood up and took the lead in shouting.

"For the Lionheart Alliance!" The president and vice president of hundreds of people shouted without hesitation.

Although many details have not yet been implemented, everyone's eyes are full of confidence.

In terms of racial strength, the human race has never climbed anyone.First there was the mighty Longteng Guild, and then Wang Shuang was born, no matter where they were, they were the races that received the most attention.This time, they will start a civil war among the players in Huaxia District, so they are naturally not afraid.

Terran players have always been invincible, never bowed their heads!

Elves, dwarves, undead, orcs—if you think you have the skills, let them come here.

(End of this chapter)

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