It's time to play online

Chapter 474 Flattered

Chapter 474 Flattered
Although things turned out like this, it was indeed because of my brother, but...if I blamed all this on my brother, it would be too disgusting.

Brother just followed the instructions of the mission and successfully completed the mission!As for the relationship between the Kingdom of Eternal Night and the Kingdom of Lionheart?It can only be said that this is the plot arrangement of the Star Wish game, and it has something to do with the plan of the system master!
But after thinking so much, I still can't find a way to enter the Kingdom of Eternal Night...

Seeing Su Qicheng bowed his head in thought, Tiandu and the others didn't want to pay attention to Wang Shuang.The race war is imminent, and they will not give up their important activities because of Wang Shuang alone.

"Taiyang Huoyu, wait a moment!" Wang Shuang suddenly remembered something, and suddenly grabbed Sun Huoyu's shoulders, scaring him out of his weapon.

"What are you doing!" Sun Huoyu shouted forcefully.

"How did you change from an elf to an undead?" Su Qicheng asked.

"Huh?" Taiyang Huoyu was stunned when he heard the words, and looked Wang Shuang up and down: "Wang Shuang, there are still four hours before the race war will start. Are you planning to join the undead at this time?"

Hearing this, several other undead players also stopped and looked at Wang Shuang in shock.

If Wang Shuang turned his back on the human race and joined the undead race, it would be a big pie from the sky for them!

Wang Shuang has been spread by all kinds of rumors on the forum. Of course, there are many reverse topics deliberately discrediting Wang Shuang, but anyway, the myth of Wang Shuang's invincibility has not been broken so far. The most important reason for the high prestige.

Although everyone knows that Wang Shuang alone may not be able to change the situation of the battle, but the myth he created is so shining that people can't help looking up.

If Wang Shuang joins the undead race, it will be a devastating blow to the human race, and it is also an opportunity for the undead race.As long as you grasp it well, you can use Wang Shuang as an army of [-].

"That's right, it would be much easier if there was Wang Shuang..." Tiandu Skeleton couldn't help but be moved.If Wang Shuang joined the undead race, then the human race, which was impossible to compete with, would also add a bit of variables.

Because the power of the human and elf players is too large, the players of several other small races feel very pressured, so they set up a third-party temporary alliance - the vertical alliance, just as Longteng Xingchen expected.

The leader of the alliance is the three leading guild leaders of the orcs, undead and dwarves, who jointly guide the players of the three races to move forward hand in hand.

After the establishment of the United Vertical Alliance, it jumped over directly, surpassing the human race and the elf race to become the most powerful force in Star Wish.Unless the human race and the elf race join forces, they will be completely unable to compete with the joint vertical alliance.

The alliance's covenant is also very interesting: before defeating the human race and the elves, the alliance is unanimously external, and no one is allowed to start a civil war for any reason and make moves to split the alliance.

"Boring." Long Teng Xingchen just glanced at the information about the Hezong Alliance, then threw it directly into the trash can in the corner, snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "What kind of shit alliance is this, it will definitely not be able to defeat humans or elves Any one of them will be automatically disbanded."

"Then what kind of strategy should we come up with to deal with them?" Long Teng Qingming clasped his fists and said.

"The three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, and they only have the advantage in the early stage. We should just stay the same and adapt to all changes. We will keep the original plan for the time being and discuss it after we enter the race war battlefield."

"Understood." Long Teng Qingming nodded, bowed and left the room.

The moment he walked out of the room, Long Teng Qingming suddenly turned his head and saw Bei Jianzhu's figure flash past at the end of the corridor.There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he shook his head, turned and left.

After learning about Sun Huoyu's method of becoming an undead race, Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: Sun Huoyu brought the entire Sun Guild into the Dark Temple and voluntarily accepted the death aura, and then became an undead player.

And this kind of dead air rendering is actually an irreversible form of change.In other words, the sun fire feather will not be able to change from the form of an undead player to another race in the future.

This is also one of the reasons why Sun Huoyu is distressed now.He realizes that the undead are not a place to stay for a long time, but he can't get rid of his identity as an undead player, and he is in an embarrassing stage where he can't get up or down.

After Sun Huoyu explained, Wang Shuang waved his hand and refused to become an undead player. After disappointing several guild leaders, he felt a little angry: Do you just look down on undead like this?He didn't come after asking for a long time, could it be that he played them all again?
Through the faces of several people, Wang Shuang probably could see what they were thinking.But so what?If you are not happy, then come to bite brother.What's wrong, brother is just playing with you.

"Let's go." Realizing that time was running out, the Skeleton Governor gave Wang Shuang a hard look, and quickly left with several undead guild leaders.Wang Shuang shook his head, and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly saw a strange token on the ground.

Seeing this token, Wang Shuang thought of the silver token in his backpack, and couldn't help but compare it: it really looks like it.

Could it be that those guys stayed here just now?No, how could the items in the player's backpack fall out for no reason, so they didn't drop them?

Just when Wang Shuang was confused, a crisp system bell rang in his ears.


System prompt: You have accepted the red-level mission "Save the Vampire Princess in the Deep Pavilion", and during the mission, you have the right to enter the Kingdom of Eternal Night.

"Damn it!" This task almost blinded Wang Shuang's dog's eyes, the red-level task he picked up, can it be more against the sky!

Times come and go, it's really not a bragging!After the event with a very low probability was reversed, the effect was so terrifying that Wang Shuang couldn't help shivering.

Since the master of the system can't help but force a red-level task on Wang Shuang, what else can Wang Shuang do.Of course, put away the token, and swagger towards the undead bone burial level.

"Human adventurers, stop!" Just like last time, the undead NPC Dark General stopped Wang Shuang, and immediately swung his knife, blood dripping on the long knife in his hand. He said coldly, "I'll give you another chance to turn around. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Wang Shuang didn't bother to explain anything to him, so he just threw the token in his hand. The Dark General took the token and took a closer look. The horse under him suddenly began to neigh, and a lot of blue flames spewed out from its nostrils.

"Human adventurers, please come inside!"

Although I knew that the NPC's attitude would change, this change is too exaggerated.It made the defenseless Wang Shuang feel a little... flattered?
(End of this chapter)

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