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Chapter 483 The Eruption Begins

Chapter 483 The Eruption Begins


Suzaku seemed to be irritated by Wang Shuang's attack. It raised its head, and Wang Shuang could clearly see a ball of flame rolling in its throat from this angle.After brewing for a long time, it finally spewed out the flames from its mouth.


The flames turned into a solid fireball and hit Wang Shuang's face, even the surrounding magma tended to be stained by the flames.


No crit?

Wang Shuang was surprised that even without a critical strike, he had this damage, and then he laughed again.If in the past, these 3000 points of damage were equivalent to one-tenth of my blood, I might still be worried, but now I have a full 40 points of blood to spend with you, more than 3000?Totally not enough to watch!

Wang Shuang's thoughts turned sharply, and he pulled the dagger out of Suzaku's body. Seeing Suzaku turn around, flapping his wings and starting to dive in the magma, he was not to be outdone at all, and put the white double blades in front of him to take the lead, ready to parry While attacking, you must also look at the right time to counterattack.

It is coming!
Wang Shuang's pupils shrank, and he swung the two white double blades in his hands violently, and slashed at Suzaku.

It's now!


Wang Shuang's whole body was shaken by a head-on collision with the swooping Suzaku with a no-frills blow, and his eyes suddenly went dark.

The parry failed, and he fell into a dizzy state.

Shit, but it doesn't matter, so what if I make my brother dizzy?
Opening his eyes again, the qi and blood on Wang Shuang's head remained unchanged, while the Suzaku above his head was circling and flying in the center of the magma pool. Hot blood flowed out, causing a piece of magma to continuously boil.

Suzaku seemed to be really angry. It hovered in the air for two weeks and let out a loud cry, and then huge fireballs appeared around its body, three or four times larger than the one it sprayed out of its mouth before.

When it was flying, these fireballs followed it through the magma liquid, splashing down countless sparks.

This is the skill of Tarog Suzaku, armed with black fire!It turned on the armed mode, and it was going to fight Wang Shuang to the death.

——Black Fire Armament: After activation, you will get the ability of Black Fire Armament, and 5 fireballs will appear around you. Each fireball will increase the fire damage caused by 40%, and double the burning time and double the burning damage for 60 seconds. .


The relaxed expression on Wang Shuang's face completely disappeared and became serious.

One fireball will increase its damage by 40%, and five will increase it by 200%. Suzaku's original physical attack has a full 20W. If skills are included, it should be able to increase to about 40W.And now it increases by 200%, that is to increase to 120W damage.

After such a move, even if Wang Shuang's dual resistance is very high, if he can't kill Wang Shuang, he can completely cripple him.If the luck is a little bit worse after that, and the skill of breaking and standing is not triggered, then Wang Shuang will report back to the small black island.


While Wang Shuang was thinking wildly, Suzaku seemed to have completed the construction of the spell. After making a loud cry, he suddenly raised his head, and an inexplicable pressure suddenly fell on Wang Shuang's shoulders.

Wang Shuang had seen Suzaku's skills before, so after seeing this prelude, he immediately realized——

This is Suzaku's ultimate move, the magma bursts!

It is going to strike with all its strength, kill Wang Shuang directly, and eradicate him, the alien in the magma, once and for all!

The surrounding magma twisted for a while, and at this moment, the magma pool seemed to be deformed by the huge pressure.Thousands of sparks scattered and splashed down, creating thousands of ripples.A huge fireball, surrounded by five small fireballs, dragged a white tail flame that shone so brightly that people dare not look directly at it, like a meteorite cutting through layers of magma and falling down.

Wang Shuang was so startled that he couldn't react, only the huge dazzling light remained in his eyes, and the big fireball that was getting closer and almost enveloped a large area around him.


The meteorite hit the earth, and the originally extremely hard rock at the bottom of the magma pool was smashed to pieces at this time. The magma liquid turned up a lot of air bubbles and violent waves, and the fireball swallowed the entire bottom of the magma pool, piercing through the terrain where Wang Shuang was, and killing Wang Cool to completely devour.

After dozens of seconds passed, everything around slowly settled down.The magma pool is now full of troublesome black powder.After the rock was crushed into powder by the fireball, it was quickly dispersed into the entire magma pool by the action of the magma, making the surrounding area blurred.

Everything gradually became quieter.In the center of the huge depression in the rock layer, Wang Shuang stood there without moving, and everything around him was turned into dust.

He took a breath, looked at half of the blood remaining on his head, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"You are nothing more than that. Now, it's my brother's turn to fight back."

After Wang Shuang finished speaking, he took out his white double blades, stomped his feet on the ground, felt the sticky magma liquid around him, and went upstream against the magma liquid that was still flowing downward.

Suzaku looked a little flustered. This blow must have consumed a lot of its strength. Seeing that Wang Shuang was still safe and sound, it flapped its wings uneasily and turned to leave.

"Block the road!"

Wang Shuang locked onto Suzaku and shouted. The moment Suzaku turned his head, he appeared in front of Suzaku, and sent his dagger hard into Suzaku's chest.



Millions of damage!

Wang Shuang was startled, could this be the period of weakness after it released its ultimate move?

Fuck, if you don't take advantage of your illness to kill you, my brother won't be called Wang Shuang!
Wang Shuang reached out and stuck the dagger on Suzaku's shoulder. No matter how Suzaku slammed his body, he couldn't get rid of Wang Shuang.

Not to be thrown off when the boss shakes violently, this skill is a skill that he successfully comprehended after combining his countless failures under the guidance of Iron Sovereign!
Little Suzaku, how can you get rid of me?

Wang Shuang began to cut Suzaku's body quickly, and a large amount of scorching blood spurted out from Suzaku's body, boiling a sheet of magma.Suzaku kept screaming and flapping its wings, but it was completely useless.

Wang Shuang was like a slug, stuck to its body, no matter how violently it turned, it couldn't successfully shake off Wang Shuang.

In the end, Suzaku 2.8E's vitality couldn't withstand Wang Shuang's constant attacks, and it slowly fell down with a scream.Before it died, all the feathers on its body fell off, and then its bare, somewhat ugly body exploded, and the scorching blood ignited the entire magma pool.

"volcanic eruptions!"

Wang Shuang's eyes flashed, and he quickly swung his hands and feet upstream.After about 20 seconds, he popped his head out of the magma pool.

The magma pool at this time is like a pot of boiling water, and the bottom is constantly boiling, as if it will erupt at any time.

Thirty seconds after Suzaku died, just as Wang Shuang took a breath, a huge force surged up from below.

The volcano erupts, it begins.

(End of this chapter)

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