It's time to play online

Chapter 485 The Trend of the Joint Vertical Alliance

Chapter 485 The Trend of the Joint Vertical Alliance

The mountains are high and the sea is wide, and the earth is silent.

Stepping on a hot pillar of fire, Wang Shuang rushed up to the clouds and looked at the whole world from here.

Looking down, apart from a few scattered islands, a large island in the distance is particularly conspicuous!Even from here, Wang Shuang could faintly see a huge town. Judging by its size, it was comparable to a first-level main city.

"It's a joke! The eruption power of this pillar of fire is amazing, and it's so long-lasting, even that big ship can spew it out!" Feeling the vast power under his feet, Wang Shuang couldn't help showing joy on his face.

"Hey, this is..." Among the scattered black dust and magma liquid around, Wang Shuang saw a few roots mixed in the magma, but the shape was very conspicuous.It was clearly a few pieces of bird feathers, bright red, and trembling slightly.

Wang Shuang reached out to grab them, and easily took them out of the erupted magma, and put them on the palm of his hand, a warm feeling spread throughout his body.

These few feathers were undoubtedly the ones that fell from the Suzaku just now.

"But, what's the use?" Wang Shuang turned a few feathers over and over to look at them, but didn't explain anything at all.Many items in Star Wish are like this, nothing is written in the description, just waiting for the player to discover.

Brother found your balls.Wang Shuang complained in his heart, and put a few Suzaku feathers into his backpack.

At this time, the power of the fire pillar also dissipated completely, and Wang Shuang slowly fell from the clouds, and did not slow down until he fell into the magma pool.

Now that it is known that this pillar of fire should be able to send the big ship into the sky, then there are only two questions left.

How to fix the big ship?And how after the pillar of fire sent the ship into the sky, it fell into the sea instead of falling back into the magma pool?
Floating in the magma pool, Wang Shuang was lost in thought as he watched his blood bars keep falling.


Wang Shuang's disappearance, naturally some people are happy and some are worried.For several other races, this is undoubtedly good news.For most Terran players, this is bad news.But not every Terran player wants Wang Shuang to return.

For example, several players in a deer mountain city at this time, even though they know that Wang Shuang is strong and can bring great help to the human race after returning, they don't want Wang Shuang to return to the human race.

Canglan Storm, contrary to Wang Shuang, a player with 10 luck points as soon as he enters the game, is currently dormant in the stables of Lushan City with a dozen people.They are all good in strength, and have gained a certain reputation among the human race players. The few famous players are naturally included in the queue of individual players participating in the race war by Longteng Xingchen.

"Wang Shuang, huh, without him this time, just let them see who is the real hero of the human race."

At this moment, there was movement outside soon, and everyone was calling for people to gather.Just a little inquiring, they will know the next activities.

"Players from the Lionheart Guardian Army and the Lionheart Charge Army are assembled and are preparing to attack the ancient tree pass, Shengxu pass and Panxu pass of the elves."

"Attack all three levels?" Beicheng Chuuxue couldn't help but wonder, "What is Long Teng Xingchen's plan? I don't understand why."

"I don't understand either. It may be divided into three groups, and the real attack method is hidden in one of them. In this way, the elves don't know what is going on with these three routes, so they can only divide the players of the elves equally. Each level sends roughly 3W people. In this way, we can break into one of the checkpoints, and then slowly consolidate our advantages after winning.”

"But it was taken down, but the distance between the elves and the human race is so far, and it will be very difficult for us to send people to guard the gate. Even if we take it down, it will be difficult to hold it. I don't know what Longteng Xingchen is planning."

Canglan Storm shook his head and let out a sigh of relief: "But don't worry, we will follow our own action plan and fully demonstrate our strength in front of the human race."


Time passed by every minute and every second. After completing the assembly of the team, several team leaders quickly led teams of people, roaring out from Tiger Roaring Pass, Tyrannosaurus Pass and Gale Wind Pass, and set off in front of a Gather at the foot of the mountain.

There are three commanders in Longteng's army, namely the god of war Qingfeng, Xue Yique and Longteng Liuguang.The three are on equal footing with each other and lead the team in unison.

According to Longteng Xingchen's instructions, they did not tell the group of human players that they were acting, and they did not really intend to attack the elves.

This is because all the people participating in this race war are Chinese people, and it is inevitable that there will be infiltration of forces between the races, and various complicated relationships are criss-crossing.

It's too easy to know what players of other races are doing.For example, the goddess you admire talks to you during dinner: What plans do you humans have now, and how do you go? Will you explain everything?

Some people are of course unyielding, but for most players, the game is always just a game, how can it be more important than a goddess?Of course, go back and tell her the situation of the human race.

There are many similar situations, countless.

So when marching for about an hour, the other four races almost knew the expedition plan of the Terran players at this time.

As the target of this operation, the elves were very calm and did not take any action.

However, at this time, the Hezong Alliance began to become restless.

The dwarves were the first to act. They thought this was an opportunity, and Wang Shuang was not present, so it was a good opportunity to cut off and outflank the human race.

You must know that a single one of the human race or the elf race will definitely not be able to beat their alliance.Among the three forces, only their alliance is the most powerful.

As soon as the dwarves made a move, the orc players also began to respond one after another.After all, human race players and orc race players are also perennial opponents, and they also don't like human race.At this time, seeing the human race marching aggressively, it is natural to agree to go up and bully them.

Only the undead chose silence this time.

Because the communication system was blocked, several people from the dwarves and orcs could only go to the undead territory in person, and found the current leader of the undead: the bone governor, and asked him about the situation.

In their understanding, this is obviously a very problematic situation; the relationship between undead NPCs and human NPCs has also dropped to a freezing point recently, not to mention that the Floating Gate incident happened between Wang Shuang and undead players last time, they It should be the player who is most at odds with the human race, why is it silent this time?

In the conference room, after listening to the intentions of several people, Tiandu Skeleton didn't express his opinion immediately, but just glanced at them indifferently, and asked.

"Several, do you think that what you have thought of, such an old fox like Long Teng Xingchen and his brain trust, can't you think of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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