Chapter 499
"We listen to you." After a brief silence, Canglan Fengfeng suddenly stood up, held Long Teng Qingming's arm tightly and said: "Anyway, we have nowhere to go, so we might as well listen to Vice President Qingming. Even if the final plan Failure is nothing more than joining other races and camps."

"Boldness." Long Teng Qingming smiled and held Canglan Storm with his backhand: "It just so happens that you are not in tune with the human players, even if you are discovered during the action, it doesn't matter. Anyway, you are regarded as traitors."

"But as long as we can finally win the race war, I will give you all the credit for me and let you become the heroes of the human race. At that time, the little things you did before will definitely be given by the players soon." forgotten!"

"I see!"

Canglan Fengfeng nodded, smiled generously, and clasped his fists together and said, "Thank you for your guidance, Vice President Qingming, please tell us what to do next."

"Haha, that's right, you should listen to me." Seeing that several people had already taken a liking to him, Long Teng Qingming couldn't hide the joy in his heart anymore, and laughed loudly: "Go, the next step is to attack Bei Jian first." Get rid of that guy. If we want to monopolize the fruits of victory in the race war, we must first kill Bei Jianzhu and kill his chance to make a move."

Canglan Storm chuckled: "Hehe, it's unimaginable that Vice President Qing Ming actually wants to take action against his own people."

"One of my own, what a man of my own!" Long Teng Qingming shrank his pupils and sneered, "I became what I am today, all thanks to him as 'my own'! But it doesn't matter, after the racial war, I will definitely I will look for opportunities to let the seeds of doubt continue to germinate and grow until the president can no longer tolerate him and regards him as a serious problem."


On the vast wasteland, more than a dozen people are galloping forward.

At this stage, mounts are as rare as weapons.Although players can obtain the armed mode and the right to use mounts after reaching level 80, it is still an elusive dream for many players to really learn to ride a mount and obtain a desired mount.

However, the dozen or so players in front of them have no such concerns at all. They are all riding the famous product of Kuano City, the green-grade mount: Xingchen Lidian.

Bei Jianzhu has never been stingy with those players who are very sincere to him. Whether it is mounts, pets, or violent one, King Kong one, books and props that increase attributes such as violent book and extremely violent book, he always buys them Let people collect from all sides, and feed the players under him until they are full.

As for followers, Bei Jianzhu also intends to prepare one or two for each of them, but followers are really a matter of chance, and after seeing Wang Shuang's appearance, many players have a group of Yingying Yanyan in their hearts. The desire to be one's followers.

As a result, female followers became even more scarce resources. Even though Bei Jianzhu had strong financial resources, they were still priceless, and they had no choice but to give up if they couldn't find them.

Even so, after becoming Bei Jianzhu's confidant, he still has too many more resources than ordinary players.

More than a dozen people rode the Xingchen switch, and the speed was very fast, and they would soon reach the border of the wasteland.

At this moment, several players suddenly appeared in front, blocking their way.


Several people reined in their horses, stopped and took a closer look, they were actually several human race players, and they were started by Long Teng, so they didn't think much, raised their whips and said: "The brothers in front give way, the president has something to do." We're going to do it, we're running out of time."

Inside Longteng, they still used to call Longteng Xingchen the president, Bei Jianzhu, Longteng Qingming, Longteng Liuguang and others as the vice-presidents, and only called the leader in front of players from other human guilds.

But at this moment, the few players in front of them didn't speak, and suddenly a few people came out from the other side, staring at the dozen or so people on the horse.

"You are... traitors of the human race!" Longteng Fashen was the leader of these dozen people, and when he saw Canglan Storm and the others come out, he recognized them.

"Shut up." Canglan Fengfeng snorted coldly, raised the weapon in his hand and shouted: "Are you worthy of us?"

"Why don't you deserve it?" Dharma God Long Teng was furious when he heard the words, and he didn't talk nonsense. He snorted coldly and pressed his palm on the back of Xingchen Switch: "Soul riding mode!"

The stars turned into a ray of light and disappeared, and a swirling mark appeared on his wrist.

"Soul pet mode!"

A pet disappeared out of thin air as soon as it appeared, and then a pair of small horns slowly grew on the head of the Dragon Teng Fashen, which was slightly hideous, but shrouded in lightning.

His pet is an electrified sheep, which also focuses on magic damage, and has high blood and taunt skills.If a player sees that the energy and blood of the Dragon Soaring God is weak and wants to rush up to kill him in seconds, then his pet will teach the enemy how to behave.

But now, Dharma God Longteng is not afraid of the other party rushing up suddenly, the distance between them is too far, what Dharma God Longteng needs now is attributes, and what he needs is to improve his magic attack to a higher level.

"Flame Dance!"

Dharma God Longteng let out a loud shout, and a huge ring of fire burst out from the staff in his hand, which expanded and rushed towards the storm.

"Haha, you are young."

Canglan Storm laughed loudly, spinning the long sword wildly in his hand.He stomped his feet suddenly, and a large formation emerged from the bottom of his feet.

"Sword dance combo formation, sword energy and wind kill!"

The continuous spell casting was triggered, Canglan Storm released two formations in succession, one was to increase his physical attack and critical strike probability, and the other was to increase the attack distance and skill power.

The enlarging ring of fire flew in front of him at this moment, Canglan Storm held his breath and concentrated, suddenly opened his eyes, glared and shouted, and slashed the long sword in his hand forward.

The ring of fire suddenly shattered!

Dharma God Long Teng was stunned!

"It's really unlucky to find a mage to deal with me..." Canglan Storm shook his head, sneered, and rushed up with the long sword.

"There are really two brushes." At this time, the expression of the Dragon Teng Fashen also became a little dignified. He glanced at the players of the Dragon Teng Guild standing next to Canglan Storm, and couldn't help asking: "And you, how dare you fight with the human race?" If you stay with the traitors, are you planning to betray the human race?"

"Captain Dharma God is very imposing, but the hat of betraying the human race is too big, we can't bear it."

Fashen Longteng's pupils shrank, and he turned his head to look at a team member behind him in surprise. The voice actually came from his mouth.

"Broken wings, you..."

"I'm sorry, Captain Fashen." Long Teng took off his gloves, pressed his hat, and smiled at Long Teng Fashen: "I'm on the side of Vice President Qingming."

"Die! The sword energy bursts, and the long sword strikes!"

On the other side, Canglan Storm also took advantage of Long Teng's distraction and rushed to his back, raised the long sword in his hand, Canglan Storm seized the opportunity, and after a while, he condensed his strongest blow.

(End of this chapter)

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