It's time to play online

Chapter 503 Dark Root

Chapter 503 Dark Root
When Long Teng Xingchen mentioned Wang Shuang, he also arrived at the undead.

But on the way here, he still saw a few scattered human players coming out of the city gate, and couldn't help frowning.

Strange, when did the human race cooperate with the elves?
Could it be that these people, like those just now, were bought by the elves?

Wang Shuang approached them quietly in the dark lurking mode, and followed them for a while.

"Really, the damned race war should end soon, the trouble is dead."

"Anyway, other races are so rubbish, even if we betray the human race to help them, the human race is most likely to win in the end."

"It's all because Wang Shuang and Longteng Guild are too strong, they bring so many advantages to race players, other races can't fight at all..."

"But it just happened to give us a chance, otherwise, the elves wouldn't be so humbly begging us...haha."

Their voices drifted into Wang Shuang's ears, revealing anxiety and uneasiness, as well as that kind of undisguised...resentment.

what happened?Wang Shuang couldn't understand what they were talking about. He didn't know why they helped the elves fight against the human race, and he didn't know why the human race was going to win, but they were not happy at all. Aren't we all human races? The race war is over The last one to benefit is not the human race, so no one would hate to benefit, right?
Wang Shuang faintly felt that something was different, but he didn't know that even if he had noticed the clues, he didn't have the keen intuition of a detective, and he couldn't deduce anything from these clues.

Watching them go away, Wang Shuang had no choice but to follow his original idea and rush into the undead clan to stop the plan of the elves.

The night gate of the undead, the city wall here is already full of elf archers, when Wang Shuang approached the first time, they were discovered by them.

"Wang Shuang, you actually found this place!" An elf shooter on the city wall shouted loudly: "Are you surprised why we can see you? Look next to you."

Wang Shuang turned his head to look, and couldn't help but be a little surprised: Different from the human and orc levels, there are many tall lighthouses erected around Yemuguan. These lighthouses are special buildings for the undead: the lamp post, which can enhance the attributes of undead players , to enhance their comprehensive combat capabilities.

But he also has another role: making stealth units explicit.

So even though Wang Shuang was lurking in the dark, he was discovered by the elf players who controlled the city wall.

"Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang." On the city wall, a female elf player shook her head and said to him: "We have always remembered what you did in the elves before, did you ever think that one day, you Will you get what you deserve?"

"Retribution?" Wang Shuang took out his white double blades, and laughed loudly: "What retribution, I saved several important NPCs of your elves, why don't you come down and thank me, how dare you say retribution? "

"You really have the guts to say it!" The female elf player said with a livid face, "It was indeed you who saved them, but who killed them?"

"It's a dark elf!" Wang Shuang stared at her angrily.

"Huh?" The female elf player was obviously taken aback, looked at Wang Shuang, and recovered her righteous look in less than a second: "Hmph, even if it's a dark elf, isn't it also triggered by you?"

"If it weren't for you, those dark elves wouldn't be allowed to appear, and the royal families of our elves wouldn't all be killed!" The female elf player picked up the longbow in her hand, pointed at Wang Shuang and shouted: "It's all Because of you, several of our missions failed, the elves are going from bad to worse, the missions are getting fewer and fewer, and NPCs are gradually leaving, all of this is your fault!"

"Ah, yes, yes, whatever you say."

What can I say, what else can I say, can I kneel down for you?Hey, how about I raise my hands and surrender?Your theory is simply a brainless way of putting shit on my brother's head, and it also has its own logical system, which makes me speechless.

Wang Shuang was about to be pissed off by this woman's IQ, but when he thought about it again, he made up his mind: "You think it's all my fault, don't you? Let me ask you, when the city of Eternal Capital just started going down the city. When it was blocked, you also know when it is?"

"I know, so what's the matter?"

"Let me tell you, the lower city was blocked because the dark elves killed an elf prince, and I entered the lower city after the lower city was blocked, and then removed the dark elves around the palace one by one!"

"I don't know now, do you still think that I caused all this?"

"You..." The female elf player blushed, "Who knows if what you said is true or not!"

"Don't believe me? Why don't you ask Cang Sheng Wang Yu and Sheng Shi Hong Tu how many of them are there? Before entering the Eternal Capital, they were with me all the time."

The female elf rolled her eyes, knowing that she had nothing more to say, she just waved her hand and shouted angrily: "Let the arrows, all the arrows!"


All the elf players drew their bows and set up arrows, and released arrows like rain towards Wang Shuang.

Although Wang Shuang can counterattack with one move, he can only counterattack one arrow at a time.

Facing the rain of arrows, Wang Shuang yawned and walked towards the night curtain without even responding.

As for the arrows shot at Wang Shuang's body, except for a few arrows that caused damage, the others couldn't even break through Wang Shuang's defense.

"This... how could it be like this!" The female elf was completely stunned. They had at least a hundred elf players in this round of salvo, but the damage they caused couldn't even shake Wang Shuang's blood bar at all. .

"Sister Ling'er, let's just confine him here so that he can't move!"

The elf's eyes lit up and she immediately waved.

However, Wang Shuang also noticed their movements, and with a wave of his hand, all the followers were summoned.

The most eye-catching among them is without a doubt Delido.She was wearing Wang Shuang's previous equipment, spread her wings behind her back, and flew directly into the sky.

"Angel armed!"

Although the time was only 60 seconds, her appearance completely stunned the elf players.

"what is that?"

"Fuck, Wang Shuang has taken an angel as a follower!"

"No way, aren't angels considered gods? Can gods be accepted as followers?"

"Oh my god, Wang Shuang has accepted a god, even the god can't resist his arrogance, did he go to Wang Shuang's account?"

A milky white light gun emitting a bright light condensed in Deliduo's hand, and slowly lifted it up.When she is armed with angels, she has the ability to attack from a distance!
On the other hand, the elf players all looked up at Deliduo in the sky in a daze.Deliduo is outside their attack range, but because she is condescending, the attack distance is not a problem for her at all.

"Damn it, this mode shouldn't last long, everyone quickly attack Wang Shuang and his followers on the ground..."

Before he finished speaking, the player's throat was pierced by an arrow.His voice stopped abruptly, and under the horrified gaze of other players, he slowly fell to the ground.

It was Li Muxuan below who made the move, and her three arrows shot out in three directions, killing two unlucky fellows besides him.

Now, there is De Lido in the sky, Li Muxuan on the ground, and Wang Shuang and several other followers are constantly attacking the city gate. Descent at a rapid speed.

After 2 minutes, the curtain of night broke.

(End of this chapter)

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