Chapter 509
"I hate the way you are now." Wang Shuang shook his head.

"It's none of your business!" The Skeletal Governor was silent for a while, then suddenly broke out.

"Your eyes look as if you are dead, so weak and powerless, as if you have no hope for everything in this world... But how can hope be something that is placed in the hands of others?" Wang Shuang looked at The palm of my own hand, smiled silently: "I always feel that everyone's hope should be firmly held in their own hands."

"It's none of my business." Skeletal Governor wiped his eyes like a child. He is not a person who likes to cry, but after giving everything of himself, what he got in exchange was still the result of being played by others. This feeling really made him uncomfortable, and the pain that seemed to tear his heart spread quietly.

After all the hopes turned into bubbles, despair, like a heavy hammer, completely shattered his originally firm chest.

"If a guy like you is so unsatisfactory in reality, he is probably a trash who can only commit suicide." Wang Shuang couldn't help sighing: "I really don't know how a person like you can play until now, and you are still a master , This kind of mentality is not even as good as some rookies who can only rush forward."

Wang Shuang suddenly saw an undead player next to him glaring at him fiercely, his eyes seemed to warn him: The Skeletal Governor is like this now, and Wang Shuang is still beating him.

Wang Shuang shrugged his shoulders after looking away, without explaining anything.

"So what? I have become a loser in the end, and history books have been written by winners since ancient times. Since I have failed, why don't I be allowed to lose for a while?" His eyes were still dull, as if from The falling stars in the sky lost their power to radiate light, and became as dull as the surrounding night sky.

"So now I ask you to take it all back with your own hands." Wang Shuang said, realizing that his overloaded armed state had ended at some point, he glanced at the dagger in his hand, and turned back to chop the city crystal.

The city's crystal dual defense is still very low, and the vitality is also around 2E.After being dropped by Wang Shuang's knife like this, it immediately shook violently.

Wang Shuang chopped down the crystal of the city with several knives in a row, then turned his head to look at the skeleton Tiandu, put away his dagger and stretched out his palm to him: "Come on, I'm running out of time, I want to say goodbye to hope, To be a useless person for the rest of my life, I still have to make a comeback and make a comeback, success or failure depends on it!"

"Why do you want to help me? It's obviously nothing to do with you!" Skeletal Governor said angrily, "If you fall down with a knife, your human race will win. Why do you want to give it to me!"

"Oh, that's why you don't know me very well." Wang Shuang shook his head, looking out of the window of the hall, a sunset was hanging high in the sky, and gradually fell silent towards the west mountain: "I play games, I don't really care about winning or losing, but I care about my own feelings."

"The same is true for life. You don't have to care too much about the result. As long as you have been happy and reckless in the middle, and you don't feel regretful when you recall it later, that's fine."

"And this is not a game. Everything here is data, fantasy, and nothing more than a dream. After waking up from the dream, you still have to return to reality, right?"

Skeleton Tiandu looked at Wang Shuang's outstretched palm silently, and said nothing for a while.

The players behind him were also collectively silent, looking nervously at the back of the skeleton governor.Some people wanted to go up to persuade a few words, but they were stopped by several people.

"Let him think about it at a time like this."

"All in all, I think it's better to die than to live." Wang Shuang saw that he still looked melancholy, and couldn't help saying: "Sometimes, you choose to make a comeback, it takes more courage than choosing to give up all hope. It is because of such firm belief and unremitting efforts that it exists and shines brightly, isn't it."

"I understand."

A complex inner struggle flashed across the face of the Skeletal Governor, several intertwined and complicated emotions seemed to be in a fierce duel, and the renewed hope seemed to defeat other thoughts, and finally took the top spot.

Skeleton Tiandu stepped up firmly, glanced at Wang Shuang, and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Wang Shuang. Let's have a drink after the race war."

"Haha, small things." Wang Shuang rubbed his nose and laughed heartily. Watching the skeleton Tiandu take out the long sword, he shouted loudly. The long sword was stained with a dark shadow, and then fell on the sword hard. On the countless city crystals with cracks.


System prompt: Undead player Skeleton Tiandu has attacked the city crystal of Abyss City, please undead player cooperate with him to guard the new fragile city crystal, and ensure that the city crystal will not be destroyed within 10 minutes.For elf players, please capture the city crystal again within 10 minutes, otherwise, after 10 minutes, Abyss City will belong to the undead.


System prompt: The elf player Shengshi Hongtu has attacked the city crystal of Tiger City, please cooperate with the elf player to guard the new fragile city crystal and ensure that the city crystal will not be destroyed within 10 minutes.For human players, please capture the city crystal again within 10 minutes, otherwise Panhu City will belong to the elves after 10 minutes.

"It's okay, it's okay, I finally caught up." Wang Shuang couldn't help wiping off his sweat: "And it's just a little bit short, I'm scared to death. By the way, I have to guard for the next 10 minutes, don't let the elves The people of the family will find a chance to steal it."

"Don't worry, the territory of the elves is still far away from here, and their teleportation principle also requires a person holding a unicorn golden horn to be nearby... But you have already killed such a person just now, so in a short time We don't have to worry about it anymore."

"Hahaha, I really look forward to the expression on Shengshi Hongtu's face now." Thinking of Shengshi Hongtu's jaw dropping now, Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing.

On the other side, in Panhu City.

Shengshi Hongtu's face was much uglier than Wang Shuang imagined. He didn't understand: he had already taken all factors into consideration, why the undead still fell!

Even if Wang Shuang came to sneak attack, their elves have more than 20 combinations that can kill Wang Shuang directly. Could it be that these combinations were all instantly killed by Wang Shuang in the first place?

It is indeed possible, but what would happen then?What kind of large-scale killing weapon did Wang Shuang find to kill all the creatures in the hall and around the hall in an instant, and then swaggered in and smashed the city crystal?

Obviously not, if Wang Shuang is really so awesome, he's still playing a fart, and now he is robbed by an undead player, not Wang Shuang but an undead player!
Compared with Shengshi Hongtu's ugly face, Longteng Xingchen was very high-spirited, and even wanted to laugh at Shengshi Hongtu.

Although I don't know what's going on, it's really cool to see Shengshi Hongtu suddenly deflated!

(End of this chapter)

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