It's time to play online

Chapter 515 The End of the Race War

Chapter 515 The End of the Race War
Although Long Teng Xingchen never came back after leaving, the human race still won the final victory of this race war.

At the last moment, which is also the most critical moment, Canglan Storm suddenly emerged from the crowd and rushed towards the players around the city crystal.

Long Teng Liuguang was taken aback when he recognized Canglan Storm, and immediately waved his hand to send players up, but Canglan Storm moved too fast, and there were more than a dozen players around him covering him, so he rushed over almost flat .

But fortunately at the last moment, Wang Shuang suddenly appeared from his invisible state, and abruptly stabbed a dagger into the center of the crowd, piercing Cang Lan Storm's throat.He only had time to widen his eyes and shout out the words "Wang Shuang..." before falling to the ground and disappearing into a white light.

A dozen players around Canglan Storm saw it, but they didn't have the idea of ​​revenge, but all set their sights on the city crystal.

Although the Canglan Storm is hopeless, they are not puppets who only listen to other people's orders. At this time, they naturally want to become heroes of the human race and clear their respective reputations.

But Wang Shuang had already set them as hostile players. After releasing the black and white storm, he killed them and a dozen or so elf players around him. Shattered to pieces.

The shattering of the city crystal means that the race war has officially come to an end.

The end of the race war finally fulfilled Wang Shuang's big wish.After winning, his reputation among the Terran players naturally reached its peak.Naturally, Wang Shuang would not miss such a good opportunity. When he wanted to start a video to promote the Dark Rose Guild, he received a prompt from the system.


System prompt: The race war has officially come to an end, and the system will enter an emergency maintenance state in 10 minutes.The emergency maintenance status is expected to end after 72 hours, and various rewards for race battles will also be distributed at that time.

72 hours, that's three days, hehe, it looks like I can take a good rest for three days.Just when Wang Shuang was thinking about going offline and getting a good night's sleep, he received a message from Gloomy Cangxue.

"Wang Shuang, come to City L tomorrow, my address is..."

your home?Why not go to a coffee shop or a park or something, but to your house?
Wang Shuang was a little surprised. Of course he was very happy about You An Cangxue's sudden invitation, but he was also a little depressed: After all, this time was a bit strange. She seemed to be in a hurry, and she also suddenly said that she was going to get married some time ago. People and so on... made Wang Shuang even more upset.

If I don't go, will something happen that I will regret for the rest of my life?Thinking of this, Wang Shuang unconsciously felt flustered, and quickly agreed to her.

"Would you like to book two plane tickets for you?"

"Oh, no, I'll just..."

"Well, I've already ordered it for you, you just go to the airport to pick it up."

"...Okay, I see."

She acted unexpectedly vigorously this time, but she probably had Su Qianyao's help.

Wang Shuang finished the conversation, glanced at his several dashboards, and was about to log off, but unexpectedly saw the application of the skeleton Tiandu in the friend application list.

Because there are too many people who want to add him, Wang Shuang simply blocks them all.But by chance today, I took a quick glance and found the name of the Skeletal Governor.

"What does this guy mean?" Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, and agreed to his application.

After passing, Tiandu Bone soon sent a message: "Hey, Wang Shuang, where are you in real life, do you have time to have a drink, and I will pay for the air ticket or train ticket..."

"Ah bah, get out." Wang Shuang really wanted to roll his eyes at him face to face: "I don't have time to drink with you, it's finally a holiday, and I want to ask my sister out to play!"

"Hey, you're making an appointment with Pao? No problem. I know the neighborhood very well. I'll definitely find the best health care provider in this city. You're satisfied with the technical package!"

"Fuck off, vulgar! Brother wants to talk about life with his sister, what's the big deal about health care." Wang Shuang still rejected him.

"That's it, that's a pity. It seems that I can only go out for a drink with Long Teng and the others. However, Long Teng and Xingchen seem to be in a bad situation recently."

Wang Shuang couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then shook his head, it's none of my brother's business if their situation is not good, my brother himself is living like a dog, how can he care if they are cloudless or thunderstorm?
After the skeleton Tiandu went offline, Wang Shuang also went offline.It was already around 11 o'clock in the evening, and feeling tiredness coming from his body, Wang Shuang went to the balcony to brush his teeth, and then quickly fell on the bed.

The night passed quickly, and early the next morning, he was awakened by a vigorous body.

"Damn it..." Wang Shuang swears as soon as he woke up, rubbing his eyes in a daze: "What is it, it makes me so uncomfortable...Damn it!"

After he saw clearly what was pressing on him, he was shocked and yelled again.

Looking up, Jiang Jige was lying on the bed staring at him.Her upper body is a pure white half turtleneck pullover sweater with an open chest. The chest of the sweater is a hollowed-out love heart. The deep curve is infinitely imaginative. The lower body is a gray lace skirt. The two elastic thighs were white and smooth, and they were stretched tightly against Wang Shuang's thighs.

"I, I..." Wang Shuang's brain was in a state of confusion for a while, and suddenly he remembered something, and said quickly: "I'm going to the airport later..."

"What are you going to do?" Her gaze suddenly became as sharp as a needle point, and she looked at Wang Shuang scorchingly.

"The president invited me over to play and helped me book a plane ticket." Wang Shuang said, looking away unnaturally.

He suddenly felt an inexplicable guilt, and he couldn't help but feel waves in his heart.

"President? The woman who called last time?"


Afterwards, there was a brief silence between the two.

"Well, let's go." After a long time, he heard Jiang Jige's soft hum.


"There is nothing to be sorry about." She shook her head and got up from Wang Shuang: "After all, I am not your girlfriend, and I have no right to restrict your actions. Who you want to meet and play with is entirely up to you." freedom."

Wang Shuang scratched his head, not knowing how to answer this sentence.But he picked up his phone to check the time, and quickly yelled that he was not good, and was about to get up from the bed.

Fortunately, Wang Shuang didn't have the habit of taking off his clothes to sleep, otherwise the scene would have been quite embarrassing.

But the moment Wang Shuang got up from the bed, he was pressed down by Jiang Jige again: "Wait a minute, just a dozen seconds."

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then obediently gave up struggling.

Jiang Jige gently stroked the folds of his clothes with his hands over and over again. After seeing that they were not so obvious, he smiled and stared closely at Wang Shuang's eyes. There was a firm expression in his beautiful eyes.

"You have to remember, I will wait for you here, waiting for you... to come back."

Wang Shuang scratched his head vigorously again, then nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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