It's time to play online

Chapter 528 Began to run amok

Chapter 528 Began to run amok

Wang Shuang didn't notice the flash of astonishment on Long Teng Liuguang's face. He was standing on an abyss aurora with full concentration.The Abyss Aurora was also a small tentacle monster. Wang Shuang stepped on his face, and immediately his whole body twitched violently, shaking his head like a mad rhinoceros, and spit out a large number of tentacles from his open mouth.

Wang Shuang jumped up and spun around in the air. The dagger fell like lightning and hit the mouth of Abyss Aurora, cutting off the tentacles. Time seemed to slow down. Wang Shuang watched the messy tentacles. It broke open, and dark green blood splashed out bit by bit.


The players of the Dragon Soaring Guild also began to exert their strength at this time. One of the players holding a heavy hammer gave a loud shout, jumped up while sprinting, and raised the heavy hammer in his hand high in the air.White light flashed suddenly on the hammer head, and a thunderous thunder sounded. When the hammer head hit the distorted monster face of Abyss Aurora, a thunderbolt also fell from the sky, and it was scorched black all over!
Just when Abyss Aurora was about to fight back, a thunderous figure rushed into the center of the monster group. He was like a leaf passing through various traps, circling round and round, like flying over eaves and walls, lightly tapping the surface of the pool, the collapsed stone wall and so on with his toes. The tentacles of Abyss Aurora swept the long sword in his hand like a gust of wind.

"Hey, this trick is a bit familiar." Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback.

"Wuxiang Crazy Slash." Long Teng Liuguang paused for a moment, and smiled faintly: "A little accident happened when the president was learning this skill, so he taught me this skill as well."

"You are the president now, right?" Wang Shuang said with a smile.

"No, in my heart, there will always be only one guildmaster of the Dragon Soaring Guild." He lowered his head sadly, slowly raised his long sword, and began to walk like a knight in a stormy sea. There was a rustling sword light.

Wang Shuang was silent after hearing this, and just concentrated on dealing with these dazzling tentacles.Soon these messy tentacles were not only filling the pool, but even the shore. At a glance, you can see that these tentacles are still active after leaving the monster, like a wave washed up on the shore, rushing to the shore. Live fish that want to return to the sea.

While they were killing happily, a ray of light suddenly appeared from these abyssal auroras, and at the same time a whisper came again: "Ants, just struggle, howl, and...die."

"Boss' blood bar has returned a lot!" A player with sharp eyes noticed this immediately.

"Yes." Wang Shuang grinned, raised his hand to fold the dagger in his hand, resisted the blow of the giant tentacle, his whole body was shaken violently, and a little of his blood was lost.He couldn't help baring his teeth: "Damn, and the attribute is also much higher."

"If we drag it on any longer, we're afraid we'll have no chance of winning!" Long Teng Liuguang's eyes froze, and he shouted: "Don't hesitate, everyone use the armed mode together, and use the strongest output to kill him in an instant!"

"Okay!" The players of the Longteng Guild said in unison.All kinds of phantom armor appeared behind them, and some people had twisted and twisted lines on their skin. What's more, with a loud roar, their skin was stained with a layer of blood.

Longteng Guild, full firepower!

But at this moment, Fengmu Ndley suddenly became restless, and several tentacles danced frantically as if venting their anger, crushing the stone pillars that were hanging upside down, splashing the water pool, and throwing several A player was kicked out.

"What's going on?" A player exclaimed.

"Everyone back up." Long Teng Liuguang sighed with some annoyance, "I'm afraid this boss has made a big move."

"Fuck, what a coincidence." Wang Shuang couldn't help being stunned, but seeing that the other players in the Longteng Guild had no doubts and retreated one after another, he naturally refused to stay for a long time.

But before they all evacuated here, the BOSS suddenly made a violent noise, as if a pedestrian who had been walking in the desert for three days finally saw a source of water at the last moment.

Both the players of Longteng and Wang Shuang couldn't help being startled at this moment: the tentacles of the boss swept across the ground, and all those abyssal aurora disappeared completely.Instead, the whole boss stood up from the water.

When he stood up, his body was almost twice as tall as before, and the blood bar that had just been exhausted by the players was replenishing at an astonishing speed.

"Oops, it's a trap!" Long Teng Liuguang was taken aback, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "I'm afraid this is the arrangement of the plot: before we were misled by the skills of these monsters, we desperately output, but now we are already poor." It’s the end of the crossbow, but the BOSS has really started to show its strength.”

Wang Shuang also nodded sternly. When they retreated to the edge of the stone wall, they found that there were already crowds of people behind them.When they first came in, they jumped from above, but now, the intersection leading to the outside has been blocked.And they are only twenty steps away from the boss.

In other words, no matter what, they will have to bear the wrath of the boss.

"This should be the skill of the boss, spell frenzy." Wang Shuang said solemnly: "Randomly release spells for 2 minutes, it seems that these 2 minutes may not be very easy."

Sure enough, as Wang Shuang said, the system soon gave a reminder.


System prompt: Fengmu Enderli entered a rampage state and began to release random spells around. Duration: 2 minutes.


System prompt: Fengmu Enderley has used the skill "Group of tigers out of the wild"!
Ok?Why is this skill somewhat familiar?

When Wang Shuang was confused, suddenly a stone wall beside the wall collapsed, and three vigorous tigers with saliva flowing from the corners of their mouths emerged from it. Wang Shuang was dumbfounded.

Nani, do tigers exist in this kind of place?No, no, it should be summoned by a random spell!
"Roar!" The three tigers roared and rushed towards them.

"Damn it, there are three more level 80 monsters, and judging by their attributes, they seem to be stronger than ordinary monsters of the same level!" Someone shouted.

"Damn it, there's nothing we can do. Let's go, don't get too close to the boss, or the amount of spells you'll be able to endure is probably too much."


Wang Shuang also mixed in the crowd and joined the tiger-slaying team, but he glanced at it. After the boss released the skill, there was no tendency to stop, and he started singing the next skill again!


System prompt: Fengmu Enderley used the skill "Scorching Storm".


A large amount of smoke, white light and scorching hot breath spewed out from the stone walls in all directions, all of a sudden, this somewhat gloomy cave was brightly lit.


System prompt: You are affected by the scorching breath, and you will lose 1% of your blood per second until the scorching storm stops.


System prompt: You lost 4226 blood points!

System prompt: You lost 4226 blood points!


"I'll wipe it!" Wang Shuang couldn't help being dumbfounded: "This is so fucking terrible!"

(End of this chapter)

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