It's time to play online

Chapter 533 Arrival of Engelomas

Chapter 533 Arrival of Engelomas

"Let's go, don't make unnecessary sacrifices." Wang Shuang also knew that he didn't understand, so he could only push and push, and stood in front: "After all, you will only get in the way."

"Okay, let's go." Long Teng Liuguang didn't hesitate when he heard that, he turned around and got into the team with a few players.

"Hey, isn't it? I really don't want to stay." Wang Shuang was dumbfounded, watching them disappear into the team, he could only look back helplessly.

The wind is slack and the water is cold, and the strong men never return.


When Long Teng Liuguang came out from the escape road, he happened to meet Wang Shuang rushing towards him, he was slightly taken aback, and looked back at the escape road behind him.

"Don't look, I was beaten to death, and I rushed here after being reborn from Saiyan City next to me." Wang Shuang grinned, and said helplessly, "It's really lucky."

Long Teng Liuguang was about to say something, but at this moment a system notification spread throughout the entire human race:


System prompt: The Human Race's Kuoye City has officially been captured by the Void Army. Within 48 game hours, the Void Army will take a break and launch a second wave of attack. The target will randomly select the surrounding towns.Terran players, please be prepared, once the void army occupies more than three towns, it will launch a large-scale attack.

"We only have one day. After one day, these fear demons will be dispatched again!" Long Teng Liuguang and Wang Shuang quickly looked at each other and said through gritted teeth.

However, this system message was not finished, and then they received another system notification.


System prompt: The first leader of the Dark Demon Legion, Engelomas, has arrived in Kuoye City. He is a demon with extremely high intelligence and power. He is the head of the Dark Demon Legion. A position, even in the void, is famous far and wide.

Following this system prompt came the detailed information about the first leader, Engelomas.

——Engelomas [Strong Body Four] [Commander] [God of War] (Red-LV85 leader-level creature)
Race: Dreadlord leader;

Legion: Dark Demon Legion;

Occupation: Head of the General Army;

Genuine level: level 20;
Qi and blood: 3.5E;

Physical attack: 32.6W;

Physical defense: 28.3W;

Physical resistance: 100%;

Magic attack: 36.8W;

Magic defense: 22.3W;

Magic Resistance: 80%;

——Void Strike: Causes 105% x physical attack damage.

——Superior body: Immune to stun, confusion, imprisonment, blinding, freezing, charm, sealing, knockback, knockback, sleep, paralysis, silence, taunt, ignoring defense, one-hit kill effects, and armor-breaking, Poisoning, burning, cursing, slowing, and bleeding effects are halved.

——Crowd Strategy: The more hostile units around you, the more all-attribute bonuses you get.

——Fear Devouring: It can absorb the fear emotion of creatures and transform it into its own power.

——Black Shot: Shoot a shadow arrow at a target, causing 3.5W-4.2W points of magic damage, ignoring the target's 75% magic resistance, cooldown for 12 seconds.

——Black Corrosion: Throw skills in a range, causing 5W-8.5W points of magic damage, and in the next 10 seconds, the target will receive damage equal to 2% of the maximum life every second, and the amount of healing received during the period will be reduced by 40% , a cooldown of 30 seconds.

——Burning out: Concentrate a huge flame power to burn a target, causing 4000+250% x magic attack damage. If burning out kills the target, the cooling time will be cut in half, and the cooling time will be 300 seconds.


Note: The effect of [Strengthening Body 30]: after adding 30% to [Strengthening Body], 30% to [Strengthening Body 30], and [-]% to [Strengthening Body [-]], the upper limit of the base qi and blood will be increased by [-]%.

Note: The effect of [Commander]: Permanently increase physical attack and physical defense by 10%, and permanently increase physical attack and physical defense of followers, pets and soldiers by 5%.

Note: Effect of [God of War]: Permanently increase physical attack by 40%, and permanently increase physical attack of followers, pets and soldiers by 20%.


After looking at the BOSS attribute that just appeared, the players of Longteng Guild and Wang Shuang were all speechless for a while.

The master of the system made a big joke with them this time. He thought that there would be a turning point in the future, but he didn't expect that the turning point was still unknown, but the crisis was much stronger.

"Do we still have to wait for hope?" There was a long silence, which was broken by Long Teng Liuguang first.

"Wait for him to be paralyzed." Wang Shuang swears directly: "This is simply a rhythm that requires all race players to work hard together. Otherwise, who can stop a boss of this attribute and his army of fear demons?"

"Actually, these are not the things that worry us the most." Long Teng Liuguang said solemnly, "As I said before, the Terror Demon is just the weakest demon in the Void Army, and behind it there are the Raging Demon and the Arrogant Demon."

"Fuck." Wang Shuang couldn't help cursing again.

Suddenly, Long Teng Liuguang received someone's communication message at this time. After communicating for a while, he quickly hung up the communication and said solemnly: "All clan guilds will gather in Saiyan City, and we will work together on this day. Find a solution within a short period of time. Wang Shuang, you are also the vice president of Dark Rose, follow me to Saiyan City."

"Understood." Wang Shuang nodded.

Soon afterward, he also received a message from You An Cangxue, saying that he already understood.

Half an hour later, in the City Lord's Mansion of Saiyan City.

The previous meetings were all held in Kuano City, because it was completely controlled by the Longteng Guild, and there was no possibility of any mistakes, but now that time is running out, and Kuano City has been captured again, they can only hold the meeting in the closest match to Kuano City. Yacheng started a new round of meetings.

Victor warmly received everyone. As an NPC, of ​​course he also knew about the invasion of the Void Army, and immediately invited everyone to the conference room of Saiyan City to discuss together.

"By the way, maybe we can ask the NPC's opinion on this matter." Long Teng Liuguang suddenly remembered this matter.

"That's right, NPCs should also help in this matter. After all, this is something that players can't resist. If these fearful monsters are allowed to come, it's not surprising that the entire human race will be wiped out." Just walked in After hearing Long Teng Liuguang's words in the conference room, God of War Qingfeng also expressed his opinion immediately.

"Of course we'll take care of that."

Several players who had already arrived were stunned. The female voice sounded very strange. When they looked back, they saw a pair of white wings and a rare serious expression.

She obviously had a serious face, but she couldn't resist the thrilling look on her face.

Several people were stunned for a while, and suddenly Qingfeng, the god of war, came back to his senses and slapped his head: "You, aren't you the angel who sent us into the race war?"

"That's right, it's me." The angel smiled, and his eyes moved to Wang Shuang, whose eyes were black.

(End of this chapter)

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