It's time to play online

Chapter 538 Doubts about the Dark Dragonrider

Chapter 538 Doubts about the Dark Dragonrider

And at this time, the most annoying thing is those guys from the Longteng Guild.

It is true that the tiger is not on the mountain, and the monkey is called the king!

Just as Wang Shuang was gnashing his teeth at them, an unusually grand party was being held in a certain bar in Kuoye City.

As for the host, it is the familiar trio of Longteng Yanlun!

"Guild players, no matter if you are a new member or a veteran, first of all, thank you for coming to help us in this crisis." Long Teng Yanlun said, and shook his fist at several players present. The other players saw each other, Immediately returned the gift politely.

"These days, our Longteng guild has suffered too many tragedies! Our original venerable guild leader left us, and the two vice guild leaders fought with each other. In the end, both sides lost. After quitting the guild, a large group of elite players were triggered Waves of quitting the guild."

"But think about it, is this really just a dispute between the two vice presidents?"

The sound of the Soaring Dragon Flame Wheel attracted many players to watch, and some players who were not from the Soaring Dragon Guild also noticed it.

"Obviously it's not that simple! Since they know that they may lose both, why are they still fighting?"


The surrounding players of the Dragon Soaring Guild had obviously been mobilized, and they all stood up and looked at him and asked.

"Because someone secretly provoked the relationship between them!" Long Teng Yanlun sneered: "You say, if the two vice presidents break up, who will benefit the most?"

Several people looked at each other, and couldn't help saying in unison: "Longteng Liuguang!"

"That's right!" Longteng Yanlun laughed loudly: "However, at this time, Longteng Xingchen also suddenly announced his resignation. Our respectable president, at the very beginning, was the one who led our Longteng guild to rise. He has devoted almost everything to the Dragon Soaring Guild, but when the development of the Dragon Soaring Guild has almost reached its peak, he suddenly left the guild, one can imagine the disappointment in his heart!"

"This is probably an unexpected gain for Long Teng Liuguang. After forcing away the two vice-guild leaders, he also forced the general leader away. Before he left, he also passed on the position of the guild president to him, as if he had been smashed from the sky. Like the lottery ticket that came down, he is not calm anymore!"

"That's for sure, if it's me, I can't calm down!"

"So what did he do at this time? He thought that with the support of the Longteng Guild, he could do whatever he wanted..."

"Wait a minute."

Long Teng Yanlun's voice stopped abruptly, and he looked at the person who told him to stop.That was a player of Gloomy Rose. After Longteng Liuguang stopped, everyone's eyes were almost focused on him.

"What's the matter, what's your opinion?" Long Teng Liuguang couldn't help asking.

"No, no, I have no opinion on the development of your Soaring Dragon guild, what kind of strategy and so on." The Dark Dragonrider spread his hands and stared at the Soaring Dragon Flame Wheel like a torch: "I just don't like you, you guy, It's obviously all made up, so why are you talking nonsense here?"

"Making it up?"

Several players around were shocked, and suddenly looked at Longteng Yanlun.

I heard him say it with enthusiasm before, but I forgot that he is obviously just an ordinary Dragon guild player, how does he know the secrets that these ordinary players can't know at all?
"Hmph, do you really think that I have no evidence at all?" Who knew that Long Teng Yanlun suddenly turned against the general, and sneered: "Of course I have evidence, but how can I show it to outsiders like you?"

"Hehe." The Dark Dragonrider sneered when he heard the words, "I hope you can produce your so-called evidence by then."

"Hmph, but you, as Wang Shuang's minion, continue to join forces with Wang Shuang to disturb the hearts of our guild?"

"Collaboration? It's so rare that this word will come out of your mouth. I don't know if your conscience will hurt when you say this?"

As the dark dragonrider said, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Sorry, I forgot, dogs have no conscience."

"You're fucking looking for death!" The players of the Dragon Soaring Guild almost jumped up and glared at him.

"It's sad." The Dark Dragonrider stood up, looked at them with pity, and shook his head: "If Longteng Xingchen is still in the guild, why would you allow these young people to do anything wrong?"

"Brothers, stop talking nonsense. This person insulted us and compared us to dogs. Let's kill him together!" Long Teng Yanlun shouted, and immediately many players surrounded the Dark Dragonrider.

"How dare you talk loudly in front of me just because of you trash? But PK is prohibited in the city, so go outside the city if you have the ability?"

What the players of the Dragon Soaring Guild didn't expect was that at this moment, the Dark Dragonriders dared to provoke them.

They suddenly felt that there was an extremely indifferent aura emanating from the Dark Dragonrider at this moment, it was a kind of complete disdain and contempt, and any player with backbone would be irritated by him.

"Grass, do you think you are Wang Shuang, and you still want to beat us all? You are looking for death!" Long Tengyan's face was grim, and his fists were tightly clenched: "Take him out of the city! Since he dares to imitate Wang Shuang, then Let him have a good taste and underestimate our price!"


Not only the players from the Dragon Soaring Guild left the city, but even some players who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement also went out together.

"What are they doing, how can there be personal grievances at this time..."

"There must be something wrong with your brain. It's really easy to fight among yourself at this time."

"It seems to be driven out by the leading players of the Dragon Soaring Guild. I saw that what they said made sense before, but now it seems that they are also a group of killers..."

Listening to the discussions of the players around, Long Teng Yanlun's face looked a bit ugly, he really began to regret bringing the Dark Dragonrider out to pk, and he still pk in front of everyone like this.

"Did you hear that?" The Dark Dragonrider looked at him sympathetically, and shook his head: "You are not the material to be the president at all, your vision, your knowledge, and your experience and character...all of them are important. Unqualified."

"Fuck, none of your business!"

Long Teng Yanlun regrets it very much now, but now he is also unable to get off the tiger, so he can only grit his teeth and say: "Stop talking nonsense, come on."

The Dark Dragonrider drew out his weapon and waved at them. Immediately, a group of players from the Soaring Dragon Guild shouted and rushed up, using more than a dozen different skills to smash at the Dark Dragonrider from front, side and rear angles.

"Get out of here!"

However, the Dark Dragonrider shouted loudly, and the blade in his hand twirled quickly, like a sensitive butterfly flying through the crowd, waving the long sword in his hand, harvesting a large amount of blood from the Dragon Soaring players like cutting wheat.

The three of Long Teng Yanlun were astonished.

A group of onlookers couldn't help exclaiming: "Wow, master!"

(End of this chapter)

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