It's time to play online

Chapter 550 Chapter 5 Chapter 50

Chapter 550 Chapter Five White Chapter Fifty Long Road Ahead
"What, is it actually the Strong Body Strange Book Three...?"

The players present were all people who knew the goods. After seeing the strong body strange book three, they all gasped again. After taking it from Wang Shuang's hand, they took a quick glance to confirm the strong body strange book three.

"Damn it, I'm going to enter the dungeon!" When Wang Shuang said this, some players felt as if their blood was boiling like chicken blood, and they rushed into the dungeon without thinking about anything.

"Wang Shuang, since you have subdued a mount, does that mean there is still room for powerful mounts?" At this time, several players gathered around.The others were taken aback for a moment, and they also focused their attention on the mounts beside Wang Shuang.

They all had a thought in their minds: the mount that Wang Shuang valued must not be too bad!After all, Wang Shuang's image on the forum is like this, except for the strongest and the most beautiful, he will not want anything else.

"My mount?" Wang Shuang glanced at the Tiantu Qilin beside him, hesitated for a moment, and said: "If I want to say that this mount is the boss of the dungeon, do you believe it?"

However, to his surprise, the people around him didn't have any unusual reactions. Although some people had their mouths widened, some looked in disbelief, and some were stunned for a moment, these reactions were much lighter than those he had just cleared.

Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, seeing that the effect he wanted had not been achieved, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Believe it...but how do you do it?"

"It's very simple. My brother beat it almost to death, and then it realized that I was a very good master, so it came to join me." Wang Shuang scratched his head, and suddenly sighed: "No way, there is A domineering person is so eye-catching wherever he goes."

Everyone: "..."

Seeing that the other people obviously didn't believe it, Wang Shuang didn't bother to explain. After turning the Tiantu Qilin into the soul-riding mode, he turned his head and entered the instance again.

This time, he will continue to brush up the Strange Book of Strong Body III, and try to see if he can tame a Skyfire Qilin again.

No no, leveling up is the most important thing, the national war is coming soon, next time you can't be merciful, just kill Tianhuo Qilin directly, explode blood soul fusion pill and blood soul is the most important thing!

The progress of the second pass was much smoother than that of the first pass. After Wang Shuang exchanged more than a dozen copies of the Book of Strengthening Body III, he gave them to his two followers respectively. , and then went all the way to the entrance of the cave. After smashing the bronze golem, Wang Shuang walked into the entrance of the cave again and met a new Skyfire Qilin.


System prompt: Tianhuo Qilin used the skill "Fate Perception" to obtain the effect of sonic roar.

The sky fire unicorn suddenly grew bigger, and when Wang Shuang was watching it, it let out a deafening roar, and then swiftly rose and fell between the stone walls, and flew out a claw to slap Wang Shuang hard. .Just as Wang Shuang was about to raise his hand to defend, he felt dizzy in his brain.

"I wipe?"

Wang Shuang failed to parry, and was slapped severely by Tianhuo Qilin. He was a little embarrassed to get up, but a burst of dizziness made him fall down again.

"Fuck, this skill is really annoying." After finally getting up from under the hooves of the Skyfire Qilin, Wang Shuang started to fight back in disgrace.

After that, Skyfire Qilin never made that sound again. It is estimated that this skill is against the sky, and it also has a long cooling time.

Soon, the Qi and blood of Tianhuo Qilin dropped below 10%. At this moment, Tianhuo Qilin surrendered to Wang Shuang like the last time.


System prompt: Your powerful...

"Get out!" Wang Shuang didn't even look at it, he directly refused, sharpened the dagger, and looked at the Skyfire Qilin in front of him with a sneer: "Didn't you hang yourself just now, you kept stepping on brother's face? Do you want to let brother have a good time too?"

It seemed that it was because of Wang Shuang's rejection, Tianhuo Qilin became very angry, raised his front hoof and stepped on Wang Shuang's face again.

"Fuck me, you still step on me!" Wang Shuang couldn't help being angry, and he didn't want to waste time with it, so he quickly killed the Skyfire Qilin with a few knives.

The Skyfire Qilin fell, and as it fell, three pieces of equipment and two red balls exploded.

He glanced at the three pieces of equipment, ranging from orange-grade to green-grade, but Wang Shuang's attention was still on the two pill-like things.

"Blood Soul Fusion Pill!"

Wang Shuang picked up two blood fusion pills and checked their attributes.

——Blood Soul Fusion Pill: Use Blood Fusion Pill x10, Blood Soul x10, and 200w gold coins to increase the level of true energy to level 1!
Fuck, the requirements are quite demanding.But it doesn't matter, isn't it just brushing!

One, two, three, four, one more time!
Soon Wang Shuang was teleported outside the dungeon, and then turned around and walked in again.

After two hours of busy work, Jiang Jige looked for him twice, but Wang Shuang ignored them both. He didn't rush back and forth in the dungeon until dusk, and Wang Shuang finally gathered the materials needed to cultivate the true essence level.

"It's so hard, it seems that it is a bit difficult for me to upgrade to level 100 within ten days... No, it's not difficult, but simply impossible!"

Thinking this way, Wang Shuang used the Blood Fusion Pill in his backpack, and immediately a large number of gold coins, together with 10 Blood Fusion Pills and Blood Soul, left him!


System prompt: You have successfully spent Blood Soul Fusion Pill x10, Blood Soul x10, and Gold Coin x200W, and cultivated your true essence level to level 1!

System prompt: Your level cap has reached level 81!Due to the overflow of experience you gained earlier, you automatically rose to level 81!
Seeing that his level really broke through the 80th level and took a crucial step, Wang Shuang couldn't help showing a gratified smile on his face.

"By the way, my brother has been promoted to level 81. I don't know what happened to the followers?"

Wang Shuang opened the follower panel and was stunned to see that several of his followers were still at level 80.


System prompt: In order to increase the follower's level cap, you need to help the follower cultivate the true element level.Your materials are insufficient, currently you lack blood fusion pill x7, blood soul x10!

Damn, followers also need to use these things to break through the true essence level?
Suddenly, Wang Shuang thought of the mount Tiantu Qilin he had just conquered, and his pet Chestnut Sparrow. Does it mean that pets need to break through the upper limit of level 80 and also gain the level of true energy?

Open the pet panel, open the mount panel... Wang Shuang received the same prompt!
Feeling the inexplicably heavy tasks on his shoulders, Wang Shuang couldn't help but smile wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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