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Chapter 556 Worm Blade

Chapter 556 Worm Blade
Wang Shuang looked at the girl sternly, and suddenly asked, "Who are you, the granddaughter of that grandpa?"

The girl listened, but didn't answer. She raised a hand, and a string of bells tied to her hand made a crisp sound.Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw it, and remembered that the old man seemed to have the same bell on his hand.

"Are you really his granddaughter? He is so worried about you now, why don't you go back?" Wang Shuang couldn't help asking.

"Since I chose to leave his side and come here, I will naturally not go back until I achieve my goal."

"For what purpose?"

The girl raised her head, looked at the huge phantom behind her, and smiled calmly: "You will know soon."

After hearing this, Wang Shuang took out the silver wind gang from his backpack with a serious expression on his face.

"Adventurer, don't come here, you will be in danger!" The girl's face suddenly became a little serious.This is... you are worried about bro?
The black shadow behind the girl moved slightly at this time, a pair of huge tentacles protruded from the darkness deep in the forest, the monster looked at Wang Shuang, and let out an indistinct whistling sound from its mouth.It seemed to be warning him not to get too close.

"Of course I don't want to be involved in any of your weird plans..." Wang Shuang touched the tip of the silver wind gang and sighed: "But if I can't complete the task, my attribute points will be deducted. Brother is so stingy, how could he give up his attribute value for nothing."

"So I have to... I've wronged you, come back with me." Wang Shuang said, suddenly pulled out the dagger, roared loudly and slammed into the black shadow behind the girl.

At this time, the black shadow also jumped out from the darkness completely. It was a huge insect with jointed limbs growing on its huge body. Countless sharp insect blades shot out suddenly, stabbing fiercely at Wang Shuang who was rushing up. come over.

"De Lido!" Wang Shuang knew it was not easy when he saw these worm blades. He roared, summoned his strongest follower, and asked her to use the dragon arm directly.

A pair of huge black wings spread out and blew several trees around. Those sharp worm blades stuck on the black dragon wings, turned blood red one after another, and then burst open suddenly, bursting out a strong wind, blowing Wang Shuang's eyes. The bangs on the forehead fluttered.

"Kill it." Wang Shuang gritted his teeth, summoned all his followers one by one, and then rushed forward with the silver windshield, killing the big bug behind the girl.

The girl still stood motionless, while Wang Shuang and a few followers competed with the big bug.

This worm is covered with worm blades, a milky white, slightly transparent weapon that can be launched actively, and will explode soon after touching an entity.

The worm blade looks very flat and somewhat sharp, so Wang Shuang called it the worm blade.When dealing with this big bug, the bug blade became Wang Shuang's biggest headache.

The damage of this thing itself is not high, and even Wang Shuang and Delido's defenses cannot be broken.But its explosion damage is calculated according to the percentage of life. When a worm blade explodes, although it will only complete 1% of the damage, the number of worm blades is almost endless. After the big bug shoots the worm blade, It will grow back quickly.

But there is a saying that goes well, two fists are no match for four hands.Wang Shuang's side obviously had the advantage in numbers, and the attribute of the big bug was not very strong, so he was quickly beheaded by Wang Shuang and others.

Turning his head, Wang Shuang looked at the girl very unfriendly. It was obvious that his mission goal was with this big bug.

"Come on, come with me." Wang Shuang thought for a while, and he might as well take the girl back by force. Anyway, his task was to ensure that the girl could get out of the forest alive and meet grandpa.As for the process?There are no specific requirements for the task.

But the girl opened her eyes, and it was different from just now. There was an inexplicable color in her eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Adventurer, I admit that you are very strong, but you are still...a step too late."

A frightening sound of insects sounded from all directions, and several followers around Wang Shuang became alert. They leaned their backs together and looked around vigilantly.

"Tick tick tick..." The sound of dripping water came from somewhere, which was particularly ear-piercing in the ears of several people.

Wang Shuang suddenly looked back, and suddenly saw a huge... female insect!
That's right, it's the mother worm.She was swollen like an inflated puppet, with a layer of translucent skin on the surface, and fluid flowing under the skin could be faintly seen.There are two jagged openings under the body of the female worm, which are constantly shaking as the female worm moves, and viscous liquid flows out.

"Kar..." It opened its mouth and let out a hoarse male cry, its body trembled rapidly, and the two holes full of jagged teeth also trembled, suddenly ejecting countless insect eggs.

After the insect eggs left the mother's body, they quickly grew up from translucent, less than rice-grain-sized eggs, and turned into small insects the size of ping-pong balls.

Then an astonishing scene began to unfold: these bugs began to kill each other, biting the newly hatched bugs around them, biting off their heads, tentacles and arthropods, and quickly devouring them.

After some worm eggs trembled for a while, perhaps a beat slower than other worms, before they had time to hatch, their brothers and sisters scrambled to bite through their shells and ate them brutally.

After the brutal competition of hundreds of eggs, the number of remaining insects gradually became scarce.After devouring many companions, they continued to bite their brothers, as if they were mortal enemies who could not live together.

From the first batch of eggs, there were only two grown individuals left.However, at this time, the female worm quickly trembled, and sprayed out a large amount of liquid again, which was mixed with a new batch of crystal clear eggs.

"How is it?" Wang Shuang was looking at this scene in astonishment, when suddenly the girl came up and stood beside him watching the scene with him: "Do you think these bugs are particularly ugly and disgusting?"

"Using my brothers and sisters as nutrients, constantly devouring them to make myself grow... Isn't it cruel and ugly?" Wang Shuang asked.

"In fact, it's not just bugs, we humans are the same." The girl looked back to normal, with a sad expression on her face: "People are like bugs, they also want to step on the people around them and keep getting stronger, even if they are My own brothers and sisters..."

Wang Shuang refrained from doing anything, because the name on the girl's head was always a friendly green color, which meant that the girl had no malice towards him.

"Hey adventurer, do you have brothers and sisters?"

"Me? I don't, but I am looking forward to having a brother or sister so that I don't have to be so tired."

As Wang Shuang was talking, he suddenly asked, "Have you achieved your goal now, can you come with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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