It's time to play online

Chapter 559 Questions

Chapter 559 Questions
Now things seem to be back to square one.

Without considering the NPC, they seem to have lost all means again, and they can't find a way out of the deserted island at all.

Even if what the old man said is not true, they have already ruled out the goodwill thing, because it is too slow. If you really want to get adoration, the national war has been over for several years.

So instead of relying on NPCs, do you build your own ship?This sounds good, and if you dig well, it seems that you can also dig out a player who can build ships.Even if there is no one else, Wang Shuang's Lier can contribute on the spot to help build the big ship.

But how much material does it take to build a ship?How much time will it take?
In the final analysis, it is still a matter of time!Materials can be found slowly, ships can be built slowly, and there will be a day when it will be built in the end, but the time lost in this process cannot be recovered.

so what should I do now?
In fact, Wang Shuang already had a bold but somewhat crazy answer in his mind.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, took a deep breath, and waited for the arrival of other players.

Gradually, the number of people increased, and many guild presidents had given up the route of gaining favor at this time, and turned to become dejected again, but some people observed the flash of excitement on Wang Shuang's face, An incomprehensible smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Did Wang Shuang find another way?
When it was almost time for the people to arrive, Wang Shuang glanced at everyone, and without explaining much, he directly displayed his sub-profession panel.

So the eyes of several other people fell on Wang Shuang's sub-profession, Doom Island.When they saw the skill of looting ships, their faces changed.

"Wang Shuang, do you mean..." Tianxia Wuji couldn't help asking: "Although your talent combined with this skill does have a high success rate for us to grab the ship, but doing so is completely broken. Our retreat, the whirlpool city may never accept us again!"

"So what!" A stern look flashed across Wang Shuang's face: "It's just right not to accept us! We will be reborn in a random place in the wild, which is better than this place where the birds don't shit!"

"Wang Shuang is right!" At this moment, a supportive voice suddenly sounded from beside him.Wang Shuang looked along the source of the voice, and it was Sheng Shi Hongtu who looked determined.

"If we sit and guard the whirlpool city, we will definitely lose the opportunity in the end, and it will be too late to regret it when the time comes!"

"Hey, is this really okay..." Molu Baicai seemed a little flustered: "Even so, but if we do this, we will be ruined as soon as we come up..."

"If you put all your eggs in one basket, you have to fight to the death!" Wang Shuang's face was full of firmness and determination, as if he had made up his mind.Coupled with Shengshi Hongtu's support, everyone was speechless for a while.

"Wang Shuang." At this time, someone suddenly called Wang Shuang's name. He turned his head and saw the Thunder cast iron hand of the dwarves: "I have a few questions to ask you. If you can solve the confusion in my heart, I will support you unconditionally."

"Of course you have to speak up if you have any questions." Wang Shuang nodded and spread his hands: "Please, let's talk."

"First of all, the first question, what if we will still be reborn in this whirlpool city?" He asked in a deep voice: "At that time, we will forcibly seize the NPC's ships, and they will definitely not have much goodwill towards us. This will restrict our movement around the city even more."

"Don't worry about this." Wang Shuang thought for a while, then shook his head firmly: "Since we can't cultivate good feelings, we might as well break the skin with them. In this way, we don't have to be restrained in our actions. And if necessary, even if we turn back What about this whirlpool city?"

Lei Zhutie was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "You mean——siege?"

"Hahaha, that's right, it's siege!" Wang Shuang said with a grin. "The national war is of great importance. Whoever dares to hinder us will be let to die! Even if they are NPCs? After the national war is over, we will not see each other anymore. No more embarrassment!"

Lei Zhutie nodded, accepting his thoughts: "Then the second question, what should we do if we will still be reborn on this deserted island?"

"Didn't you just say that?" Wang Shuang asked strangely.

"No, I have another meaning now." Lei Zhutie hand sighed, and said: "Suppose we succeed in capturing the ship, land on the land where they are fighting, and join the battle, there will inevitably be losses among us. Reborn here, how do we leave the deserted island again?"

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and soon understood what he meant.

If they drive the boat away, the people who will be reborn here will face an extremely embarrassing situation: there is no way to go to the city to develop well, and there is no way to leave the deserted island. Do you have to swim slowly? go out?
Although there is no physical limit in the game, there are so many monsters in the ocean along the way, even if 1 people swim out, it may not be possible for one of them to survive.

so what should I do now?To be honest, Wang Shuang really didn't think of this question before.

But it is obviously impossible for him to give up taking the ship with this kind of thing that is only "possible to happen".

"This kind of thing, don't we know after we die once?" Sheng Shi Hongtu said suddenly at this time.

"That's right, everyone, go to the church first, erase our marks, and then go to the wild to kill yourself by wild monsters." Wang Shuang's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help saying.

When everyone heard the words, they took action one after another. After the church erased their names, they were about to leave the city separately, but Shengshi Hongtu smiled faintly.

He shook his head and said, "There's no need to bother going to the wild, this city is also an unsafe area where you can pk at will, just do it here. As for the first candidate, I think it's just—"

He turned his eyes around among the few people, and quickly fixed on Wang Shuang, took out his long sword and laughed: "It's you, Wang Shuang, try to be reborn after suffering a little bit!"

He made a sudden move, and a set of gorgeous sword skills bloomed quickly, like a butterfly in full bloom. Shengshi Hongtu's current physical attack has already exceeded 40. empty.

"I'll wipe you..." Wang Shuang couldn't help cursing before he died, and then broke the trigger immediately, and Wang Shuang was revived with full blood on the spot.

Everyone was stunned, Shengshi Hongtu also slapped his head, laughed and said: "Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot your skills and let you die for nothing."

"I think you want to take this opportunity to kill me once?" Wang Shuang gritted his teeth angrily, pulled out his dagger and pointed at him, "Do you dare to let me chop a few times?"

"Heh, why don't you dare?" Sheng Shihongtu said with a fearless look, "Anyway, there is no loss here."

Wang Shuang didn't speak when he heard the words, but silently exposed his equipment with the spicy attribute all over his body. Sheng Shihongtu glanced at it, and his face turned green immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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