It's time to play online

Chapter 569 Accident 1 Scene

Chapter 569 An Unexpected Scene

"Makes sense!"

Everyone suddenly realized, but then they became even more confused.

"Isn't the national war just for us to fight, what are you doing with so many moths?"

"Prolong the time a little longer, probably because I want to keep other players' attention on the national war for a while." Wang Shuang guessed.

"These have nothing to do with us. After the Ark of Heaven sends us there, all the facts will be revealed."

"Quack quack..."

A strange sound came from the front.

Several people were vigilant, took out their weapons and looked ahead, the sound seemed to be made by some kind of reptile, just around the corner in front.

"I have thick blood and high defense, so go and have a look first." Wang Shuang said, holding two silver windshields and touching the wall and walking forward, sticking to the wall like a gecko, sticking out his ears to listen carefully.

The strange sound didn't sound again, so Wang Shuang took a deep breath, jumped out suddenly, looked around after landing, but found that there was no monster at all.

"Quack quack..."

The voice came again, and the source was... Wang Shuang's feet!

Wang Shuang was startled suddenly. Looking down, a crack appeared in the surrounding ground, and the square area centered on him quickly collapsed.

"What the fuck, this is a mechanism..." After Wang Shuang came back to his senses, he remembered that the communication system was unavailable, so he yelled loudly, but before he finished shouting, the ground closed again, and the light source above Wang Shuang's head Disappeared, he suddenly fell into darkness.


After a clear vibration, the stone slab under Wang Shuang's feet fell to the ground below, and the slate was shaken to pieces, and at the same time, a small amount of blood from Wang Shuang's head was also lost.

"Damn, I forgot that this is a maze, how could there be no traps..."

Standing up from the ground with difficulty, Wang Shuang looked around, except for the pitch black environment, there was only a strange breathing sound.Gulu Gulu... It seems that some giant beast is sleeping here.

Wang Shuang walked a few steps on tiptoe, and there was no light around him, making it difficult for him to move an inch.

Soon, he touched a solid stone wall and stroked it lightly, it seemed to be a little scorching hot.

Wang Shuang supported the stone wall and walked to the side. After walking for some time, the strange breathing became louder and louder, and Wang Shuang's guess became more and more clear.

But after walking for a while, Wang Shuang found that the sound of breathing was gradually fading away.

He froze for a moment, returned to the place where the sound of breathing was the loudest just now, took out his silver wind gang, and then slammed his dagger into the stone wall.There was a crisp cracking sound, and the stone wall collapsed immediately!

After the stone wall collapsed, the red light instantly illuminated the entire cave.As soon as Wang Shuang raised his head, he saw extremely hot magma pouring down his face, almost filling the narrow space.

It turned out that the strange breathing sound was the sound of magma flowing.

Wang Shuang was not afraid of the magma. He swam against the hole left by the magma and swam in. Soon, Wang Shuang came to another cave that was much wider.

Many parasites grew from the rock wall, and an unpleasant smell filled the space.Wang Shuang's eyes widened suddenly. He thought that what he heard just now was the sound of magma flowing. After Shan Zi entered the cave, the sound of his breathing became more serious, and it exploded in his ears like thunder.

As if feeling something, Wang Shuang looked up, and soon saw in the middle of a piece of high-temperature magma, a giant beast with a hard appearance was dozing off.

It has two hands and two feet, and it stands like a human, but its height is three or four times that of a human, almost reaching the ceiling of this cave.But its back is covered with a layer of dense red scales from the tail to the top of the head, and the thick scales reflect the dazzling light.

If it is calculated in proportion to a human being, its palm is only half as long as a human arm, without a palm, and its long and sharp steel claws protrude from the silver scales covering its arm, as if it can break gold and stone with every gesture so-so.

Its lower body was completely immersed in the magma, and this giant beast covered with steel scales did not feel uncomfortable in the magma, but enjoyed it very much.It looks like a fish in water.

Wang Shuang couldn't help but get closer and look at this guy. The sound of his heavy breathing shook the entire cave, like a king who ruled the world.

——Takomaro [Strong Body III] (Red-LV80 leader-level creature): blood 3.05E, physical attack 276000, physical defense 283000, physical resistance 120%; magic attack 218000, magic defense 234000, magic resistance 80%.Skills: Normal Attack, Overlord Body, Group Strategy, Boulder Throwing, Flame Kick, Shaking Huashan, Flame Emission, Black Fire Arming.


After Wang Shuang read the opponent's attributes, he found that it was just an ordinary boss.Why is such an ordinary boss placed in this place?

No, wait, this might not be common!
Wang Shuang suddenly thought that when he fell before, the area of ​​the trap was very small, that is to say, the number of people who fell down was very small, and then he knocked open the hole, and a large amount of magma flowed out.

After going through the traps and magma, how much strength does the player have left to stand in the magma to deal with this boss?

But it's totally different when it's Wang Shuang's turn. He has enough energy and blood, and he's not afraid of the high temperature of the magma, let alone facing the boss one-on-one.

So it was a tragedy for this boss, which was very difficult to conquer. After being woken up by Wang Shuang, he fought back angrily, but it was not as strong as Wang Shuang's output ability.

After 10 minutes, the BOSS was quickly killed, and a crisp system prompt sounded.


System prompt: Wang Shuang, a player in Huaxia District, defeated Tacomaro, bringing a 5% physical attack bonus to all Huaxia District players in the national war.

Damn it, it's actually a bonus reward!

Wang Shuang was shocked. Although the 5% bonus was very small, after multiplying it by the base of 100w, it was quite a terrifying bonus.

At the same time, after he killed Tucomaro, a section of stairs suddenly popped up from the stone wall, followed by another section, and the stairs continued to pop up one after another, extending towards the surface.

"Sure enough, Emperor Tian pays off. Maybe after killing the final boss of this maze, this complicated maze will be solved."

Wang Shuang went up the stairs, quickly returned to the ground, and walked out from a temporarily opened mechanism.

But when he just came out, he saw the stunned skeleton Tiandu and the scene where he was killed.

Wang Shuang was stunned, looked at the person behind him, and found that the person who killed the skeleton Tiandu was none other than the vice president of the skeleton guild, and the skeleton was unyielding.

(End of this chapter)

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