It's time to play online

Chapter 578 Siege

Chapter 578 Siege
"You don't need to look like this." Wang Shuang said indifferently: "If you don't cooperate with me, you will die now. If you cooperate with me to go back, there may be a chance of survival. Choose."

"I, I..." There was helplessness and hesitation on his face, several scenes of emotional expressions occurred on his chubby face, and then he showed a helpless expression, as if a girl from a good family who had accepted her fate was about to enter the brothel Floating expression.

Putting away the dagger, Wang Huang heaved a sigh of relief after successfully kidnapping the other party with his pirate skills, and patted the guy on the shoulder—at least for the next four hours, he wouldn't have to worry about the guy running away.


Not everyone's arrests were successful. Some players who did not have arresting skills failed, and in the end they were executed directly on the spot, and very few NPCs could come back.

Under the description of several NPCs, they quickly learned that this pier is under the jurisdiction of Tianlan City in front. Tianlan City, like Whirlpool City, is also a first-class big city. down.But what Wang Shuang was more concerned about was that when he asked if there were any adventurers in the city, the NPC replied that there was no for the time being.

"Isn't this a country and a city? There will be another town that is not under the jurisdiction of the country." Shengshi Hongtu pondered, and then waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, this is exactly what I want. Grab Tianlan City and use it as our frontline stronghold!"

"Indeed, Whirlpool City is too far away from here. As a secret base, it would be good to store some supplies." Wang Shuang also nodded in agreement.

With Shengshi Hongtu's plan and Wang Shuang's support, the others naturally had no objections.So the matter of capturing Tianlan City was quickly settled.

Before releasing several NPCs, Shengshi Hongtu blackmailed them viciously and handed over all the gold coins they had stored for many years. Wang Shuang was dumbfounded when he saw it: This must be a sub-professional skill. It can be done like this!
Shengshi Hongtu was obviously not surprised by the NPC's behavior, and the plan was proceeding in an orderly manner, and soon it was time to launch an attack on Tianlan City.

From a distance, Tianlan City was surrounded by a solid black rock brick wall, and every three steps on the wall, there was a heavily armed black iron heavy archer waiting in line.

What is a heavy archer?This is a branch of the archer profession, abandoning the agile rate of fire and precise hit of the archer, specializing in strength, and focusing on the profession of maximizing the damage of each arrow.Heavy archers sacrifice attack speed in exchange for attack damage, and their vitality and defense are also very high. In melee, they can draw a long sword from their waist to fight the enemy. Generally speaking, they are more flexible than archers.

In addition to the heavy archers on the city wall, there are also arrow towers set up at intervals. In addition, there are traps for rolling logs and rocks... There are countless traps just on the surface.

"This seems to be fully prepared and waiting for us to attack the city..." Qingfeng, the god of war, swallowed, looked at Wang Shuang and Shengshi Hongtu: "What should we do, come on strong?"

"No rush." ​​Sheng Shihongtu wiped his sweat and said calmly: "We haven't made any substantial moves now, and they shouldn't be able to see that we are here to attack the city. Think of a way first, can you Infiltrating Tianlan City, if we all go in, these outside city defenses are equivalent to decorations."

"That's right, so it can be done like this!" Everyone was shocked and praised Shengshi Hongtu.

A group of people quickly approached Tianlan City, and were stopped by a dozen soldiers at the gate of the city.

"Stop, foreign adventurers are not allowed to enter Tianlan City."

Wang Shuang walked up, looked at the NPC with the "Tianlan City Infantry Captain" on his head, and said, "Hi Captain, we are passing here, can we let us go in and rest?"

"Your prestige is not up to the standard. According to the order from above, we can't let you in." The soldier waved his hand very simply, rejecting Wang Shuang's request.

"The prestige value is not up to the standard?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, and then quickly asked: "How can we improve our prestige in Tianlan City?"

"Don't you adventurers understand these things very well? Of course, you are doing the tasks issued by the citizens or officials of this city, and let Tianlan City recognize you through your achievements."

"Then how can I receive these tasks?"

"Turn around in Tianlan City, there are many people who need help every day."

Wang Shuang was stunned for a while, and then asked: "Then I want to find these people in need, that is, I have to enter Tianlan City?"


"Then how to enter Tianlan City?"

"Increase your reputation..."

Before he could finish speaking, he stopped suddenly.Several people lowered their heads one after another, and found that a dagger was stuck in the NPC's stomach, and blood continued to flow from the edge of the broken armor.

"Wang Shuang, you are so straightforward." Xue Yique said after a long while.

"Didn't he tell us that you are all killers, and our Tianlan City Lord is the smartest?" Wang Shuang pulled out the dagger, turned it in his hand, and inserted it into his shoulder again: "To deal with this kind of smart Guy who likes to pretend, what else can you do? Besides, I hate it when someone pretends to be so arrogant in front of me. "

The names of the soldiers behind them turned into hostile red one after another. They drew out their weapons and rushed towards Wang Shuang.

"Let's fight, all captains quickly arrange tactics, pay attention to the heavy archers and arrow towers on the city wall!"

Soon the horn of battle sounded, and the countless strategies that I thought before were all invalid at this time, and turned into the most primitive handover of weapons, and the fight started in this small world.

Wang Shuang, as the team's most forward and sharpest striker, naturally did his part to bear the attack of more than a dozen soldiers oncoming - he successfully blocked the attack of one soldier, and then withstood the attack of the other eleven soldiers. The full output damage, the blood bar on the head vibrated, and soon lost 7W blood.

"De Lido!" Wang Shuang raised his left hand and roared loudly and angrily: "The dragon is armed!"

"Boom——" After Deliduo appeared, her body suddenly grew up, and a pair of black wings full of holes emerged from her back, like a huge umbrella covering several people.

Arrows rained down on the city wall, and the heavy archer's attack damage was very high. At this time, it was completely blocked by the pair of black wings.

"Who dares to act wild here?"

Suddenly the city gate opened, and an NPC wearing heavy armor, with a blood-red cloak hanging down his shoulders and with two or three scars criss-crossing his face, raised his giant axe and stared at one side, and soon saw the man in front of him. Standing at the gate of the city, Wang Shuang, who was closest to him, immediately shouted and rushed over with an axe.

(End of this chapter)

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