Chapter 588

They left Tianlan City very quickly, returned to Tianzhu Ark and Sunchaser Ark, and after a long time of drifting, they arrived at Whirlpool City again.It's still the same as when they left. There are many NPCs who are in urgent need of help. Wang Shuang also began to rejoice: Fortunately, they didn't offend these NPCs to death when they left.

A few people started to accept the mission, gaining NPC's favor and reputation in Whirlpool City.Time passed day by day, and the tension of the national war was gone forever. Gradually, the first player who reached friendship appeared, and then the second, third...

This place has become another game world, but the monsters here will not drop equipment after being killed, nor will they explode gold coins and allow players to gain experience.Raising reputation and favorability seems to be the main theme at this time.

One night, Wang Shuang finished the tedious tasks of a busy day. After lamenting that the task line of the national war is really long as usual, he habitually opened the leaderboard and glanced at the ranking. As he expected, today's leaderboard is still Two countries hang high above it.

After rounding off, the number of kills in the two countries has become 100W. As for who comes first, it still needs to be judged by the system.But this has nothing to do with them. Anyway, as long as there is no winner in the national war, it will not affect their plan.

When Wang Shuang collected his mood, bid farewell to Xue Yique and Bloody Rise and Fall, and was about to go offline, a very old NPC walked towards him, looked at Wang Shuang as if he had discovered something new, walked up quickly and grabbed his arm: " Wait, adventurer, I see that you are so black, I am afraid that there will be a bloody disaster in the near future."

"God's bloody disaster." Wang Shuang almost sprayed his face with a mouthful of saliva: "Brother fights with monsters every day, every day there is a bloody disaster, big brother."

"Oh, is that so?" The elderly NPC was taken aback for a moment, then rubbed his hands together, and couldn't help but ask, "Then...won't you ask me if I have any technique to resolve it?"

"Damn it." Wang Shuang stared blankly at the elderly man, dumbfounded.

This old fortune teller hasn't come out to cheat money for many years, and even his intentions are so undisguised, but are you a fool as a brother, and I still want to listen to you fooling around.

Just when Wang Shuang was about to refuse, the old man rolled his eyes, grabbed Wang Shuang's shoulder again and said, "Wait, adventurer, listen to me, I don't need money for fortune-telling, no matter if it works or not, you really don't need money." Don't you want to ask me?"

"You're quite interesting." Wang Shuang was a little surprised by his words, since he didn't want money, he might as well count it out.

"Okay, then let me ask, what solution do you have?" Wang Shuang temporarily gave up his plan to go offline, and asked with his hands folded around his chest.

"Here, let me calculate slowly..." The old NPC God muttered a few lines on the ground, and he knew it was a temporary nonsense line. What kind of land god, the God of Wealth, even the Taishang Laojun came out.Wang Shuang watched him work so hard, and wondered if he would go offline suddenly when he asked for money later, would he be mad at him.

"Adventurer, what's wrong with you recently?" He asked suddenly, and at the same time clasped a stone on the back of his left hand.

"What's not going your way?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, thinking that brother has been doing tasks in addition to doing quests lately. Being bored is a little bit boring, but there is nothing wrong with him, so he replied casually, "No."

"Oh, did you encounter any unpleasant things?"

"No, very happy."

"This... Are the relations between relatives and friends still harmonious? Are there any disputes?"

"Of course harmony, fluff."

"Has anyone around you died recently?"


Wang Shuang is a little annoyed, what on earth is this guy trying to do.

"That, that..." The old man looked embarrassed, his left hand was clasped tightly on his right all the time, and Wang Shuang saw something written on the stone between his fingers.

"Then you see that there are so many adventurers in Whirlpool City recently, are there any people you don't like?"

"Of course there are. Isn't it normal to hate one or two out of a million people?" Wang Shuang said casually.

"By the way, this is it!" The old man was very excited, and turned his left hand. Wang Shuang saw that the stone was turned over, and the word "big evil" was written on it: "This is an ominous omen, unless the fortune is destroyed, otherwise... ..."

Wang Shuang shook his head, he could see that this guy's technique was really bad, but at this moment, Wang Shuang glanced out of the corner of his eye, and unexpectedly saw a golden scroll hidden in the old man's sleeve.

"What is this?" Wang Shuang couldn't help asking, there was a faint magical power on the surface of the scroll, and a faint red luster radiated, allowing Wang Shuang to see at a glance that it was an extraordinary thing.If it is really a red-grade thing, how can it be ordinary?

"What do you want to do!" After noticing where Wang Shuang's eyes fell, the old man screamed, covered his cuffs and stepped back a few steps, looking at him in panic: "I can't give this to you, this It is my fortune-telling instrument, equivalent to my job!"

"How many gold coins is it for one life?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but ask in pain.

The old man was stunned: "Gold coins? No, no, no... only 10 copper coins at a time, small business, no change."

Wang Shuang slapped his head, but he forgot that in Star Wish, the average family's monthly expenses are only three or four gold coins.So after Wang Shuang grabbed a handful of gold coins from the purse, the old man's eyes straightened: "You, you are..."

"What are you doing?" Wang Shuang looked at the old man with a smile: "Didn't you say you didn't take money before, why are you grabbing my gold coins?"

"I..." The old man kept staring at the gold coin in Wang Shuang's hand, as if possessed by a demon, and could no longer move it away.

"Forget it, I won't play with you." Wang Shuang sighed, pouted his lips: "Give me the scroll in your sleeve, and these gold coins will be yours."

"Scroll?" A struggling expression quickly appeared on the old man's face, but he hesitated when he saw the gold coin in Wang Shuang's hand.In the end, he succumbed to his will and reached out and handed over the scroll.

Wang Shuang handed all the gold coins in his hand to him, and seeing the back of the old man walking away happily, he didn't know what to say for a while.

In short, let's take a look at what is written in this scroll.

Wang Shuang loosened the rope on the scroll, and the power binding the scroll disappeared, so the scroll also unfolded flat, and the light flashed in an instant.


System prompt: You have accepted the national war mission "Advanced Tribute".

——Advanced Tribute: Please go to the Sanctuary's Mansion in Whirlpool City, steal the clear blue crystal from it as a tribute to the God's Messenger, and then get information from the God's Messenger to solve the current predicament.

(End of this chapter)

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