It's time to play online

Chapter 590 Flower of Flame

Chapter 590 Flower of Flame
The silver wind gang split the two NPCs blocking the way, although they didn't completely kill them, but Wang Shuang didn't turn his head to look at them again.Now a large number of players are rushing to the two arks, and NPCs naturally rushed up like crazy dogs, intending to drive them all to death.

In a chaotic sea of ​​knives and flames, under the anger of the highest mages of Whirlpool City, a hellish scene is being staged on the pier: the ground is split open, and high-temperature lava is sprayed from the ground, and countless players are sprayed high. They were baptized into black ashes by the magma in the air, and then drifted away with the wind one after another.

"Feel the wrath of Levenar, Levengara, and Levin Aery!" The five-star magic robe trembled in the air, and the aged mage waved his staff angrily, singing very orange And high-strength spells of yellow grade.

The crack in the ground doubled in size again, bulging up like a nozzle, and a rock arm protruded from the edge of the crack, pressing hard on the ground, leaving a scorched black and sunken handprint.

"Who dares to wake us up?"

"Who dares to provoke us?"

"Who dares to challenge us?"

Three stone giants covered in cracks crawled out of the cracks, and there were raging flames burning in the cracks all over their bodies, as if expressing the anger of the mage.

Wang Shuang only felt that his ears were filled with the sound of rocks breaking and volcanic eruptions, as well as countless screams and the roaring sound of molten flames rising from the sky. Like a palette, the paint splattered in all directions.

The three stone giants are three bosses, all of which are level 85, and have similar attributes and skills. At this time, their fists slammed into the ground, and the flames burning in the cracks quickly burned all the way along the corpses. He quickly pointed out a way for Wang Shuang.

"You stand back!"

Several warrior players were shocked by these stone giants one after another. Looking up, they saw that their qi and blood were less than 10%, and the next blow of the stone giant in front of them smashed down coherently.At this critical juncture, Wang Shuang shot out from the side. The silver wind gang was completely out of proportion to the rock fist, but even so, Wang Shuang successfully blocked the slaps of the three rock giants in turn.

"Go back, I'm here to support you, get on the ark quickly." Wang Shuang looked back at a few players who were still in a daze and roared.

"Understood, thank you..." Several players put away their weapons and shields one after another, stepped back and retreated, and really didn't intend to control Wang Shuang at all.Wang Shuang was taken aback, smiled wryly, and then turned to look at the three stone giants in front of him.

"The fire of destroying the world fell from the sky, and all of you will be wiped out!"

The mage in the distance vomited blood, gritted his teeth and read out a spell that was very powerful at first glance.

Wang Shuang suddenly felt the noise and chaos in his ears quiet down, and a silent sense of fear appeared in his heart for no reason.As if realizing something, Wang Shuang raised his head and saw countless huge flaming flowers falling from the sky, blooming slowly as they landed, like daffodils in early spring.

But their appearance is three to four times as big as Wang Shuang's. After these world-killing flame flowers landed, each one covered a range of ten meters away, like stars falling from the sky, After the bombardment hit the ground, it was as if an atomic bomb had been thrown into the battlefield, with a bang that almost pierced Wang Shuang's eardrums.

One by one... the sound of explosions was endless, and Wang Shuang could even clearly feel his eardrums vibrating. If it wasn't for the game, he would have been deaf long ago.

But this is not over yet. After the flame flowers exploded on the ground, they shrunk their petals quickly, and then slowly condensed into one entity - a flame elf whose body was made up of burning flames.And each one has the strength of a level 85 boss!
The flaming fire rings of these flame spirits soon began to burn Wang Shuang's blood. Fortunately, Wang Shuang immediately summoned pets after discovering the integration of various situations. After Suzaku appeared, he immediately entered the transformation state of pet soul mode, immune to fire damage .

At this time, most of the players had almost finished playing, and Shengshi Hongtu began to send Wang Shuang a private chat to tell him to retreat. After Wang Shuang received the message, he glanced at the rock giant and flame elf in front of him, and then entered a dark lurking state. Feet run wild!
Looking at the NPC who was gradually being thrown away behind him, Wang Shuang was not to mention how happy he was.But he suddenly thought of a person, and looked carefully around the crowd behind him, and soon found the mage wearing the five-star robe.

He just looked at Wang Shuang coldly and didn't catch up.The bosses around him also gathered around him.This NPC is very different, unlike other NPCs who are like mad dogs who want to stop them no matter what, this mage just stared at Wang Shuang coldly when he saw Wang Shuang fleeing, then waved his hand and gathered around him All the BOSS quickly disappeared.

The bulging cracks on the ground, the devastated city walls, the battered battlefield, and a large number of woods that were burned not far away because of this war... He is in the center of this picture scroll, and his back gradually fades away. Stepping on the remains of countless broken arms and NPCs.

"Don't look." Shengshi Hongtu's shout woke Wang Shuang up: "Hurry up and get on the boat, it's time to set off."

After 10 minutes, the Ark of Scorpio and Ark of Chasing the Sun set off again.But this time the deck and cabin of the ship are much more spacious than last time.Because a large number of players died in battle this time and were resurrected in Tianlan City.

Looking at the tranquil ocean, the moods of several people couldn't help calming down.At this moment, several people including Shengshi Hongtu came up and looked at Wang Shuang one after another: "Wang Shuang, what do you say can change the fate of our national war?"

Wang Shuang didn't explain much, and directly took a screenshot of the scroll's mission to several people.Several people were very shocked and puzzled after seeing it: "Just because of one piece of crystal, the whole city is chasing us like crazy?"

"That's true." Wang Shuang took out the crystal from his backpack, presented it in front of everyone, stroked the surface of the crystal and said, "I don't know what is so important about this crystal, but since it is so, it should It also explains the value of this crystal from the side - how can something that is enough to be dedicated to the messenger of the gods as a tribute be ordinary."

"That's true." Thinking of the national war attribute reward they received when they first visited the envoy of God, several people couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"That's right!" At this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly slapped his thigh excitedly, and said repeatedly: "Although I don't know, it suddenly occurred to me that a cat must know!"

(End of this chapter)

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