Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 104 Men's Awkwardness

Chapter 104 Men's Awkwardness

Are you aware of the situation around you?

Xue Yingying quickly turned her head to check the surrounding activities.

It's just that he never thought that it would be him!

The result was quite unexpected, she frowned and stopped talking.

The opponent slashed down with one hand, and he would not easily bypass it just because Fang Yi was in an old woman's current state.

The most dangerous blade just fell off, he pulled out his toe lightly, and after a few movements, it was pressed under the sole of his foot.

If you want to snatch it, you have to pass his level first!
I don't know what was going on in this person's mind, but the first time he opened his mouth was not to reprimand Fang Yi for his bad behavior, but rather—"Xue Yingying, where did the spirit that you were serious with me go?"

In this tone, a lot of forbearable anger was added.

In my impression, it seemed that the two had confronted each other head-on, and never got along well.

She is not even afraid of talking about Jun Zhan, why would she be afraid of his appearance?
Xue Yingying raised her chin and smiled slightly, planning to come back.

However, the man opposite suddenly grabbed her wrist with great force.

Damn it, his male inferiority finally showed up?
She immediately raised her head in pain, her wrist was almost dislocated!

At this moment, the man unexpectedly embraced her small waist with a distinct waistline, but the bodies of both sides made a 180-degree turn.

This action—

Xue Yingying hurriedly raised her head in surprise, and met him with stunned eyes.

"Ah, sister-in-law, be careful!"

Even though Ding Keke reminded him immediately, his behavior was still several beats behind the man.

Is he trying to save himself?
Still unable to imagine that he could do this kind of behavior, Xue Yingying froze in place in a daze.

Finally, his seemingly thin body trembled towards her, as if he had received an inexplicable shock.He, together with her, took several steps back.

Even if it's a man, no matter how thin he is, his entire body weight is forcibly placed on her body, no one can stand it!

The sluggish brain finally recovered, and Xue Yingying managed to support his body that was about to fall.Bai Nen's fingertips wrapped around his back, she tried to support him who was crumbling.

But as soon as she touched her hand, her heart beat violently.

I can't believe the warm current coming from the palm of my hand, that thing will really be——

Holding a skeptical attitude, she slowly withdrew one of her hands, and the eye-catching scarlet color immediately stung her eyes.

No longer caring about the usual entanglement between the two of them, she took a hard breath, and then yelled loudly: "Wei Sen, listen to me! Before you arrive at the hospital, you must not close your eyes. Even if you doze off and squint for a while, it's not allowed!"

Turning around, she started yelling to the other side again: "Ke Ke, don't be dazed, call 120!"

In the current situation, who still has the energy to control Fang Yi's behavior?
Human life is at stake!
"Xue Yingying, you are right, and I have to thank you for your advice. It is too cheap to understand you! I want you to live in endless pain, and I want you to see the people around you with your own eyes. Everyone died because of you. This time it was your boss, and the next one is the child in your womb. What I can’t have, you can’t have it either.”

Fang Yi, who was in front of her, seemed to have been completely brainwashed to say such shocking words.

"Fang Yi, to put it bluntly, you are jealous of me! You are jealous that I can occupy everything about A Zhan, including his people, his heart, and the title of Mrs. Chief."

Xue Yingying tried her best to support that man who couldn't stand on his feet.While talking with Fang Yi, she couldn't help but wink at Ding Keke next to her.

Now Fang Yi has already fallen into madness, and if she tries to reason with her, the effect will only be counterproductive.

Ding Keke understood that she was putting herself in danger, so she quickly suppressed her voice and said to the other end: "120? This is a thorn—"

Before the address was finished, a big hand stretched out and snatched away the fuselage that was attached to her ear.

In this emergency situation, who is the stinky guy who doesn't have eyes?
Ding Keke was furious in his heart, raised his head suddenly, and stuttered again: "Old, old, boss?"

"I'm talking about Jun Zhan. A brother is injured right now. The time limit is 15 minutes."

The boss is worthy of being the boss, he speaks in a leadership manner, and has a standard concise and concise style.

But is now the right time to worship?
Ding Keke reacted quickly. Just as he was about to report everything in front of him, a hard mobile phone flew towards him.

At the same time, the boss said coldly: "Return you."

She gently rubbed the injured area with her hands, and someone had already started to move towards the dangerous zone.

Seeing him pacing and approaching, Fang Yi lost her initial calm look.

"Tan Junzhan, don't come here! Otherwise, or..." After trembling for a long time, there was no follow-up.

He didn't care about this, and with a casual glance, he caught a glimpse of the blood on Xue Yingying's neck that hadn't healed by itself, and anger secretly grew in his eyes.

"Otherwise, what do you want? Fang Yi, I won't keep you as a failure in my life!"

The first time she was lucky enough to escape, Tan Junzhan had regretted it for a long time.If that time, he personally supervised and implemented it, all of the following would not have happened.


Hearing these two words, Fang Yi immediately looked up to the sky and said with a long smile: "Compared with Xue Yingying, who is your failure? Isn't it because you married her for a certain purpose?"

I don't know if it's because her eyes are not working well, but Xue Yingying obviously noticed that Tan Junzhan's body trembled slightly.She didn't worry about the slight range that was too small.

"Today is your day of death!"

There is a kind of person who won't die if he doesn't do anything, and Fang Yi is probably the one who talks about it.

Tan Junzhan's words were extremely obvious, but her eyes still had a sense of greed until now, she refused to let go and begged: "Jun Zhan, Xue Yingying has told me the truth. You will marry her because ..."

Will Xiao Nizi tell her the truth?

Only this person in the whole world can believe it with a muddleheaded mind!

Tan Junzhan continued to move forward with a gloomy face, and finally came to Fang Yi.

This time, she didn't dodge any more, and raised her head to look at him without hesitation, with that infatuated look in her eyes, as if her plan was already a success.

It's a pity that no one present expected that, as the chief, he would actually take out the handcuffs with him.Regardless of Fang Yi's fuss, he didn't say anything else, and said only after tightening his handcuffs.

Maybe it's because of the drug, Fang Yi can't walk very well at ordinary times, and her staggering posture is like an elderly woman.In addition, her hands were tightly handcuffed, and she was even less agile in walking.

"Tan Junzhan, if you treat me like this today, you will definitely regret it in the future!" Until now, she still couldn't believe that all this happened.After thinking about it, she simply attributed the reason to Xue Yingying, and her resentful eyes wanted to pierce several holes.

"Hmph, look at your friend who is partnering with you, is he still there?"

Talking about Jun Zhan's words woke her up a bit, and when she looked back, where was the figure where the car was parked?

"Come here, turn this person over to the police station where Chief Xue is!" Han Lie gave an order, Tan Junzhan decided Fang Yi's future fate.

He would do everything he had promised her, even if there were thousands of thoughts in his heart that he wanted to kill Fang Yi himself.Therefore, he had no choice but to hand over the final exercise right to Xue Yinuo, who shared his wish.

According to how much he dotes on Yaomei, how could he let her go so easily?

After solving the biggest hidden danger, Ding Keke hurried forward: "Boss, I failed to protect my sister-in-law, please punish me!"

Others didn't say anything, but she felt blocked in her heart.

Unexpectedly, no one paid any attention to her confession at all.

Tan Junzhan took big steps, moved his feet, and came to her in a short time.With a cold glance, a certain wolf's paws were still tightly clasped around her waist, refusing to let go.

So, he barely held his breath, and his tone suddenly turned cold: "Release!"

There is no subject in the words, but the parties understand it clearly.

Wei Sen trembled, let go decisively, and smiled apologetically: "Boss, return it to its original owner!"

"Ah Zhan, no matter what, Wei Sen saved my life." On this point alone, she stood firmer than anyone else.

Completely ignoring his piercing cold eyes, she resolutely took Wei Sen's arm and was stubborn to the end.

Probably because of Tan Junzhan's influence, the ambulance arrived quite quickly.

Wei Sen was carried into the ambulance, after all he was injured because of her.Xue Yingying followed without saying hello, and a man in a white coat reached out to stop her: "This man, your husband?"

Xue Yingying was immediately dumbfounded. How could she have thought that her proactive behavior would be misunderstood by others?

Wei Sen, who was lying on the stretcher, looked weak.

There was silence around him, so he could guess what kind of situation it was.

So, enduring the pain in his back, he barely propped up his upper body, and helped her explain: "She looks just like her, and I still feel disgusted after seeing it!"

Listen to what they are talking about. Who was it that was not afraid of death to block the knife for her before?
"You go back first, and I'll take care of it here." His tone was resolute and tough, and no one could influence his orders, including her.

But who is she, Xue Yingying!Since childhood, when did you follow his orders all the time?
With one ear in and out in the other, she continued to follow her heart: "No matter how much you hate me, I just don't like to owe people favors. Don't want to see me? That's fine, give him a blindfold. No, plug his ears completely."

Anyway, she just had an attitude, and she would follow him to the hospital for life or death.

"Chief..." Really helpless, Wei Sen had no choice but to ask Tan Junzhan for help.

"Han Shaoting!"

With a loud cry, he came out of nowhere and stood upright in front of the two of them.

Tan Junzhan remained silent, and Han Shaoting said the following: "Boss, my sister-in-law was frightened today, you take her home first. I will take care of Wei Sen!"


With a single syllable, someone hugged her around the waist, hugged her sideways, and left.

(End of this chapter)

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