Chapter 106


Someone kicked open the door of the ward.

Tan Junzhan glanced at it, then quickly withdrew his gaze, and continued to look at the face of the little man lying on the ward.

Due to his existence, the visitor instantly burst into anger.Without much consideration, he grabbed Tan Junzhan's collar and pulled it up with brute force.

It's a pity that the two are not far apart in height.Tan Junzhan wanted to stay on his heels, but he didn't either.

These three people were not the only ones in the ward, there were also a bunch of family members watching.

Seeing the situation getting serious, Jiang Yinshi and Lin Qiao, two mothers, how could they let them mess around?
Lin Qiao stepped forward, grabbed his wrist tightly, and warned in a low voice: "Yinuo, your sister is still lying here!"

The implication is to let him stop messing around, but how could he bear it?

Quietly throwing away his hand, Xue Yinuo's eyes were full of angry fire, he stretched out his finger to point in his direction, and reprimanded loudly: "Mom, it's because of him—Tan Junzhan! Ever since the two of them got married, , How many accidents have happened to Nannan, you should know in your heart! If we don't take Nannan away again, we won't even be able to keep this child. "

"Yinuo, it's true that I didn't make proper arrangements for this matter..." Facing the former brother in front of him, and even the current brother-in-law, Tan Junzhan could only soften his tone.

Xue Yinuo's attitude is tougher than anyone else's. Tan Junzhan has always understood this point, so it's not good to confront him head-on.

Upon hearing this, Xue Yinuo became even more angry, "Arrangement? Arrange her in a confidential place and suffer all kinds of bullying. Is this what you call a 'comprehensive arrangement'?"

"Yinuo, please speak clearly!" Jiang Yinshi seemed to sense that he would fly into a rage this time, and he probably had to be involved in this matter.

He didn't intend to hide this matter.Opened his mouth, Xue Yinuo was preparing to come back, but an unharmonious voice came from beside him: "I don't think the timing of this child's arrival is right, it caused so many troubles as soon as it came!"

Listen to this, what are they talking about?
Every word that came to his lips was swallowed alive.

Xue Yinuo immediately changed his words, and sneered sinisterly, "It turns out that Commander Tan is still the same as before, and doesn't like our daughter? Well, the child in her belly will not be your 'Tan' surname in the future. Our Xue family, We can feed ourselves!"

People who are poor can't be short-sighted, and the other party made it clear that they looked down on them, so why should he let Yaomei be treated coldly!
Xue Yingying and Xue Yinuo, both of them have the same blood in their bodies, and even have the same temper in their bones - fat!There is no fear of the power of high officials.


Suddenly there was a loud shout, and Tan Junzhan couldn't bear the identity of double-sided tape anymore.

A trace of sarcasm flashed across his eyes, and Xue Yinuo looked at him coldly: "This is unbearable? Tan Junzhan, have you ever considered your daughter's feelings? Marrying you, wanting to be your Tan family, this is her It's always been a dream. It's just that you burst her dream bubble seven years ago, and your father—yes, it was Commander Tan who cut off all her back paths."


Jiang Yinshi took a step back in disbelief, stretched out her hand forward, tightly grabbed the hand of the person next to the pillow, and asked with a trembling mouth: "Jianguo, Yinuo, what he said is not true, is it?"

The corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, the man who had always been aloof and only knew how to command others, was actually silent at this moment.

After a long silence, Jiang Yinshi naturally understood the hidden truth behind it, and finally dropped her hands weakly.

She stared straight at the direction of Lin Qiao's family with unfocused eyes, and her eyes were filled with infinite guilt: "Qiao Qiao, I'm sorry, I really didn't know about this matter. She... If I knew this True love, how could I be willing to let you leave... I have liked her from the bottom of my heart since I was a child, and you have also seen it."

Shattered past events, shuttle reality.

Seven years ago, she returned to the Tan family compound accompanied by Dang Zimo.

She was included in the protection circle since she was a child. How could she have the opportunity to experience a natural disaster such as a landslide?After she came back, she became very quiet and often did not make a sound for several days.The elders who loved her all thought that she was frightened and hadn't recovered, so they didn't force her to speak.

However, such days did not last long.After wandering around the yard, she proposed at the dinner table at dinner time: "Mom and Dad, I don't want to stay here anymore, let's move out!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Yinshi's chopsticks immediately fell to the ground.Not caring about bending down to pick it up, she hurriedly stood up and turned towards Xue Yingying, "Ninny, tell Aunt Jiang, what made you unhappy? Aunt Jiang will teach you a lesson!"

"Aunt Jiang, I'm fine! Thanks to your care these years, our Xue family is really not suitable to live here." Xue Yingying spoke humbly, neither humble nor overbearing, and it was impossible to understand the reason.

She has been eyeing her since she was a child, how could Jiang Yinshi let her go now?

She clasped the back of Xue Yingying's hand tightly, with a look of panic on her cheeks, and continued to persuade: "Is it because of Jun Zhan? Girl, don't be afraid. I will take you to the army with me tomorrow, and ask him for an explanation." You two are a match made in heaven, how can he let you down? I won't let him go!"

I don't know which word she didn't use properly, Xue Yingying squeezed her face, and the crystal clear eyeballs all fell down.

Jiang Yinshi looked at that in a hurry, all these years, when has the little girl been as fragile as she is now?

She was about to comfort her, but Xue Yingying just took her right to speak.

She was crying, and the words that came out of her mouth seemed a little vague: "No, I don't want to. I want to leave here, I just want to leave here. I don't care, I just don't want to stay here. "

The tip of her nose was slightly sour, and her tears fell endlessly.

Jiang Yinshi felt the heart-wrenching pain. She stretched out her hand to comfort her, but she didn't expect the little girl to dodge, and threw herself into Lin Qiao's arms. She said sadly, "Mom, let's leave Tan's house! I can't stay here any longer. Go down, let's leave, leave the land that does not belong to us."

Everyone, no matter those who were present at the time or now, if Xue Yinuo hadn't said these words now, no one would have imagined that Xue Yingying's insistence on leaving would be threatened and authorized by someone.

If the Tan family wanted to obstruct it, how could the Xue family leave?

"Give me a reason, talk about the commander!"

Before everyone recovered, Tan Junzhan unexpectedly said such a sentence.That sound, no matter how it sounds, it sounds like it was salvaged from an ice cellar, without any sense of temperature.

Should this be the tone of a son's questioning?

(End of this chapter)

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