Chapter 167
Xue Yingying was very surprised by this discovery.

She shook the fuselage in her hand, couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and asked, "Turn all the phones off, and unplug all the phone lines by the way. Tan Junzhan, don't tell me, you want to create a two-person world." Do it!"

Even if he was thick-skinned and able to speak out, it was impossible for her to believe that broken mouth.

"Ninny, it's rare to be smart once. Come on, give me back the phone!" Tan Junzhan was not affected by anything, and stretched out his hands to her, intending to take her back, and by the way, he held her tightly in his arms, and stopped letting her think about it.

As for men, how many people are not afraid of women's suspicion, and he is no exception.

The reason why men are afraid of women's suspicion is often because they guess too accurately.

What a load of nonsense!

Xue Yingying suddenly recalled a little joke she saw on Weibo a while ago.

She couldn't help but start to wonder, what was the man in front of her hiding from her?

"Don't tell me, will you? I'll call back in front of you now." She spoke provocatively with a look of what you can do to me.

"Xue Yingying, do you dare?"

At this time, Tan Junzhan's attitude was still firm.

He was about to fly over and pin her down directly, so as to stop her next behavior.However, it all ended up being a step too slow.

The other end of the phone has been connected.

Tan Jianguo's extremely impatient voice came over, and the first sentence he uttered was——

"Brat, where did you hang out with her last night?"

hang out?These two words are quite accurate!

Xue Yingying smiled.

Seeing her like this, the man who forcibly oppressed her felt even worse. He pressed down hard, as if to say——Nizi, be quiet!
"Jun Zhan?"

At this time, the voice on the other side transformed into Jiang Yinshi, her tone was hanging at a high level, and it seemed that something had happened.

Xue Yingying's teasing temper immediately subsided, she nudged him, and moved her mouth: "Mom is calling you!"

"I'm here." Tan Junzhan responded.

Jiang Yinshi's disturbed mood was calmed down. She considered her tone and asked, "Jun Zhan, your father and I searched for you and your niece all night last night. You... Where are you?"

Well, finally back to this topic.

Tan Junzhan told the truth: "I stayed in the mansion all night."

"Did the two of you go to Dongning District last night?" In the end, Jiang Yinshi's voice was drawn into her mouth.

If it weren't for their excellent hearing, they wouldn't be able to hear very well.

What does this mean?
Xue Yingying sat up abruptly, taking advantage of her unpreparedness, she resolutely pushed away the big man pressing on her body, and snatched the phone.

No longer hesitating, she said directly, "Mom, I'm my daughter. Talk to me if you have something to do. We are a family and shouldn't be like this."

It made her feel like an outsider, and her heart felt tight.


Jiang Yinshi's reaction was even more suspicious. After her voice came from the receiver, Jiang Yinshi exclaimed, which failed to escape her ears.

Things are getting more and more confusing, could it be related to her?
Xue Yingying stood still, still thinking, when another voice changed from the other end.

"Your existence is the reincarnation of Broomstar. For the sake of Jun Zhan's future, you should divorce him and surrender yourself."

Talking about Jianguo has always been this attitude, and Xue Yingying is also used to it, but what does the last sentence mean?
She didn't understand.

Inadvertently, she accidentally touched the hands-free button by her ear.All the conversations fell into Tan Junzhan's ears.

"Tan Commander, don't even think about getting married. My daughter is an innocent person, where did she come from? You explain to me." She was wronged for no reason, and Tan Junzhan was the first one who couldn't spare the other party, even if the other party was Lao Tzu the same.

With a strong arm across her shoulders, he exerted force and dragged her into his arms.

"Being an innocent person? Hmph! Do you still have an impression of Qian Jinjin? The one who made you disregard your own identity a few times in a row and take the initiative to teach you a lesson." Tan Jianguo snorted contemptuously.

As soon as he reminded him, Tan Junzhan finally rang out this person, "What does that have to do with us?"

The two of them had been sticking together all night, and he didn't believe that she had the extraordinary ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, so he ran to the other side to make trouble!
"It doesn't matter? At eleven o'clock last night, Qian Jinjin was murdered at home. The back view and that mouth recorded by the surveillance camera are Xue Yingying."

Tan Jianguo didn't want to tear his face completely at first, but they forced him to do so. He gritted his teeth and revealed all the truth.

how can that be?

Xue Yingying's legs were weak, and she sat down paralyzed.Without his support, she would really collapse to the ground.

What kind of fool would do murder without covering his face?

"Jianguo, hasn't this matter been found out yet? Why did you tell all about it? How do you make your daughter behave?" Jiang Yinshi was extremely excited, and the two on the other end seemed to be having a fierce quarrel.

But Xue Yingying couldn't care about all of this, and Tan Junzhan didn't have the heart to stop the two of them.

She who was dumbfounded already gave him a headache.

"My girl, it's absolutely impossible! I'll follow up on the truth of the matter, so you don't have to interfere!" Tan Junzhan said in a cold tone.

However, when Tan Jianguo heard it, he almost vomited blood with anger: "Stinky boy, I am your father. I don't care about you, I just want to see your bright future because she lost it?"

"A future without her is not what I want." Tan Junzhan expressed his thoughts simply and forcefully.

After the phone was hung up, the little girl in his arms still didn't respond, and it was impossible for him to sit idle and do nothing.

In the next phone call, he got in touch with Xue Yinuo.

As soon as the connection was made, Xue Yinuo was in a hurry to swear: "Where's my daughter?"

"Beside me, I'm not in a good mood. What's the latest progress on this matter?"

Xue Yinuo's situation is not good, and her angry tone settled down: "My daughter is my sister, and my superiors do not allow me to interfere in this matter, in order to avoid suspicion. From the evidence we have now, my daughter's suspicion is quite serious. The safe There are traces of tampering inside, and Nannan’s fingerprints are left on the outside of the cabinet. This is more than that, this morning, a huge sum of money was added to Nannan’s account, and the source is unknown.”

Although Xue Yinuo replied in a low voice, every word sneaked into Xue Yingying's ears.

"Jun Zhan, I don't, I really don't..."

Xue Yingying finally responded. When she raised her head, she blurted out a voice that fluctuated greatly.

"I know, I've always known."

Tan Junzhan felt uncomfortable seeing her like this, so he held her tightly in his arms.

The mood of Xue Yinuo on the other end was also affected. He choked up his voice, and finally said: "I know my daughter's personality, she can't do this kind of thing, but others don't. Think about it later, go to the house last night It is in her best interest to know where she has been and whether she has left witnesses or physical evidence."

(End of this chapter)

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