Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 217 One Eye, One Life

Chapter 217 A Life at a Glance

When a ball flew in, the opponent didn't say hello, and the sturdy basketball flew to where Xia Xuanfu was standing at the speed of flying.

In that direction, the girls called several times, but no one noticed that they were quietly staying in place to take a rest at the moment.

However, at this quiet moment, Han Shaoting's fiery voice broke the atmosphere: "Xia Xuanfu, be careful!"

Before everyone had time to react, he charged forward, brushed away the girls around him, and threw her to the ground with a single pounce.

The whole class looked at it stupidly, and they haven't recovered yet.

Xia Xuanfu was furious all of a sudden, and before he had time to swear, there was an extra ball beside him.After bouncing a few times, it finally settled down.

Is it because of this stuff?
She was taken aback by the thought.

Soon a young boy appeared, he trotted all the way over, reached out and took the basketball in his hand.

He smiled embarrassingly and embarrassedly: "Student, are you okay? I slipped my hand just now and the ball flew out! You stand up and walk, if you get hurt somewhere, I'll take you to the infirmary for a while?"

When two tigers fight, one will be injured.

In Young Master Han's view, once a strange man approaches a woman, it is probably because of love at first sight or admiration.

Look at the smile in this man's eyes, 100% absolutely unmistakable!
At the same time, all the classmates in the boys' class gathered around and kept fanning the flames for him: "Hey, you stupid young man, what are you doing here? Hurry up and help her up, no wonder you are still a virgin .”

What does this have to do with it?
Xia Xuanfu didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of person, and the man on top of her had a dark face from the beginning to the end, without any sign of getting up.

"Senior Han, please let me go first, you are holding me down and I can't breathe."

Acting is also considered a skill, and it is beyond the control of ordinary people.

Xia Xuanfu Lihua sent a few drops of tears with the rain, her eyes blinked slightly, and the long eyelashes were stained with water mist.Coupled with the soft and weak voice, it feels really vivid!
Looking at the whole school, he was the only one who had seen her real face.

Play?He stays with him to the end.

The young elementary school boy made a gesture and planned to come over to help her up. At this juncture, Han Shaoting stood up abruptly, took her small waist smoothly, and stood firmly on the spot together.

"Senior, you—?"

The primary school boy's dull gaze was on his big hand, not only him, but also a group of people around watching, their eyes were all fixed on it.

Han Shaoting seemed to be at a loss, he froze for a few seconds, and then followed their gaze.

Finally discovering the problem, he didn't withdraw his hand in time, but hugged her tightly again.Looking for a good opportunity, he yelled loudly: "Xia Xuanfu, my fiancée. When she reaches the legal age, we will go to get the certificate. In the two years after I graduate, I hope everyone will take care of me!"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce just now, I am Han Shaoting."

Young Master Han's reputation spread far and wide in various schools in the capital.Once the name is reported, its purpose can be imagined.

"Ah, no way? It's only been so long since she entered the school, and she hooked up with Young Master Han? I don't know what method she used, hmph!"

The battle between women cannot be underestimated.

Pushing her into the abyss again and again, he just sighed for fun?

Xia Xuanfu didn't want to continue entanglement with this kind of person, she twisted her elbow, and was about to push him away, when she suddenly realized that her ankle was throbbing with pain, and she couldn't walk at all.

Really hurts!

She is also a girl, how many people in the world can handle it?
Even though she kept pretending, a crack appeared on her face inadvertently.

"Where did you get hurt?" Han Shaoting's face darkened immediately, seeing the tense look, he still had a bit of self-consciousness of his fiancé.

"I'm fine." Xia Xuanfu said in a stubborn tone.

"Still holding on! Stop talking nonsense, go to the infirmary first!"

Without saying a word, Han Shaoting hugged her in his arms.But he was still in class now. He just started to walk, and quickly turned around and said to the teacher, "Teacher, Xia Xuanfu seems to have sprained her foot. I'll take her to the infirmary first."

"It's okay, you guys go!"

The physical education teacher is a mighty man with a tan that looks like an African, and his tone is so soft that he looks like something.

Xia Xuanfu felt a chill in his heart!
They hadn't gone far when she heard the voice of the demon instructor behind her: "What are you doing here? Everyone is full and has nothing to do, just in a daze? Run around the playground for me!"

"Ah, teacher, why did you kick my ass?"

"You were at the same speed when you were running for your life? Your life must be over. Hurry up and run forward. Those who fail to meet the standard will continue to the next class!"

So, the rest of the class all mourned, how could there be that American time, studying her fiancé who came out of nowhere?

Of course, that voice is what a physical education teacher should be like.

After comparing the before and after, Xia Xuanfu quickly discovered the problem.

Her beautiful eyeballs rolled on his face: "Who the hell are you?"

"As long as you admit that you are my woman, I will tell you!" Equivalent exchange, this is Young Master Han's life creed.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll be greedy for your money?" Xia Xuanfu rolled his eyes nonchalantly, how could this man's point of view be different from others?
"As long as you want, the whole of me is yours, and you still like that little part?"

Walking all the way, chatting all the way, before I knew it, I arrived at the infirmary.

Xia Xuanfu opened the door for him, but there was no one inside.

Where did people go?
After putting her on the hospital bed, Han Shaoting searched inside and out for a long time, but he couldn't find any ghost.

Forget it, don't look for it anymore, Young Master Han decided to do it himself.

He was familiar with driving and found the medicines he needed in the medicine box, and arranged them neatly.

Xia Xuanfu was a little suspicious of his level, maybe half-baked?

"Are you a professional?"

If the answer is no, she won't let him take medicine even if the leg is crippled.

"I was injured a lot when I was young, so I got used to it. You don't have to worry too much! As long as you give me time, I will return you to a normal you." Winking mischievously at her, he was extremely confident in his skills.

"Then what if I fall into the root cause of the disease?" Xia Xuanfu was particularly nervous.

This is the cardamom age, she still has a lot of youthful days to live?
Who would have guessed that his answer would always be God's reply.

"It's best to be permanently disabled, so that no one will compete with me."

Hearing his resentful expression, Xia Xuanfu was overwhelmed.

As soon as she got angry, she was about to pull her foot back when he spoke up: "Don't move, it might hurt a little, just bear with it!"


Xia Xuanfu didn't even have time to speak, so he started directly.

The rough knuckles of his tiger's mouth touched her soft and slightly swollen ankles, and waves of numbness gradually came to her upper body.However, this feeling didn't last long, and he pulled her tender little feet out with all his strength.

That piercing pain, she has never tasted it in her life.

Out of face, she couldn't yell directly.Shouting like a pig being slaughtered, how could she let herself lose face like this?
It's just that the pain is guaranteed to exceed level five, right?
Xia Xuanfu endured it all the time, and her silver teeth were creaked by herself.

After Han Shaoting finished the massage with full attention, when he looked up, he found that her face was very abnormal.

"Baby, what's the matter with you, why don't you feel well?" His tone was discouraged, showing deep concern, and this tension didn't look like he had known him for a few days.

He is quite familiar!
"I'm really fine! I want to ask for a leave this afternoon, please tell the head teacher for me, thank you!"

The lifeless female voice spoke softly, coupled with a pale face, how could Young Master Han not see it?
"Okay! I'll go to the head teacher and tell the story. Now I'll take you home first!"

"Ah, no, you still have to go to class!" Xia Xuanfu kept slapping Kong Wu's strong arm with his hands, and the third party made him skip class again, and he didn't get into the ideal university in the end, can he blame her?
She did think a little too much.

"Don't you want to know my identity? I'll tell you right away! This is a private high school, you should know." Regardless of her wishes, Han Shaoting finally packed her up and picked her up forcibly.

When it was getting farther and farther away, he opened his mouth to speak.

Xia Xuanfu looked at him in astonishment, is the real situation exactly as she thought?

"That's right! This school is funded by my family, so I have preferential treatment! Baby, don't worry! Your future husband, that is me, must have a higher IQ than yours. Our future baby will definitely be a Sweet little doll."

Pfft, this hasn't even become a couple yet, he's thinking far ahead!

"Han Shaoting?" Xia Xuanfu called his name in an unprecedented calm voice, and then fell silent again.

Han Shaoting glanced casually: "Huh?"

"Are you sure and sure, you like me?" Xia Xuanfu's eyes were extremely determined, and the solemn expression showed that she was making an extremely difficult decision.

Hearing this sentence, Han Shaoting stopped in his tracks, and his puzzled eyes fell on her face: "I, Han Shaoting, am a man, so what I say must be true! You are the only woman who has attracted me so far. Watching When I saw you for the first time, I seemed to have spent my whole life with you hand in hand. Therefore, I am sure that women other than you will never appear in my life again. You are my only one, but if in the future If we have a little girl, it doesn't count!"

"You're going to be silly!"

Xia Xuanfu smiled happily, her soft body pressed against him tightly.

This time, she was moved, but it was beyond redemption.She thought she had found the other half of her life, who knew that there would be unknown changes in the future?

If they had known today, maybe the two of them shouldn't have started in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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