Chapter 241

"Mr. Wang, hello! Nannan is my sister, come to me if you have anything to say!"

San'er's father turned his head to look, but he was taken aback when he saw it, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence: "You, you, you...what does it have to do with her?"

"She was adopted by my family not long after she was born. Over the years, she is also considered my own sister." Xue Yinuo spoke the truth, stroked her hair a few times with his hands, and his doting eyes kept coming Occupying her cheeks is something that cannot be ignored.

Since Guan Hong and Dang Zimo have sacrificed their precious lives one after another to save her life.Compared with them, what is my own?

It's so insignificant!
The doting smile really made San'er's father freeze in place.

His hesitant eyes moved back and forth among the three of them, what is going on?
San'er saw that things were not going well, how could he bear it and continue to remain silent?

The Lord has never said a word, if she continues to let things go on, will she still survive?

"Daddy, even if it's not for me, you should also consider for your unborn grandson. He can't be born without a father!" The family card is the main card, and this trick is always the best, and it never fails.

However, Jiang Yinshi was the first to lose her temper, and couldn't bear to hear it, and threw the steel hammer out: "Success! You have a child in your stomach, but my daughter's is not? Huh! It wasn't you who jumped out on my own initiative, I did it with great difficulty." How could the grandson who was born die so young?"

"The child in my belly is also the grandson of your Tan family..." San'er returned back unwillingly, not realizing that she had touched her bottom line.

"For me, no."

Jiang Yinshi must have been infuriating when she opened her mouth, and she echoed Xia Xuanfu's initial stance: "From the very beginning of their marriage, I have let go of harsh words! I, Jiang Yinshi, only admit that I am from Xue Yingying's belly. The children born here are my serious grandchildren. Don’t even think about other women in this life.”

After Xue Yinuo made a sound, San'er's father stopped talking.Especially after Jiang Yinshi expressed such a position, can he have other opinions?

But San'er is still young after all, she hasn't made a fuss enough, she knows nothing wrong!
"My miserable child is not liked by others before he is born. Ah Zhan, you should say something!"

"Nine o'clock tomorrow morning, in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau, see you there or leave." The prince finally spoke again, but this sentence made it clear that he was talking to Xue Yingying.

What about her?
San'er moved her mouth and guessed her behavior when talking about Jun Zhan.

He took the first step and glared fiercely, and replied: "I have caused the trouble myself, and I will solve it myself!"

As expected of a prince, he didn't want to argue with her too much, so he left the mess for her to solve by herself.

Really good!
Xue Yingying was overjoyed, waiting to watch the show.

Xia Xuanfu just couldn't figure out what she was thinking, so he approached her and asked curiously: "Sisters, tell me, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?"

Sly smile!
Now that she has said that, how can she reveal it?Be silly!

"It's a secret!"

"If you don't say it, don't say it, who cares!"

"Shh, sisters, get ready to continue watching the show!"

With the actor's departure, the good show has gradually begun.

"Daughter, this is a military marriage! Even if you get divorced, it won't be your turn. As for the child in your womb, let's abort it before it's too late!" At the critical moment, it's still dad who can take it easy.

Commander Tan stayed silent, but that didn't mean he wasn't angry.

In the capital, the Tan family must not be provoked. The final fate of the Fang family and the Pu family is the best lesson from the past. Only fools want to get involved in this troubled water.

"No, I'm going to marry him, I'm going to..."

"Wang Yi—"

Screaming quarrels, plus crying, is this still like a ward?
Anyway, Commander Tan couldn't take it anymore.

"Yes, I'll take the little girl back right away!"

When it was too late, San'er's father desperately dragged San'er out with a cry.

Continue to cry, cry endlessly?
It's okay, just give her a slap in the face, "Shut up!"

Seeing the father and daughter leave, Xue Yingying couldn't help sneering, and Xia Xuanfu beside her suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. This is not like the usual style of sisters!However, what she was most curious about was another question: "Sisters, are you really planning to divorce the crown prince?"

However, Xue Yingying turned to Han Shaoting with a slight smile on her face: "Your boss is in such a physical condition, you don't plan to chase after him?"

"Sister-in-law, I didn't say anything."

Xue Yingying's eyes were too sharp, like a sharp X-ray, shooting directly at him.The feeling of being tightly wound up, strangled his neck at the same time, and it was so oppressive that he couldn't breathe.

If he escaped, that would be his fate.If I stay any longer, I can't guarantee that I will reveal all the secrets in the end?
"It's really useless!"

Xia Xuanfu couldn't restrain himself from attacking his own man.

However, this time it was indeed Xue Yingying's turn to persuade her: "Han Shaoting is your man after all, so you should sell him to save face, don't do this!"

"Mom and Dad, you go back first! I'm healthy and I'm fine. And brother, you go back first too! Please help me take care of the two little guys. In the next few months, I will There is no way to take good care of them."

"Ninny, where are you going? Brother can be your bodyguard." When it comes to this topic, Xue Yinuo is more active than anyone else.

Everyone's sharp eyes followed as expected, and he finally realized what was wrong with his words.

There's no way, he just wants to give, and treats her all the time, but he quickly finds the best reason for himself: "I'm just worried that something will happen to my daughter?"

"Brother, do I look like the kind of weak woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken? Come one, I'll kill one. Come a pair, I'll knock down a pair. You still don't believe my ability?" Xue Yingying asked him She blinked mischievously.

"Okay! Yinuo, my daughter is weak recently, let's go back first!"

The person who spoke happened to be Xue Yingying's adoptive mother, and so was Xue Yinuo's biological mother, Lin Qiao!After getting along for many years, how can a mother not understand what her son thinks of her?Even if Nannan divorced the prince, it is impossible for them to be together.The brother-sister relationship in name, coupled with the estrangement in the daughter's heart, this hurdle is difficult to overcome.

To prevent his son from getting involved, Lin Qiao had no choice but to strangle his wrist and drag him out vigorously.

Jiang Yinshi and his party also understood the hidden meaning behind her actions.

(End of this chapter)

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