Chapter 255
"Mom, I'm sorry!"

Facing Han Shaoting's attack, Xue Yingying watched Tan Junzhan fall down like this, and felt very uncomfortable in her heart. After all, this matter was also due to herself, and he was implicated in it.

"You... hey, Xiao Han, put Jun Zhan to bed first, don't let him freeze."

Jiang Yinshi really couldn't say anything that was too much accusation.She was still thinking about Tan Junzhan's physical condition, and she gave this order as soon as she turned around.

But there are some things she has to say as an elder.

"Xiao Han, take good care of Jun Zhan here, and don't let him run around when he wakes up. I have something to say to my daughter, so I'll go out first." Jiang Yinshi's voice sounded the same as usual, her expression Even more like before, she didn't seem to take that matter to heart.

But is it really the case?

From her point of view, not necessarily!
Xue Yingying was the one who couldn't let go. If she hadn't been unable to control herself last night and appeared rashly, how could he have acted insanely today?
After all, isn't it her fault that he ended up in today's situation?

"Sister-in-law, what did you do to the boss last night? I think he will try to find you out even if he digs three feet. Could it be that you beat him hard last night?"

When the bystanders heard this, they knew it in their hearts, he was purely joking.

But to her ears, it was a different feeling, she was getting more and more mired in the swamp of self-blame, and she was so deep in it that she couldn't extricate herself.Often at this time, there is always a need for someone to show up and come to rescue her.

"Xiao Han, this is their business, so let's stop talking!"


Han Shaoting is very flexible in using the six ways of vision, so he has been able to get along in the military camp for many years like a fish in water.

"Mom, thank you!"

Xue Yingying thanked her softly.

"Why don't you dare to look up? Do you know you're wrong, or are you afraid that my heart will hurt when I see your tears?"

She thought that if she didn't raise her head, she really wouldn't know how she looked like a little white rabbit with red eyes?After getting along for so many years, she will always understand something.

"Mom, I..." Xue Yingying hesitated to speak again, her little hands were mixed together, and then she was speechless, after all, she was the source of this disaster.


The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, and this child is also worried about her husband.Before that, the relationship between the two was as sweet as honey, and no one could separate them.Now that the two can't help but come together again, it's reasonable.

It's just that she has something to teach her a lesson.

Thinking that the worst outcome might happen, her black eyes dimmed obviously.

"Baby, do you know where you went wrong?"

"I know! I shouldn't have climbed into Ah Zhan's bed in the middle of the night, exposed my identity, and made him look for me like crazy this morning..." As she spoke to the end, the voice in her mouth was silenced instead.

"Wrong, terribly wrong!"

No matter how this child only thinks about her husband, she doesn't even think about her own safety.

Jun Zhan is already in her fourth year, and she is about to turn [-], which is the age of a wolf and a tiger.Lonely men and widows live together in the same room, and they have deep feelings as the foundation.In case the time and place are right and the people are harmonious, when the dry firewood is burning out of control.If there is a big commotion, shouldn't the still-stable child not be aborted?
Just thinking about it gave her a chill down her spine.

"That's—" Xue Yingying couldn't figure it out, she lifted her head and interpreted Jiang Yinshi's eyes completely.

That's the way it is, but is she thinking too much?
The child is his lifeblood, if the baby cannot be kept, it is probably impossible for him to reconcile with Tan Junzhan as before.

"Forget it, let this matter pass. Girl, you are not allowed to be so naughty in the future, do you hear me?" Jiang Yinshi put her hands on the top of her soft hair and stroked it gently, her heart aroused a lot ripples.

When other people's daughters-in-law are pregnant, which one doesn't hold it in the palm of your hand and take good care of it, but theirs... Hey, it's a mess, I really don't want to mention it again!

"Okay, I agree! However, mother and father-in-law must also take care of their bodies. Your health is what we juniors hope to see most."

"Hey, we are old, and you are growing up day by day. Watching the children grow up day by day, I am really afraid that I will leave you one day, but Jun Zhan's eyes..."

Tan Jun Zhan's eye disease is indeed the biggest rock in Jiang Yinshi's heart.Even with all its strength, it still stood there motionless.

It makes people want to beat their chest and stamp their feet angrily, so annoyed!

"No! Mom, which bastard dares to say that you are old? You say it, and the girl will help you get fat back! Jun Zhan and I are still waiting for you to bring the child up, so that you can enjoy the most longing for early What a happy family! Don't you want to hug Tan's grandson?" Xue Yingying, who said this, gently stroked her belly, as if she had already determined the gender of the unborn child.

"Ninny, don't be under pressure. Boys and girls are the same, they are the seeds of our Tan family. It would be even better if they lead the family. We have a huge Sovereign Group, and there will be successors. You I also know that Jun Zhan, it is impossible to force him to retire and go into business. As for Jun Yan... hey, I have worked hard for most of my life. Isn't it just that the children can have a good home? But he is good, his wife does We are married, but don’t think that we are blind when we are old. I have eaten more salt than he has eaten rice. Can’t you see that the two of them have no relationship at all? Want to hug their children, I guess it’s impossible in this lifetime!”

Jiang Yinshi said in a self-deprecating manner, with a hint of bitterness in the corner of her mouth.As a parent, especially a parent of a child of marriageable age, what you want to see most is that they can get married and have children in their own lifetime, so that they can enjoy family happiness?

"Mom, don't worry, there will be such a day. When Jun Zhan's eyes recover, I will help you to come up with an idea. What do you think?"

Xue Yingying's words were simply enlightening.

Jiang Yinshi slapped his forehead hard, and said: "Look at my memory, I'm getting older, and my memory is also regressing. This is what Benny gave me before I went out, saying that you asked him to find the information. "

Could it be aimed at restoring vision?
Xue Yingying was ecstatic and thanked repeatedly: "Mum, Mom, I really love you to death!"

"Ninny, what the hell is this? It's so tightly wrapped." Curiosity, everyone has it, especially suitable for Xue Yingying's previous gloomy mood, Jiang Yinshi became even more curious!
"Secrets, don't let them out! When you succeed, you will know, and now you don't need to ask more."

(End of this chapter)

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