Chapter 301
Tan Junzhan snorted coldly, obviously not paying attention to him.

Men, throughout the ages, have been a group of people with full combat effectiveness.

It is not uncommon to fight fiercely and fight to the death just because of a person of the opposite sex.

Mr. Zhuo seems to have foreseen the possible events that will happen in the future. After he coughed hard, he finally stopped him: "She is not feeling well. Since she is sleepy, let her stay here and avoid running around on the road. If you are worried , you can stay with her. I can't possibly hurt her, that person should have told you my story. "

There was an indecipherable astringency in his voice.

what happened?

"I've heard it, but so what! She is innocent and shouldn't bear the pain of your generation. Besides, I don't intend to let her know the whole story."

If you can keep it from her for the rest of your life, that would be the best thing.

It's a pity, can it really be done?
He asked himself, but he didn't have an accurate answer in his heart.

Once Tan Junzhan's gaze fell on her peaceful sleeping face, it gradually softened, as if only he and she were left in the whole world.

But this focused look is only fleeting.

After a while, he slightly retracted the corners of his cold mouth, gave a cold look, and continued in a firm tone: "I can let her stay, but there are some things I don't want her to know. My thoughts, you Should understand!"

Thinking that he is a dignified prince, he can respectfully address the other party as "you", isn't it because of Xue Yingying's affection?He should understand!
"Talking about Jun Zhan, I haven't settled with you for the matter in the capital. What are you trying to hide from me now?"

The little girl who was drowsy before suddenly opened her eyes, and the strong anger in her eyes burst out uncontrollably.

"How dare you pretend to be asleep for me? It seems that you have gained a lot of courage!"

"Hmph, don't change the subject for me! Seriously, what are you hiding from me? Say—"

Her hostile gaze was almost as if he could be executed by Ling Chi.

The crown prince rubbed her soft hair several times, his doting eyes lingered on her cheeks and never left.

But the way he didn't speak seemed to poke her displeasure.

With a backhand flick, she didn't let go of his hand that continued to come.

"Are you unwilling to tell the truth? That's fine. Anyway, Mr. Zhuo is hesitant to speak. I can ask him. Don't try to hide it from me. You also know my character."

It was too late to say that, Xue Yingying sat up immediately, and she turned to Mr. Zhuo with a sweet smile: "Grandpa, you must have something to tell me, right? You don't need to pay attention to this coffin Face, just pretend that he doesn't exist. However, my personality is not very good. If you want to join forces to hide from me, hehe—"

At the end, she didn't speak any more, but hummed softly.

As for the end, she believes that the other party can have this comprehension ability.

It seems that during these days, he has spoiled her too much. Look at this surly character, his tail is up to the sky!
It's just that he won't let go of the instigator.

Tan Junzhan's sharp gaze flicked over, reaching to the point where Mr. Zhuo opened his mouth to speak.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing! You won't tell the truth, and you won't be allowed to speak!"

After receiving his gaze, Mr. Zhuo immediately closed his mouth sleepily. Seeing that the two of them had reached some kind of ulterior deal.

Thinking of this, Xue Yingying felt aggrieved and panicked.

"Bastard, you stinky man! I'm pregnant with your child, and you're still messing around with my old lady outside. You bastard, get the hell out of here!"

Fist fists were thrown at him one by one, no matter how he vented his fire!
As for Tan Jun Zhan, he didn't explain anything, and let her vent.

Rather than letting her know about this, it's better to let her misunderstand, which is safer!
"You stop arguing!"

Mr. Zhuo slammed his cane on the floor hard, and the noisy people soon stopped.

Xue Yingying looked at him curiously, not knowing what it meant.

And Zhuo Fan, who was staying aside to watch the good show, came up with a sentence at this moment, and said with a smile: "Mr. Tan, as far as I know. She has divorced you. Where has she gone? Should she be with you?" You have nothing to do!"

So what does it matter to him?

Xue Yingying didn't know that he had heard the news, and she wasn't ready to confess to Tan Junzhan, so she could only stare at the man.

"Grandpa, I think Miss Xue is very interested in me, how about..."

What kind of eyes does he have!
Xue Yingying couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"To shut up!"

Mr. Zhuo was obviously very angry, the veins burst out on the back of his hand that was holding the cane tightly.

Xue Yingying felt strange, shouldn't Zhuo Fan be his grandson, why are you so angry?

Is it—

All of a sudden, her eyes were full of light, and she couldn't help but think of the sentence that Mr. Zhuo accidentally said before.

His great-grandson...

Could it be that she is his granddaughter?
Xue Yingying looked at him with vacillating eyes, feeling uncertain.

She had never heard anything about the older generation mentioned by her parents, and she also thought that her grandparents had already passed away, otherwise, why hadn't anyone come to her for so many years?

"Son, I am sorry for your father, I am sorry for you!"

Maybe it was because he understood that she had noticed something was wrong, and Mr. Zhuo didn't intend to hold back any longer, so he said this with tears in his eyes.


Xue Yingying didn't expect it, she was not ready to accept this fact at all.

How is this possible?
"Ah Zhan, you let me pinch your hand. I must be dreaming, right? It must be like this. How could I have a grandfather?" She couldn't accept this surprising fact.

Her fingers squeezed hard on his firm arm, pressing down unstoppably, deepening inch by inch.

"Baby, don't be afraid, I'm always by your side?"

She was timid and would find it difficult to accept it for a while, he had already thought of this.

Carefully pulling her into his arms, he patted her on the back with one hand in pain. After a few strokes, her nervous mood finally calmed down a bit.

The prince's sharp eyes flew over again, and the voice he blurted out made people shudder again: "Master Zhuo, I respect you, that's why I agreed to let my daughter stay overnight. It's you, it's you who broke my idea! You want to As I said, I don't want her to know, and I believe my father-in-law will not let her know either."

"My dad? Ah Zhan, what are you and my dad hiding from me? If you don't tell the truth, be careful, I'll get angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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