Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 303 The Turning Point of Emotion

Chapter 303 The Turning Point of Emotion
"That day, the sun was very good, and it felt warm on my body. Her peaceful appearance is still engraved in my heart. When I went in, her mouth seemed to be lifted up, and she smiled faintly. But wait I took a closer look, and her desk could only be described as dirty and messy, with all kinds of drawings and books scattered all over the desk. I was about to scold her, but she suddenly raised her head, met my eyes, Her eyes didn't seem to have the politeness I imagined. The cool eyes, it seemed that the smile was just my illusion. After a long period of time, she never smiled at me.

The saddest thing in my life, but I couldn't leave a picture of her.During the long period of losing her, I can only remember that time with memory.In the short time I got along with her, I was able to recall every bit of the memories of getting along with her one by one, and I didn't forget every detail.

At that time, I didn't know the reason why she hid in the dormitory on purpose. I thought it was the inherent arrogance of college students, and she just couldn't tolerate the instructors in her eyes.

Thinking of this possibility, I felt a sense of responsibility acting as the class teacher in my heart, and without saying a word, I swept all the things on her desk to the ground.Looking at those unsightly papers, I didn't look carefully. I was furious for a while, and several sheets were stacked together. I tore them several times, leaving none of them, and suddenly they became pieces that couldn't be pieced together. paper.After solving these problems, I grabbed her arm cruelly, intending to let her go out for training.

People are born equal, and it doesn't mean that she can't tolerate others just because she has received higher education.No, I must strictly correct her bad habit.

However, she broke away from my hand fiercely.When I was about to scold her angrily, my eyes met hers, and I couldn't look away.It's not that I fell in love with her at first sight, what kind of eyes are those? "

Mr. Zhuo lacked vocabulary, so he thought for a long time before continuing.

"Her eyes contain all kinds of feelings, heartache, anger, sadness, remorse... I stared at those eyes for a long time, and I felt as if I was the heinous sinner.

As for those things that were scattered on the ground, I found out after a while.She's in the dorm for a reason, and she's not the smug woman I imagined her to be.It was not easy for her family to have a college student like her, but the family situation was not good. It was not easy to support her to go to school.

When she was a child, she would follow the doctor whenever she had time, and learned some basic knowledge of herbal medicine.Her own idea is actually to drop out of school and learn art from a doctor by her side, so as to enter the society early so as to reduce the burden on the family.But she couldn't hold back her mother's insistence, so she had to go to college.

Those few days happened to be the days when her mother was seriously ill.The family was too poor to get rid of the pot, and her mother refused to go to the doctor.After she knew this, she had nothing to do with her mother, so she could only take time to study the Compendium of Materia Medica, hoping to find some prescriptions from it.The family was so poor that it was almost a waste of money.And her tuition fees are still a problem, and her mother's illness cannot be delayed.

With no other choice, she could only rely on her good painting skills and take time to draw some pictures for the album, so as to reduce the burden on the family.

But I didn't know that it was only a few days before she was due to hand in the drawing.Those drawing papers that I tore into pieces are the result of her spending nearly half a month.Destroyed by me, nothing remains.

Her tuition fees, her family, and her seriously ill old mother...

It was because of my indiscriminate actions that I caused a tragedy for her, and everything is my fault! "

The boy does not cry easily, but it is not when he is sad.

Mr. Zhuo's old past, all of a sudden, like a flood, all rushed out.

His eyelids were wet, and he covered his face tightly with regret.

He can't meet people anymore, especially these juniors.

"Ninny...will you forgive grandpa?"

He wasn't sure if the protagonist in the story was still alive, and his son made it clear that he refused to recognize him, but now she was the only one he could repent of.

Xue Yingying listened to every word from beginning to end.

She is also a woman, and she can also understand the mood of the grandma who has not met at that time.

Death is greater than sorrow!

Her pupils shrank, and she was more worried about what happened next than forgiving.

"Then, because of your carelessness, grandma's mother passed away?"

Even if he refuses to promise, this hurdle cannot be crossed.

Mr. Zhuo nodded vigorously, clenched his fists tightly, and a bitter smile slid across the corner of his mouth: "I know, I will not be forgiven. You juniors should have never suffered from the pain of not having money since childhood. Coincidentally A woman can hardly survive without rice, but a penny can defeat a hero.

I have never experienced the days of lack of money since I was a child, and I don't know that my own carelessness will cause her that kind of pain.I only learned about those things from others after we separated.

The original class teacher was seriously ill, and I represented their class for a long time.

Later, I fell in love with her.Maybe I fell in love with her a long time ago, but I have always refused to admit it.Perhaps it was her different attitude towards me that attracted my curiosity.

Pursuing her and making her fall in love with me was my purpose at that time.

I have been a playboy in D city since I was a child, which girl did I like without success?As her acting class teacher, I have the advantage of being close to the water.

I wrapped her up like a dog skin plaster, bought all kinds of superficial gifts, and used them to pursue her.What I want the most is money, I wish I could buy her heart with money.

Just like the TV show, Cinderella is always against the young master.The rich young master took money to pursue, how could she put those vulgar things in her eyes?

As you can imagine, my pursuit must have failed...

I have to admit that she is the first one in my life, and the only one in my life, who is willing to think of ways to get her favor.I want to win her favor, and even put aside my status as the young master of the Zhuo family.

I can't wait to show her my whole heart. What dissatisfaction does she have?

I don't understand, why am I not good enough for her?

My father found many women for me at the time, but I was still thinking about her all the time.

For a whole month, I meditated painstakingly, but there was no result.

There is no other way, even if it is death, I want her to give me a final trial result.

So, I found her.

That day was also a turning point in the relationship between me and her..."

(End of this chapter)

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